Supreme God

Chapter 474: Difficult Zoroastrianism


This is an extremely ancient temple, and it is also an extremely desolate and dilapidated temple. It is so dilapidated that the murals inside the temple are mottled, and the words that were once engraved on it have been corroded to the point that they cannot be seen.

Outside the temple, there were about a dozen men and women gathered together in small groups, constantly discussing the knowledge they had just gained. Among them, there was a pile of blazing flames.

"Evil will eventually be defeated by good, whether it is God Ahura defeating God Dev in the past, or we will follow the teacher and defeat those who believe in chaos in the future."

A man who seemed to be the leader of this group of men and women suddenly started talking to everyone. Although his clothes were ragged, he was in good spirits and his eyes were full of hope for the future.

"But, we have been in this mountain for ten years, when can we go out?"

This is a young man who has lived in seclusion here with their teacher since he was a child and has never gone out. He was full of yearning for everything under the mountain.

"Mani, although you haven't come down from the mountain, you must be aware of our situation. Under this mountain, both the gods and the human leaders are against us. And the humans who are intimidated by them have pushed us They are regarded as evil beings and dare not come into contact with us."

As the leader and the oldest middle-aged man, he began to comfort and persuade the young Mani.

At this time, in the Persian divine domain, the recognized highest god was the god Lord Marduk, but few humans believed in him. The Lord of God didn't mind either and never forced it.

Below him, the masters of the Persian Divine Realm were different. Whether it was the Supreme Temple or the Guardian Temple, although they obeyed Marduk's request and allowed human beings to develop, they never gave up their control over human beings spiritually. .

The place where they were located was where the ten major tribes of Persia were located. Here, the most worshiped gods by humans are Meher, the god of the sun and oaths, and Azar, the god of holy fire. Of course, Ima, the guardian god, Haoma, the god of holy drinks, and Bahram, the god of war, also have their own beliefs. Not a few.

At this time, suddenly a madman-like human race ran to the kings and humans everywhere and declared that above all the gods, there is a supreme good god. He is the great god who created the world. He once tried to prevent the world from falling into darkness. Among them, the supreme evil god Dever was defeated.

Human beings should not believe in other gods, or when they believe in other gods, they should at least regard the Supreme Good God as the supreme God, the highest God.

This argument frightened the human leaders. The Supreme Evil God Dev and the others all knew it. But wasn’t the defeat of the Supreme Evil God the joint contribution of all the gods? When did it have anything to do with this inexplicable Supreme Good God? There are several good gods in the Persian God Realm, but they are not so powerful.

If the leaders of mankind only drive away those who preach such heresy, the priests of the temple are not so easy to talk to. They took matters into their own hands while they were still alive, and invited various experts or killed them while they were still alive to kill those who spread heresy.

Therefore, the teacher of this group of people, Zoroaster, was hostile and hunted by the people in the entire divine domain, so he could only escape to this remote barren mountain and live alone.

He practiced hard here alone, opened up the path of cultivation for mankind, sorted out his wisdom and knowledge here, and taught his disciples here. He worked tirelessly for ten years and never left the mountain.

"However, it is precisely because humans are intimidated by those who believe in false beliefs that we should go among humans to fight those false believers and correct the wrong beliefs in human hearts."

In his heart, young Mani felt that he should not feel sorry for himself in the mountains, but should go to the world to fight and promote his correct ideas to the world.

"How to fight? Behind them are those powerful gods. Although we have received the teacher's teachings and obtained supernatural powers that are beyond ordinary people, we are still far from powerful gods. What can we do if we rely on the teacher alone? Can you change the hearts of the entire God Realm?"

Why doesn't the oldest middle-aged man not want to go out and fight? But it's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he can't. He's not strong enough and fighting will only lead to death.

"Even if I die, I don't want to die of old age in the mountains and forests. I also hope to die in a battle."

The young Mani was loud and bright-eyed, showing unprecedented fighting spirit.

"Well said, Mani."

"Yes, that's how it should be. We have to go down the mountain and tell the world their wrong beliefs."


After listening to Mani's words, several younger classmates also became excited and expressed their intention to go down the mountain. Among them, there is also a beautiful girl, she is the daughter of Zoroaster.

The older ones quickly reassured the younger children, telling them not to get excited and to obey the teacher's instructions.

"Zoroaster, look outside, I'm afraid you can no longer live in seclusion."

Adros smiled and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He was the reincarnation of Ahura, the Supreme Good God, but at this time, he had not yet recovered the memory of the Supreme Good God.

Although he has not restored the memory of a god and is just a human being, Adros cannot help but be amazed by this human's achievements.

In the past, Ahura, the supreme good god, once created the theory of five potentials and the dualism of three goods, but it was only a conceptual thing without practice.

This Zoroaster rose from the human world and developed this theory into a method of practice as a human being, opening up another path of practice for all living beings.

When the five practitioners, vitality, conscience, understanding, soul, and spiritual body, are mixed into one, they reach the realm of the Lord God. Zoroaster was only forty years old. When he was twenty, he received a hint of spiritual guidance in a dream, abandoned his family to practice, and began to recognize the existence of the Supreme Good God.

After wandering for ten years, his faith did not spread, but was hunted down by countless people. Zoroaster began to reflect on himself, sitting in this remote mountain temple, fully enlightening and practicing, compiling scriptures, and preaching and teaching disciples.

Ten years before and after, only twenty years in total, he had already stood at the pinnacle of the realm of the Lord God, and was only one step away from being the Lord.

Adros came here to visit this human being, and the two of them had been discussing human cultivation methods for several years. Perhaps it was because of his astonishing wisdom in his previous life, or perhaps because of his unparalleled qualifications. After talking with him for several years, Adros still felt that Zoroaster's wisdom and knowledge seemed endless.

In the exchange with him, Adros also gained some understanding of the cultivation of the future master of his lineage. Taking goodness as the general outline of everything means that light is generated from goodness and the world is created by light, or fire is generated by goodness and the world is created by fire. The gods are different and the paths are different, but what remains unchanged is the essence, which is all in good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

However, no matter how powerful this path is, for Adros, it does not mean that only stones from other mountains can attack jade. Zoroaster's way is not his way after all.

"If you can't live in seclusion anymore, then you won't live in seclusion anymore. After sitting for ten years, you should go out to see the heaven, earth and all living beings." Zoroaster sighed in a low voice, then turned to face the outside of the temple and said: "You guys Go and pack up, we'll set off later."

As soon as his words came out, cheers came from outside, and then bursts of hurried running. It was obvious that the disciples of Zoroaster had all gone to pack their things.

Even those older disciples, why don’t they want to go down the mountain

Hearing the cheers outside, Adros smiled softly: "It's time to go down the mountain. How do you plan to preach?"

In the exchanges between the two people over the years, Adros already knew that the sage in front of him summarized the Persian divine realm's worship of fire, light, contract, nature, etc. for countless years, with supreme goodness. He came to unify them and founded a sect in his own name.

This sect is called Zoroastrianism. According to the teachings of this sect, although there are many gods, they only believe in one god, Ahura, the supreme good god. Other gods are either belonging to hostile evil gods or belonging to good gods.

"According to what the Lord God said, it is extremely difficult to establish a religion without relying on the master of a country. I traveled here and there in the past few years and found nothing. Now that I think about it, it is indeed the case. In the Persian God's Domain, I If the teaching is difficult to spread for a while, then change the place and spread it from outside."

"Hey, this is a good idea. I wonder where, Lord Zoroaster, you want to start preaching?"

Taking a roundabout route and making a strategic shift, Adros couldn't say whether this method was good or not. In his opinion, whether Zoroastrianism can spread depends on whether Zoroastrian himself can defeat the gods who were his gods in his previous life.

Of course, as far as Adros knows, among these gods, Ahura, the supreme good god, seems to have been forgotten, otherwise the belief in monotheism would not be so difficult to spread. From the earliest times, the Persian Divine Realm was controlled by one god.

"To the east of the Persian God's Domain, there is a country called Bactria. I will lead my disciples from that place."

When Zoroaster mentioned the name of Bactria, Adros was moved and thought that this so-called Bactria Kingdom was the country left behind by the Bactria survivors who had gone east from Egypt.

However, he used the Star Preaching Technique to deduce and found that this was not the case. It was just that the people of the Persian God's Domain were used by the Xia Dynasty army from Kyushu to conquer Egypt thousands of years ago. They knew that there was a powerful country in the east named Bactria.

Later, it was gradually passed down, and this country located in the east of the Persian God's Domain was called Bactria.

"Your Excellency God, I wonder if you want to go with us?"

Zoroaster did not know what Adros was called, so he always called him Lord God. As for where and what kind of god Adros is, it has nothing to do with him. What he saw in front of him at this time was just a person who was having a great conversation and discussing spiritual practice together.

"Okay, let's go together. I also want to see what Daxia is like?"

In fact, what Adros wants to see more is the divine realm east of Daxia and west of Kyushu.
