Supreme God

Chapter 481: Birth and death, illuminating the eternal night


In the Median Empire, the weather has been very hazy for three consecutive months, and people have not seen the sun for a long time.

The Persian army, for unknown reasons, stopped their offensive in the past three months and only stayed in the cities they had occupied.

There are dark clouds in the void, and within the dark clouds, the powerful pressure frightens all the gods in the world. The earth often trembles, and light occasionally shines through the dark clouds.

All beings above the mortal world know that two powerful masters are dueling here. As for the battle inside, it is difficult to observe even the most powerful master, and it is not known which of them has the magical power to cause it.

The momentum of this battle is actually not comparable to the battle on the coast of Babylon, but all the great supernatural powers from the surrounding gods are paying attention here.

"Is that goddess the clone of Gaia, the earth mother that the emperor said?"

Under the foothills of Kunlun Mountain, the Immortal Emperor looked to the west and asked Adros next to him.

"Yes, she is the Earth Mother who has been incarnated almost everywhere in the major divine realms, and is also one of the most powerful masters in the divine realms."

"But it seems that Your Excellency the Earth Mother is going to lose this time."

The Immortal Emperor twisted his beard and sighed with a smile. He was actually a god who didn't like fighting very much, but he had a good eye for it. He had fought quite a few fights in his past life. Anyway, he had more fights than Adros in his previous life.

Sure enough, when everything returned to calm and the clouds began to disperse, the two gods appeared in the void.

Earth Mother Gaia's hair was disheveled, her mouth was a little bloodshot, the staff in her hand was broken, and there were two bulges on her chest, one was swollen and the other was missing.

"Okay, very good, Mingzun Zoroaster, we will meet again."

After saying these harsh words, Earth Mother Gaia cut through the void, and a deep passage appeared in front of her. Then without looking back, she stepped into the space passage and returned to her true place in the Chaos God's Domain.

Zoroaster did not stop her. After three months of fighting, his clothes were in tatters and his face was exhausted, and he left tremblingly.

When he left, he didn't even look at the masters of the Persian God Realm around him, nor did he say a word to them. He knew very well that these masters at this time still did not know his existence.

The end of this battle seemed to be a sign. King Cyrus of Persia immediately issued his order to let the army, which had rested for three months, begin a general attack on the Median Empire.

This is the final attack and the final battle between the Persian Kingdom and the Mede Empire. It is purely a human battle. Under the order of the God Lord Marduk, all gods were prohibited from participating in the war, allowing the soldiers on earth to settle.

Within the Persian state, those priests and people who believed in the God of the Earth either converted or did not convert, and died directly. Cyrus never opposed the belief in any god. This was the only time and the one Marduk must do.

In his plan, there must be a battle with Khaos. Why should the Earth Mother continue to benefit


In the Khaos Divine Realm, in the Heart of the Earth Temple, Earth Mother Gaia had an angry look on her face that she had never seen before. She thought for a while, then stood up and walked into the underworld.

She did not make any cover up for her movement. The khaki divine power of the earth formed a thick and vast passage, leading directly from the heart of the earth to the land of the polar night, the country of Nyx, the Lord of the Night.

The gods of Khaos were all wondering why the Earth Mother suddenly went to find the Lord of the Night. Didn't the two goddesses have almost no contact with each other since the war of ignorance, and then they would fight each other when they met later? Could it be that Earth Mother Gaia actually wants to take the initiative to cause trouble for the Lord of the Night

"Gaia, why did you come to my place suddenly?"

The Lord of the Night was surprised by the visit of Gaia, the Earth Mother. Her avatar may have communicated with the avatar of Gaia, the Earth Mother, in the Celtic God Realm. But their true identities have never appeared in each other's territory.

"Nix, I'm here to cooperate with you."

Earth Mother Gaia did not say any polite words and directly stated her intention. For thousands of years, she had deployed various major divine realms and gained a lot of benefits. However, in the Babylonian divine realm, she suffered successive defeats, which made her feel really depressed.

The Hittite war was defeated by Marduk and Yahweh, and the Persian war was defeated by Marduk and Mingzun, which made her determined to defeat Marduk and other gods once.

"Cooperation? Cooperation for what?"

The Lord of the Night, Nix, is even more strange. For thousands of years, they have basically been in a hostile relationship. Even if they don't fight to the death, how can they cooperate

"In the future battle of the God's Domain, the Khaos God's Domain cannot be defeated."

The eyes of Earth Mother Gaia were full of determination and fortitude, which was in great contrast with her plump face.

"You should discuss this matter with Adros. He has many master gods over there. I'm just alone. Even my children have basically taken refuge with him, so I can't affect the overall situation."

Hearing what the Lord of the Night said, Earth Mother sneered: "Don't think that I don't know about your relationship with Adros. Just agree to it. If she tells you, I will go find him."

The Lord of the Night smiled leisurely: "I agree, you go find him, I hope you are willing to pay the price he wants."

"I will, no matter what he needs, this time, I can't lose."

Earth Mother Gaia said to herself in her heart without letting the Lord of the Night hear it. If she was defeated by Marduk again, she would be stunned.


After the battle, Zoroaster finally got the opportunity to preach in Persia. However, he was not in a hurry to preach. Instead, he took his disciples to a region called Parthia.

In this area, he was not eager to spread the reputation of Ahura, the supreme good god, but instead taught the world the way to practice.

This is the first time in the history of the Persian Divine Realm that someone has spread the cultivation methods of ordinary humans, allowing them to gain god-like abilities. Of course, in addition to teaching spiritual practice, Zoroaster also taught knowledge about astronomy, geography, marching formations, etc.

Mingzun, this legendary name soon spread throughout the Parthian region, and many dignitaries came with their children to learn from him.

Among these dignitaries was the governor of Parthia, Histaspa. His son, seven-year-old Darius, worshiped Zoroaster.

Darius was so talented that he became Zoroaster's only secret disciple for decades. The last secret disciple was Mani who he accepted before going to Daxia to preach.

At this time, although Mani was only in his early fifties, he had already become a god through practice. He was the first among Zoroaster's disciples to become a god.

Zoroaster taught his disciples in this area, but seemed to have forgotten the missionary matter, leaving his disciples puzzled.

Until one night, just before dawn, Zoroaster's servant called a group of disciples to him. When all the disciples saw Zoroaster, they were all shocked.

How does this look like their teacher who was strong enough to fight the master? At this time, Zoroaster's face was yellow and without a trace of blood, and he looked like he was about to die when his oil was exhausted.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Mani was very worried. Even he, a disciple who had just completed the cultivation of the five potentials and had just begun the path of the three good deeds, already had the power of immortality. His teacher has perfected their lineage of practice and has the incredible ability to generate light due to good deeds and create the world due to light. How could he be troubled by his lifespan

"A year ago, I fought with the Earth Mother of Khaos. I won, but the essence of my body was revealed. Now, I am about to die."

Zoroaster's eyes were full of gentleness and kindness. He looked at the disciples and saw that they were in grief. He felt a little unbearable, but he didn't say much.

Since he was preaching to others, he would still have to go through this life after all.

"Don't cry anymore. While I'm still alive, I have to explain some funeral arrangements to you."

Zoroaster stopped the sorrow of his disciples and said to them: "Vestaba, you were originally the king of Great Xia. In order to follow the footsteps of the great god Ahura, you gave up your throne and followed me to practice asceticism. You have great achievements. Merit to my teaching. After my death, you will succeed me and become the leader of all disciples."

The former king of Great Xia, now Zoroastrian's disciple Vestapa, knelt on the ground and cried: "Before Mingzun arrived, the world seemed like a long night. Your arrival is like giving the world They all bring light. I’m worried what should I do if the world falls into darkness again after you die?”

Zoroaster smiled weakly and pointed to Darius next to him: "He, Darius, my youngest disciple, will bring the light of Ahura, the supreme good god, to shine all over the world. All the darkness in the world will be driven away by light.”

The young Darius raised his head and looked at his teacher, full of doubts.

Zoroaster stroked his head and said softly to him: "The teacher has high expectations for you, can you do it, Darius?"


Although he was young, Darius's answer was sonorous and powerful. And this promise to his teacher has been with him throughout his life.

"Mani, you are the one with the best spiritual talent among my disciples. After my death, you used your holy fire to ignite my corpse and let my soul return to the heaven of the Supreme Good God. "

Mani nodded silently with tears in his eyes. He had been adopted by Zoroaster since he was a child. Zoroaster was both his teacher and his father.

At this time, a ray of light lit up in the east. This was not the light of the rising sun, but a majestic light that broke through the eternal night.

"It's really amazing. Before entering death, I can still see another sage born in the east."

Zoroaster recalled that he had seen the birth of Eastern sages three times over the years. He felt happy and felt that the road was broad and he was not walking alone.

Then, in this joy, he sat up cross-legged and ended his life.

"The blazing holy fire burns my remaining body. My heart is peaceful and happy only because of the light."

The white holy fire lit Zoroaster's body, and the disciples sat cross-legged around it, chanting eulogies.

The morning sun shines above them, seeming to indicate to this sect that the darkness has passed and light will eventually come.

In the void, a dharma body composed of flames and light was smiling and nodding downwards.
