Supreme God

Chapter 475: Dayuezhi and the Xiongnu


Adros followed Zoroaster, and together with his disciples, like ordinary humans, stepped out step by step, across the Persian Godly Domain, and also saw the various changes that were taking place in the Persian Godly Domain.

Unlike the Medes who also came from the Persian divine domain, the Persians were still divided into ten tribes and lived separately. Of course, the connection between them is closer than before.

However, those to their north were no longer the Medes they had suppressed before, but a powerful Mede Empire. This was a country that joined forces with the Babylonian Empire to eat up the Assyrian Empire that had existed for hundreds of years. The Persians could only live at the whim of their enemies and did not dare to resist.

Because of the brutal rule of the Mede king, the major tribes in Persia, although they obeyed the Mede Empire on the surface, secretly continued to connect with each other with the intention of overthrowing the rule of the Medes. But the Median Empire didn't care. Compared with the powerful Median Empire, the strength of Persia was really weak and pitiful.

As if it was a sign from the sky, King Astyages of Medes dreamed that his daughter Mandane's descendants would seize his throne and become the overlord of Asia. Therefore, he decided to marry his daughter to the low-status and meek Persian prince Cambyses, so that his daughter's descendants would not be qualified to aspire to the throne of Media.

But when his daughter was pregnant, the king was awakened by a nightmare. He asked an astrologer to help with divination and found out that the child would rule Media. To prevent unexpected events, the king decided to put his grandson to death as soon as he was born. It's a pity that this child was not actually executed because he was abandoned by a dead baby.

When the child was born, Adros and the others happened to pass by this Persian tribe. They saw colorful lights falling from the clouds into the tribe, and then a baby was born.

This colorful light cannot be seen by ordinary humans, but all creatures with the power of gods and demons can see it, not to mention the many gods in the Persian God Realm.

"Teacher, what is that?"

The young man Mani looked at this dazzling divine light, and his face showed a look of horror. He tried his best to look into the divine light, but could not see anything.

Zoroastrian frowned slightly, then looked up to the sky: "This is a way to dominate the first-level gods, but I don't know which god it is and what he wants to do?"

After finishing speaking, Zoroaster looked at Adros, hoping that the unknown god could give him an answer.

Adros used the Star Preaching Technique to deduce it in his mind, and then said with a smile: "This is the method of the current God of Creation in your divine domain. According to my calculation, he should have separated some of his soul to reincarnate in the human world."

"Humph, our creator god is Ahura, the supreme good god, not a foreign god."

The young man Mani was very unhappy. It was obviously the Persian divine domain, so why would all the gods recognize a foreign god as the supreme creator god

Little did he know that if Zoroastrian hadn't told them personally that he had neutralized the magic that Marduk secretly cast on Persia, they would never have suspected Marduk, the supreme creation god. The authenticity of identity.

In the early years, Marduk had directly replaced the existence of Ahura, the supreme good god, from the source of cause and effect and time and space. All the gods and beings unconsciously forgot about Ahura.

But Ahura also has means. As soon as Zoroaster is born, all the arrangements he made before his reincarnation and the magical magic he secretly exerted between heaven and earth will all be attributed to Zoroastrian. The body of virtue.

It's just that at this time, Zoroaster had not yet relied on the Three Good Dualities to achieve the rank of ruler, and he did not know many things. Therefore, it was difficult to use his skills in the Persian God's Domain, so he had to go far away.

Adros did not tell Zoroastrian masters and disciples that the baby born from the soul of the god Marduk himself was named Cyrus. Decades later, he would unify the ten major tribes of Persia, become the first Persian monarch, and lead the Persian kingdom to its first peak.

Nowadays, the Median Empire and the Babylonian Empire, which were once splendid, raised armies to divide Assyria and attacked major countries. This is the glory that lasted less than a hundred years. Cyrus would lead the empire he established, defeating Medes and Babylon one after another and occupying their lands.

Among the kings of the world, it is difficult to say who came later. At least before Cyrus, there were almost no emperors like him.

In Adros's heart, he had no time to understand how powerful Cyrus was. No matter how powerful he was, he was nothing more than a human emperor. He was just wondering in his mind whether Marduk's method of dividing his soul into becoming a human monarch could be effective in spiritual practice. If it works, then he might as well learn from Marduk and become an emperor on earth.

But it's still early days. According to the current situation in the God's Realm, Marduk can be said to occupy the general trend of the world. His actions are in line with the evolution of the God's Realm. Even Adros cannot stop him. The era that belongs to the realm of Chaos has not yet arrived. When that time comes, Adros will start to think about it.

Go east out of the Persian God's Domain and cross the barrier of the God's Domain. This is a God's Domain that Adros has never been to.

The composition of this divine realm is complex, and Adros has no way of knowing which creation god created it, but he discovered that almost no native humans were born in this divine realm.

Almost all human beings in the divine realm migrated from other divine realms, including those from Chaos, Celts, Arabians, Persians, and those from Kyushu.

In this divine domain, due to the different origins of human beings, three extremely powerful countries have been formed in addition to large and small tribal countries.

Among these three kingdoms, one is the Bactria Kingdom, which was opened by the Saka people who migrated from the Persian divine domain. This name was chosen because they had seen the power of the Xia people when they conquered Egypt.

One is the Da Yuezhi Kingdom established by the Qiang people who were expelled from Kyushu during the reign of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty. These Qiang people are good at conquering and fighting, and some of them are still with Xirong in the western frontier land that troubles Kyushu. The Dayue clan can be regarded as the most powerful country in this divine domain.

The last one is the country where the real Xia people gradually formed. They were formed by the remnants of the Xia Dynasty who returned eastward from Egypt, and the people of the Xia Dynasty who were unwilling to join the merchants when Chengtang destroyed Xia. Of course, at this time, they felt that they were not qualified to call themselves Daxia, so they had another name, the Xiongnu.

When Zoroaster went to preach, he naturally did not think about going to the Great Yueshi Kingdom or the Huns. What he chose was the Saka people who had roughly the same origin as Persia, which was the so-called Bactria Kingdom.

This time he preached, but he made a sacrifice, or in other words, he made his daughter make a sacrifice.

Zoroaster's daughter was loved by almost all his unmarried male disciples, who all hoped to one day marry the beautiful daughter of their teacher.

However, Zoroaster, after discussing with his daughter, married his daughter to the prime minister of Bactria.

He had no choice. Even though he was not in the Persian God's Domain, preaching was not as simple as he imagined. The tribal countries in this divine domain each have their own gods.

In order to extend the monotheistic belief in Ahura, the Supreme Good God, to the country of Bactria, which believed in many gods, Zoroaster made no progress and had to use the shortcut mentioned by Adros.

The rituals are established according to the king of the country. As long as the king of Daxia is persuaded, his Zoroastrianism can quickly spread in Daxia.

The prime minister of Daxia became Zoroaster's son-in-law. He was happy, so he agreed to Zoroaster's request and took him to see the king of Daxia.

Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win over countless others in the world. When Zoroaster and the King of Bactria met for the first time, they were like old friends they had not seen for many years, and they had a very happy conversation.

This suddenly shocked the prime minister who was the introducer. Although he became Zoroaster's son-in-law, he actually didn't think highly of his father-in-law, and just regarded him as a liar.

This time, he was brought to the king because of his newlywed wife's obsessive request in bed, so he had to agree. Who would have thought that His Majesty the King, who is always serious, would be so cheerful talking to him.

"I have long heard that in the Persian divine realm, the Supreme Good God has been forgotten by all living beings, and instead serves Marduk, the god of Babylon. Today, the sage came to my country to let me know that the teachings of the Supreme Good God still exist in Persia. Remember. But now our country no longer restricts which gods the subjects believe in. Since the sages want to pass on the teachings of the Supreme Good God, they should also let me know what gains the subjects can gain from believing in the Supreme Good God."

Although the King of Bactria fell in love with Zoroaster at first sight, he did not immediately decide to respect Zoroaster's teachings.

"I received the revelation from Ahura, the Supreme Good God, in a dream. I first walked on the earth for ten years, then practiced hard in the mountains for ten years. After twenty years of hard work, I completed a book of scriptures."

"This sutra is called "Avesta". The first chapter tells about the origin of the world and how Ahura, the Supreme Good God, led the gods to defeat the evil darkness and restore light to the world. The middle chapter was developed by me based on the instructions of the Supreme Good God. The theory of five potentials and the practice method of the dualism of three good things. According to this method, even humans can become gods; the next part is about believing in Ahura, the supreme good god, as the only true god. Blessed by fire and light, he will never escape into the darkness of pain.”

Hearing Zoroaster talking about this scripture, the king of Daxia was full of joy: "There is such a magical scripture. Please give it to me, a sage."

Everything else was fine. Zoroaster said that humans can become gods by practicing this method, which made him almost jump with excitement. He is already the king of the human world, but his lifespan is limited. What he wants most is to be like a god and live forever.

Zoroaster took out the scripture and wrote it on a huge piece of parchment. He hung it in front of the King of Great Xia, with a soft light shining on it.

Seeing the strangeness of this scripture, the king of Daxia no longer had any doubts about Zoroastrian's magical power, and he quickly looked at the scripture.

But when he took a look, he found that the scriptures were written in a strange way. They were all poems. Even though he understood the words in the scriptures, he could not understand the true meaning contained in the poems.

"Please teach me the wise man."

Facing the immortal woman, the King of Daxia immediately threw aside the restraint of being a king.

"The scriptures should not be passed down lightly."

Zoroaster said this without comment, and then looked at the king in front of him with a smile in his eyes.

(Superman is dead. Looking at the huge statue that is somewhat similar to his former self, being placed in the central square and being worshiped by others, Luo Chen feels mixed.

MMP, he's not dead yet!

This is the story after the death of the superhero with the B-shaped pattern tattooed on his chest...)
