Supreme God

Chapter 476: Mingzun and Changshengtian


"Since the gods have been unable to escape, our Juehai Divine Realm seems to have fallen into eternal darkness and loneliness. Whether it is Daxia, the Da Yuezhi next door, or the Xiongnu, they all seem to have lost their way forward."

The Juehai Divine Realm means that there is no Poseidon or Sea Realm in this Divine Realm. Because the founder of this divine realm is unknown, and even why it exists is not clear, so the gods’ realm calls it the Juehai Divine Realm. Even later, ordinary humans occasionally used this name.

(Actually, I want to say that there are too few written records on this map before 500 AD. I searched for a long time, but finally I still couldn’t find their myths. If I find the information in the future, I will change it.)

"Now the Venerable Zoroastrian has come from Persia, bringing with him the will and blessing of Ahura, the god our ancestors believed in, allowing us to see light and warmth again. From today on, all citizens of our country , we all must follow the guidance of Venerable Zoroaster and regard Ahura, the Supreme Good God, as the supreme god. Although there are countless gods, we only believe in Ahura and his many gods."

"From today on, we will build a shrine and a temple for the Supreme Good God Ahura. In the name of the Venerable Zoroastrian, we will establish Zoroastrianism as the state religion of Bactria."

"Venerable Zoroaster has brought supreme light and warmth to all living beings. All living beings should not call him by his name except when addressing the sect. From now on, he is the Ming Zun, replacing the Supreme Good God Ahura. Walk on earth.”

The decree of the King of Daxia soon spread throughout Daxia, and all the subjects knew that a sage, who could only be respectfully called Mingzun, conquered their king, and the sect named after him became The state religion of Daxia.

But ordinary people are very strange. They are not allowed to call Ming Zun by his name, but the sect is also called Zoroastrianism. What does this mean? Since the title is not allowed, then just change the name.

They don't know that after a thousand years, when all the nations in Kyushu are united and do not refuse the gods from all over the world to come to preach, Zoroastrianism in Kyushu will no longer be called by Ming Zun's name. It has several names, Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrianism, and Zoroastrianism, all because the influence of the flame at that time had surpassed that of light and became the source of the three good things and the foundation of duality.

However, Zoroastrian's disciple Mani later incarnated as a human being and passed down the branch of Zoroastrianism. Instead, he named the sect after his own name, which became Manichaeism.

Later, Manichaeism evolved again in Kyushu, integrating the methods of other sects, still based on Zoroastrianism, and forming a new sect. In order to commemorate the founder of the religion, Mingzun Zoroaster, the name of the religion was Mingjiao.

Of course, even if Zoroaster was the reincarnation of Ahura, the Supreme Good God, and had almost domineering power, he could not predict all these things.

At this time, he was standing in a newly built temple, welcoming practitioners from all walks of life.

"Since everyone is here, come in and have a seat."

Zoroaster's eyes were full of smiles, and he glanced at the door of the temple. The practitioners, whether in the light or in the dark, were all clearly visible in his eyes.

This was something he expected. Since he planned to baptize the temple on this day and accept all living beings to worship in the temple, he was ready to welcome uninvited guests.

In the previous Daxia Kingdom, there were beliefs in various gods, and people could decide which gods they believed in. But things are different now. If Zoroastrianism becomes the state religion, the belief in other gods will inevitably be hit. This makes the priests of those temples feel at ease, so they discuss with each other to come to the country of Daxia to find Zoroastrianism. Loast's troubles.

"I have met Ming Zun."

These priests are all practitioners among others, and they have more or less extraordinary abilities. They could feel the vast and rich power of light in Zoroaster, which made them feel terrified when they saw it.

Fortunately, the Mingzun's attitude seemed to be extremely kind. After forcing them out, he did not take action and instead let them in.

"I can't wait any longer. This time I made an appointment to visit Mingzun. I just want to ask Mingzun something."

A middle-aged woman wearing colorful clothes seemed to be the leader of this group of priests. She spoke to Zoroaster on behalf of the priests.

"Please say."

"I wonder how Your Excellency Mingzun will deal with us and other believers of the gods?"

This is the question that all the priests are most concerned about. All the temple priests are looking at Zoroaster, waiting for his answer.

"Your believers have the freedom to choose their faith. I will send disciples to teach them. As for whether to convert or not, that is up to them. Neither you nor I can force you."

"Does Ming Zun want to be an enemy of the gods?"

Although there are no explicit regulations, it is almost an established rule in this divine domain. Once a person chooses to believe in a certain god, no matter who he is, he cannot be allowed to change his belief.

On the one hand, this reduces a lot of disputes, and on the other hand, it is also to maintain the authority of the gods and priests. But Zoroaster's intention was to tell them clearly that he was poaching other gods.

"Enemies? Haha, maybe, if the gods behind you think so, you can let them come to me."

Zoroaster didn't care, and then with a wave of his hand, he captured all these priests in the open space in front of him, sitting with his disciples.

In the beginning, there were gods appearing in this vast divine realm, and gods from Persia, India, and even gods from Kyushu often appeared here.

In addition to the gods of these three divine realms, there is also a mysterious Slavic god system that haunts this place. But one day thousands of years ago, all living beings didn't know why. All the gods disappeared overnight and no longer appeared in this divine realm.

The disappearance of gods is a huge disaster for humans who rely on gods to live. But it soon became clear that the gods had not completely abandoned them.

The gods don't know why, but they communicate with some special beings among humans to convey their will. And these special human beings became the priests of major temples.

Because of the gift from the gods, these priests have more or less power above ordinary humans, making them highly respected.

It's a pity that these priests, who have been given power by the gods, met Ming Zun, and their meager power was completely insufficient. When facing Ming Zun, they didn't even have the courage to take action.

"Since everyone is here, there is no need to leave in a hurry. Today the temple will be opened, we will light the sacred fire of the altar, and then I will preach the "Asvita" scripture for the first time in the Great Summer. You may wish to listen together Listen and see.”

This Mingzun not only wants to convert ordinary believers to the Supreme Good God, but he also has no intention of letting these priests go.

"Mani, take this fire in my heart and ignite the life on the altar."

Ming Zun flicked his fingers at Mani, his youngest disciple, and then a ball of white flame appeared in front of him. Among the many disciples, the one he admired most was his young disciple Mani. He even declared to his disciples more than once that Mani could not protect the teachings he established, but he could carry forward the dualism of the Three Goods.

Mani looked excited, holding the white flame in the void that the teacher placed in front of him. Then he walked up to the altar with pious eyes and step by step.

In the middle of the altar, there is a pile of special wood piled high, arranged in a very special pattern, vaguely like a human figure.

Mani threw white flames at this special wood, and it immediately burst into flames, quickly turning into a changing human-shaped flame pattern that looked mysterious and warm.

"The blazing holy fire is the heart of light. The holy fire is immortal and the light never ceases. The source of the three good things is only light and fire."

"In the beginning, Ahura, the supreme good god, was born in a giant egg full of light and fire. However, before him, Dev, the supreme evil god, was born..."

Zoroaster began his lecture, but Adros could no longer listen. He did not know how many times he had read the Avesta, or the Ancient Persian Scriptures.

He got up and left the temple, heading east to visit the only god he could sense who still existed in this realm.

Since entering this place, he began to deduce the reason why the gods of this divine domain disappeared almost overnight. He could not know the specific reason, but he could vaguely deduce that these gods seemed to be driven out by a god.

And this god is the one Adros wants to visit, Changshengtian.

The name Adros was already well-known before he was reincarnated in Chaos, but he never knew who this god was.

From this time onwards, the Huns, who were in the process of transitioning from a tribe to a nation, were called the "Whip of God" by people from all over the world, and all the way to the later conquering nations were offering sacrifices to this god.

Adros crossed over to the country of the Great Yuezhi and came to the land of the Huns. He discovered that although this place was in a foreign land, the edge of the Kyushu ancestral line Kunlun extended directly. Just like the Snowy Mountains spanned the two divine realms of Kyushu and India, the ancestral line Kunlun also connected the two divine realms.

The cave where the famous, or rather fierce, Changshengtian lives is on this side of Kunlun, the ancestral line.

Yes, it was the cave. After Adros arrived, he discovered that Changshengtian probably had a deep connection with Kyushu. Even the cave was opened in the same way as many Kyushu qigong masters.

"Is it you? Changshengtian is actually you!"

When Adros saw Changsheng Tianzhi coming out to meet him, he couldn't help but be surprised. The god in front of him has white beard and hair, and the long crutch in his hand is oddly curved and high above his head, but he is an acquaintance of his.
