Supreme God

Chapter 479: Mother of Light, the rise and fall of kingdoms


Compared with the newly born Taishang Laodan, he is as harmonious as the light and dust, and is no different from a secular baby. When the little prince of the Sakya tribe named Siddhartha Gautama was born, everyone was shocked.

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth."

The prince was born in a different way. He did not pass through the birth canal of his mother Maya, but was born from the right rib. This is the same as the reincarnation of many Indian gods.

After he was born, he looked about the size of a three-year-old child. He walked seven steps in ten directions. Lotus blossoms emerged from the ground to hold his feet. He pointed to the sky with his right hand and the earth with his left hand, roaring like a lion: "I am the only one in heaven and on earth." "The three realms are all suffering, and I should make peace with them."

Then, all the visions disappeared, and the three-year-old child disappeared. The little prince was just like an ordinary baby, lying in the cradle.

This scene made the surrounding servants and maids, and even his father, King Suddhodana, shocked and confused, as if everything just happened was a dream.

"Haha, our Sakyamuni clan is about to produce a saint."

All kinds of visions all indicate that this child of his will achieve great things. King Suddhodana laughed heartily and thanked his queen.

But his queen, Mrs. Maya, died seven days later for some reason. The important task of raising the young prince was given to King Suddhodana's other wife, Lady Maya's biological sister, Lady Jampati.

"When the Tathagata comes, you all go."

Ran Deng's lecture on the Snowy Mountain came to an abrupt end, and then he waved his hand to let all the Bodhisattvas and Arhats in front of him leave.

In front of him, there were disciples sitting cross-legged, including Avalokitesvara, Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Ksitigarbha, Maitreya, Kasyapa, Vipasi, Shipai, Vaishvata, Jusun and Kunagamuni. There are also a few others, including Ran Deng's biological mother, Mrs. Kunti, and Kunti's four children, Jianzhan, Bijun, Wuzhong and Qietian.

More than two hundred years have passed, and they have all achieved the state of Arhat.

Maitreya, who had a big belly and a smile on his face, suddenly sensed something and felt a little worried: "Teacher, what's the matter?"

Above the head of Ran Deng, the light suddenly shined brightly: "The day Sakyamuni attained enlightenment is the day when I will enter and die."

After hearing Ran Deng's words, Kunti's expression suddenly changed and he didn't know what to say.

"Mother, you stay, and the others can go on their own."

Ran Deng waved his hand again, and directly waved away these Bodhisattvas and Arhats. Then, in front of Kunti's eyes, the light of his lamp became brighter and brighter, illuminating the void, and a side of heaven and earth slowly appeared in the void.

"Mother, when we first met in the past, you were just a young girl serving the Immortal in My Clothes. Did you ever think that you would be in this situation?"

Kunti's eyes were full of memories: "I was just thinking about a happy life. I never imagined that my experience would be so ups and downs. I don't know if it is appropriate to call you my son now, but I have always been grateful to you. , if it weren’t for your help, I’m afraid there would be more tragedies in my life.”

Ran Deng smiled, then flicked his fingers, and a ray of sunfire flew out, covering part of the flames on his lamp, and directed it towards Kunti's eyebrows.

Then, above Kunti's eyebrows, a divine eye like a solar flame appeared, illuminating the vulture cave.

"When my original deity and several great gods of the Nine Provinces shattered the heavens, I, like Bo Xun Shiva and others, took one of the days and named it Moli Zhitian. I will still be alive for a while and will help you control this world. . After holding the sky, you will always walk in front of the sun. The sun will not see you, but the other can see the sun. No one can see it, no one can know it, no one can harm it, no one can deceive it, no one can bind it, and no one can debt its property. , no one can punish him, and he who is not afraid of resentment can get what he wants."

After Ran Deng finished speaking, regardless of whether Kunti wanted it or not, he put the world in front of her into her heart.

Ma Li Zhi Tian, the Mother of Light, and the Mother of All Light Buddha, possess the great supernatural power of being invisible and free, and can save all living beings from dangers such as water and fire.

It seems that before she passed away, she should be taught a magical power that can hide her body, which is difficult for all gods to see, Ran Deng thought in his heart.

In the palace of Ganges, Ganga, the goddess of Ganges, looked at her son who had returned from the snow-capped mountains. She was silent for a long time and then said leisurely: "Kasyapa, I will not stop you from whatever choice you make. Whether it is to follow Lord Shiva To follow the current path of Dharma-rectification, it is better to follow your ‘World Honored One Tathagata’ and follow the path of human cultivation as your father said.”

Mahakasyapa shook his head slightly: "I don't know which way to go. My father wants me to see everything first before making a decision."

"Go, go, as your father once said, you cannot achieve enlightenment without practicing meditation."

When Ganga, the Goddess of the Ganges, asked Kasyapa to take a walk around the world, Ganda, the God of War, was also bidding farewell to his mother, the Snow Mountain Goddess, and wanted to find his own path in other people's homes.

At this time, he has discovered that Dharma-rectification is not actually what he wants. In addition to Dharma-rectification, there should be Dharma that belongs to him.


In the Great Freedom Heaven, or in the Shiva Heaven, the three creation gods gathered together and looked at the newly born Kshatriya prince in the human world.

Originally, Lord Shiva preferred to stay on the snow-capped mountains and practice hard, but now, there is a burning lamp on the snow that he doesn't feel comfortable with digging a cave there. Due to the original agreement, Lord Shiva can't drive him away. After leaving, I simply went to the Great Freedom Heaven to practice.

"Great Heaven, the Tathagata has already entered the world. The path he takes is similar to that of Ran Deng. He will definitely teach teachings other than the true Dharma in the future. How should we deal with it?"

Brahma doesn't care about preaching. Anyway, Vishnu and Shiva rarely play with him when they are promoting the dharma. But Vishnu is different. He is the venerable person in the world, so he is called the World Honored One.

But now the monks and practitioners have already called the newly born Gautama the World Honored One. This makes him very embarrassed and helpless. His title has been taken away from him, but he cannot defeat him.

"Let the people of the world make their own decisions regarding the teaching of the Dharma."

Shiva thought for a long time and finally uttered such a sentence, then closed his eyes and practiced hard. Compared with the righteousness of the world, he feels that his own practice is fundamental. Otherwise, let alone Tathagata, even Bo Xun would be inferior to him. The demon lord he transformed into Zi Zai Tian next door was his mortal enemy.

It is a pity that he regarded Bo Xun as a great enemy, and Bo Xun, or Marduk, only regarded him as a passerby. At this time, Bo Xun and his true form Marduk were studying how to block the way for the future Sakyamuni.

Vishnu was stunned after hearing Shiva's words. Although he was not like him, who often descended into incarnations to perform Dharma deeds, Lord Shiva also protected Dharma. Why did his tone suddenly become so soft

Immediately thinking about it, he felt relieved again. So what if he wasn't gentle? What they had to face now was no longer the same gods as in the past. For the Tathagata who is stronger than them, in order to protect the Dharma, they can only use some gentle methods.

Thinking of this, Vishnu began to study how to protect the Dharma in the future, so that even if the Tathagata was powerful, it would be difficult to take action directly.


In the Kingdom of Babylon, at this time, Nebuchadnezzar II, who was intimidating the surrounding small countries into submission and directed his troops towards Egypt, was the incarnation of Lucifer in the human world. Because he could not take Egypt, he was injured in the war. Gone.

After several generations of king changes, the king of Babylon at this time was named Nabonidus. This king, who had a strong interest in the study of ancient cultural relics, was at odds with the Marduk priest group, the main god in the country, and was actually planning to put aside the belief of the main god Marduk and establish a new god in the country.

The new god he established was a powerful god he heard from fishermen who went out to sea, named Atlantis.

The temple of Atlantis, full of maritime style, was erected in the kingdom of Babylon, directly opposite the temple of the god Lord Marduk, and even a head higher.

Above the void, the God Lord, who loved to joke the most and was never stingy, looked a little ugly at this time. Normally, he wouldn't care about this kind of thing. But now is an important matter for the transformation of the Babylonian God's Domain, and he cannot tolerate the inexplicable Poseidon coming to cause trouble.

A ray of colorful light struck down with the thunder, directly destroying the Atlantis temple, as if it had never existed.

Then, a vast ocean power rose from the seas, and suddenly collided with the boundless power of the God Lord Marduk at the edge of the Babylonian sea.

At the boundary between land and sea, it's like the end has arrived. There are constant visions in the sky, the earth is trembling, and the ocean is turbulent.

The two powerful masters began a battle that lasted for several years. They all relied on each other's divine power. Before the great changes in the gods' realms, they sharpened their own ideas and never used the most drastic means.

As for the Babylonian king Nabonidus, he was forced to go to the oasis in the Arabian desert to raise horses under the joint efforts of the priest group and ministers. He is also stubborn and still unwilling to serve the god Lord Marduk. Of course, for the sake of life, he will no longer create another god and just focus on worshiping the moon god Xin. His son Belshazzar served as regent together with many priests and ministers, and the entire Babylonian kingdom was in chaos.

On the other side of the Persian God's Domain, Cyrus, the incarnation of the god Lord Marduk, who was born in the Achaemenid clan, has united the ten major tribes of the Persian God's Domain and established the Achaemenid Empire as the capital of Persepolis. Ned dynasty.

At this time, the Persian army had already begun to move towards the Median Empire to resist the brutal rule of the Median Empire.

The Mede Empire can be said to be besieged internally and externally. There are Persian armies outside and rebellions by the Mede nobles inside. King Astyages of Media, the grandfather of Cyrus, now truly felt that the Mede Empire, which had dominated the Babylonian and Persian domains for more than a hundred years, was about to be destroyed in his hands.

In the Persian Divine Realm, a dying old man returned to his homeland surrounded by his disciples.
