Supreme God

Chapter 480: Mingzun went to see Emperor Cyrus


It has been more than thirty years since Zoroastrian left Persia for Bactria at the age of 40. The followers of Ahura, the Supreme Good God, have filled the country of Bactria, and even the neighboring Da Yuezhi Kingdom. Many people joined Zoroastrianism.

As a Mingzun, Zoroastrian was happy in his heart. He had no intention of continuing to promote his faith to the Huns in this divine realm. He had not yet defeated the Immortal Heaven who expelled the gods. grasp.

But I heard that the Persian divine domain was finally unified, and the ten major tribes elected Cyrus as the king of Persia. With a thought in his mind, Mingzun decided to take his disciples back to his hometown to pay homage to the King of Persia.

"Zoroaster, I have heard about you. After I was born, you went to Daxia to preach. Why, now that you have returned to Persia, do you want to preach your one-god sect again?"

King Cyrus was a very handsome man, with thick beard and hair, but it could not hide his kind and resolute eyes. When Zoroaster came to see him in the palace, although he had been worrying about the war with the Mede Empire on the front line, he did not directly drive Zoroaster out as his grandfather had done.

In the largest palace in Persia, King Cyrus received Zoroaster and his disciples.

"Ahura, the Supreme Good God, is the god of the Persian Divine Realm. He cannot only be worshiped by the people of Great Xia. The people of the Persian Divine Realm should also treat this father-god who brings kindness and light like their own people."

Zoroaster holds a long staff, wears a pure white robe, and his head is wrapped in a white turban. Only the belt around his waist is as golden as the sun, full of holy meaning.

"The Supreme Good God Ahura, the gods have never claimed to us that there is such a god. In the Persian divine domain, there is only the Supreme God Lord Marduk."

Cyrus's attitude was very good, unlike the previous tribal leaders in Persia who shouted to kill Zoroaster when they heard the name of Ahura.

In fact, it was precisely because of his kind and courageous character that not only the Persians were willing to rely on him and regard him as their king, but even the Mede nobles were willing to take refuge in him and abandon the Mede king.

"Great King Cyrus, you will soon see the existence of the supreme good god Ahura. Not only you, but all the gods and humans in this divine domain will know the god Ahura again."

The Ming Zun Zoroaster stretched out the long staff in his hand high into the sky, and suddenly countless thunders exploded in the Persian divine domain, and bright and holy light shone throughout the sky and earth, and everywhere in the world.

"O Ahura! As this offering is made, I raise my hands to pray for peace, protection, and joy for all of Manuel's creation."

The majestic holy voice sounded in the air. This is the first chapter of the first volume of the scripture "Asvita" compiled by Zoroastrian. It declares to the world that the relationship between the Lord of God, the Supreme Good God Ahura, and the Creator God Mainyu name.

At this time, Zoroastrian had already taken the step of becoming a ruler after more than thirty years in the Great Xia. He directly brought out the remaining power of the supreme good god Ahura from his long sleep and announced it to the world. His existence for all living beings.

As the sound resounded throughout the world, it seemed as if some seal had been unlocked. This seal was not real, but it was not an illusion either. It only existed in the hearts of all living beings in the world, like a layer of mist.

Then, all the gods and sentient beings in heaven and earth burst into tears. This was their Father God, their Supreme Lord, how could they forget Him.

Regret and self-blame filled the hearts of all gods and living beings, except King Cyrus, who looked confused and fell into a trance.

"Haha, Marduk, whatever you borrow will have to be returned sooner or later."

In the land of Media, the clone of Earth Mother Gaia in the Persian God's Domain suddenly laughed loudly, and the sound was directly transmitted to the Babylonian Sea, where the battle between the God Lord Marduk and the Sea God Atlantis was fought.

Just a moment ago, she was still fighting several masters of the Supreme Temple of the Persian God Realm. After all, the Mede Empire she protected was currently under attack from the Kingdom of Persia.

Below is the battle of humans, and the void is naturally the battle of gods.

The masters of the guardian temple are Spandalmat, the ancestor of the earth, the avatar of the earth mother, as well as the guardian god Imma and the god of holy drink Haoma.

In the Supreme Temple, there are Wohu and Asa among the three gods, as well as Mithras, the god of contract and sun, and Bahram, the god of war, who are also the masters.

In addition, this time, Azar, the son of Ahura and the God of Holy Fire, also sided with the Supreme Temple, which put great pressure on the guardian temple and was obviously at a disadvantage.

In the middle of the battle, suddenly, thunder started, and the holy voice spread throughout. Except for the clone of the Earth Mother Gaia, all the other masters were stunned for a while, and immediately burst into tears.

The earth mother Gaia was happy in her heart, and she heard a voice from afar, making the god Marduk rejoice with her.

The God Lord Marduk, who was fighting at the seaside, changed his eyes, put away the artifacts and magic, and said to the god in front of him: "Lord from the sea, I have something important to do now, and I will come to you for advice later."

"Fight if you want, leave if you want, it's not that easy."

Poseidon Atlantis is not happy anymore. He has been practicing with this god for several years. Now that he wants to practice, he is about to leave.

"So, you still want to continue fighting?"

Marduk had a strange smile on his face, looking at this strange but powerful Poseidon. Although your Excellency is slightly inferior to him in strength, it is not easy to kill him.

"Fight, why not fight."

Atlantis has never encountered such a powerful god since it met the two creation gods Chaos and Celt at the beginning of creation and was beaten by them together.

Even the two creation gods who originally opened up the divine realm may not be as powerful as this divine master. How could Atlantis let go of such an opponent so easily

"Since you want to fight, then let's fight. The three gods of the universe, the two gods of the sun and the moon, come here and have fun with this master of the ocean."

After Marduk finished speaking, he waved and left. Instead, five masters stood in front of Atlantis, each holding a divine weapon with scorching eyes.

For them, being able to fight a god who dominates the top is also an extremely rare thing. Divine weapons and magic were coming and going, all aimed at this powerful sea god.

Atlantis looked at the five masters in front of him, his face turned ugly for a while, but facing their attack, he had no choice but to pick up his spear and aegis and fight with them.


Black, mist-like divine power permeated the Persian Divine Realm, shrouding the entire Divine Realm like night. Then, under the cover of this divine power, the thunder disappeared and the holy voice disappeared.

Even the long river of time and space appeared, and this divine power went against time and space, erasing the scene that just happened directly from the source.

The gods and living beings in the Persian Divine Realm were suddenly shocked. They didn't know what happened and why they burst into tears just now.

Only in the void outside the divine domain, Zarwan, the Persian God of Eternal Time, and Swasha, the God of Infinite Space, looked at each other with horrified looks in their eyes.

"Are we going to take action?"

When the God of Infinite Space said this, there was a look of fear on his face. A few years ago, Marduk trapped the two of them in his weird divine realm to study the laws of time and space, but they suffered a lot.

"Let's forget it. When the Supreme God truly returns, we will go to him to settle the accounts."

The God of Eternal Time sighed and said, his tone extremely uncertain. Even if Ahura returns, what can they do to Marduk

"Zoroaster, after thirty-six years, I will allow you to preach in Persia, and even in all the lands ruled by the Persian Empire. If you want to start preaching now, you must do one thing for me."

King Cyrus's face returned to clarity. He looked at Ming Zun in front of him for a long time before he said calmly.

"I wonder whether you are the God Lord Marduk or the King of Persia Cyrus at this time?"

Zoroaster's long staff moved lightly, tapping the ground, and looked directly at the throne.

"Since he is in the world, he can only be Cyrus, not Marduk."

"What do you need me to do?"

Zoroaster also knew that he was not Marduk's opponent at this time. If he forced a fight, he would probably suffer a loss. It would be better to listen to Marduk's conditions.


Above the void of Media, the clone of Earth Mother Gaia was explaining to several dazed masters of the Persian God's Domain that they had been under the spell of Marduk.

These masters were surprised that they had just shed tears for no apparent reason, and knew that something must have happened. Therefore, the earth mother Gaia told them about the existence of the supreme good god Ahura, and told them that Ahura and the reincarnated human world are the one who is now in the Persian court and the human world with the god Lord Marduk. The Mingzun who incarnates and talks.

While telling the truth, Gaia, the Earth Mother, also projected the scene of the meeting between the human king and the sage in the Persian palace into the void. Although it was impossible to know what they said, a glimpse revealed their figures.

Then, a black curtain rose, erasing the projection. But the Persian masters all looked thoughtful, which made Gaia, the Earth Mother, smile.

"Spandalmat, or Earth Mother Gaia, you have been living in my Persian divine domain for thousands of years, and it's time to leave."

An old voice appeared in the void, and then Zoroaster appeared beside them, wearing a white robe and a long staff, with indifferent eyes, looking at the Persian clone of Gaia, the Earth Mother.

"Zoroaster? Or Ahura?"

Earth Mother Gaia was shocked and didn't understand why this gentleman suddenly came to cause trouble for her.

"I am Zoroaster, the great lord of Persia, and on the orders of the King of Persia, I remove the belief in the earth god from Persia."
