Supreme God

Chapter 484: Before big changes come


"You finally got your revenge."

The Lord of the Night, Nyx, saw the Dark Source Stone brought by Adros, his eyes seemed to be smiling and sighing, feeling inexplicably. Erebus, the Lord of Darkness, was her former husband, but he had turned against her thousands of years ago. Because of this incident, her two children with Erebus, Etel, the lord of space, and Hemera, the goddess of day, also resented her, but she was helpless.

Nyx also knew very well about the last time Erebus conspired with Earth Mother Gaia to ambush Adros. She also understood that with Adros's personality, there would be consequences. She had actually expected this result.

"I have no other requirements. I just hope that you can spare those two children as much as possible in the future."

Nyx sighed, and then the night sky fell, swaying over the place where Adros was refining the divine throne, blocking out all light.

In this pure night, there is only darkness, just like at the beginning of chaos, there is no light, only darkness.

"Okay, they won't fall into my hands."

Adros naturally knew which children Nyx was talking about, and he also understood that they would definitely take revenge for the death of Erebus, the Lord of Darkness.

But Adros didn't care. With the realm and methods of the Lord of Space and the Goddess of Day, Adros knew what they were going to do before they even took action.

The cicada wakes up before the autumn wind moves. Whether it is the Ziwei Dou Shu evolved by Adros in the Kyushu, or the astrology pioneered in the realm of the gods, he can almost know everything about the world.

The three goddesses of destiny, standing by and turning destiny into fire, said nothing.


The majestic Mount Olympus is still the center of the Chaos Divine Domain. In the palace on this mountain, lives the king of the entire world, Zeus, who controls thunder and lightning.

Not only the God King Zeus, but according to the past covenant between the gods, the two previous God Kings, the Lord of Space and the Goddess of Day, and even the Earth Mother Gaia, all have their own palaces in Mount Olympus.

At this time, in the palace of the God King located at the core of the temple, the shocking thunder continued to flash, and the loud rumbling sound made the entire Olympus tremble.

In addition to the thunder, there is also the law of time and space that is as twisted as a water curtain, also shuttling around the palace. Wherever it goes, there is chaos and nothingness.

This palace has become a forbidden place for Mount Olympus. In fact, in these hundreds of years, no gods have ever come in or out. Even Hera, the Queen of Olympus, has basically not returned to Olympus in more than a hundred years.

At this time, Hera, the Queen of Gods, had almost revealed her identity as the Lord of Uranus in the Court of Stars, and took her two daughters, the goddess of childbirth and the goddess of youth, to settle in the starry sky. Even her three gods, the three daughters of Zeus and Themis, the Lord of Justice, and the three goddesses of time, also followed her to the starry sky.

Similar to Hera, the news that the former Queen of the Sea became the Lord of Neptune in the Court of Stars, and that the former Queen of Hades became the Lord of Pluto, spread throughout the Chaos Divine Realm in almost a hundred years.

All the gods and humans were waiting for how these three sons of Cronus, the three kings in charge of the Divine Court, the Ocean and the Underworld respectively, would take revenge on the Star Divine Court, but they never saw it.

Even though the Lord of the Stars has not appeared for a hundred years, the Divine Court of Stars remains unmoved.

Zeus and Poseidon seem to have important matters over the years and have never appeared in front of the gods. Hades, the king of Hades, appears in the world from time to time, but he has been fighting with the goddess of wisdom Athena and the Lord of the South Dipper of the Court of Stars. And at this time, it started to fall behind.

·To this day, although the mortal creatures in Chaos are unclear, the senior gods basically know the powerful strength of the Star Divine Court.

The Lord of the Stars, the Lord of the South Dipper and the Lord of the Big Dipper, the three goddesses of fate, plus the Lord of the Night, who are basically on the side of the Star Divine Court. Their high-end combat power seems to be no longer inferior to that of the Olympus Divine Court. As for the main god level, the Olympus Divine Court is even more incomparable to the Star Divine Court. It has almost been hollowed out by the Star Divine Court.

Back on Mount Olympus, the gods looked at the temple of God King Zeus from a distance and did not dare to approach. The terrifying power formed by the combination of thunder and time and space made them feel frightened just looking at it.

Etel, the lord of space, and Hemera, the goddess of day, stood closest to the temple, protecting the god king in the temple. At this time, their faces, without exception, were full of anger.

"This kid Adros, I really regret letting him grow up to this point."

The Lord of Space's tone was full of regret. At first, when Adros went to the starry sky for the first time, he thought he had a chance to get rid of the other party.

"Forget it, Ethel, haven't you discovered it until now? He is not the son of Zeus, but the reincarnation of a foreign god. Not to mention you and me, when the earth mother Gaia wanted to get rid of him, she didn't success."

Hemera, the goddess of day, looked away and comforted her brother and husband.

"Hemera, don't you want to avenge your father?"

The Lord of Space looked at his wife with dissatisfaction. How could he just let it go like this for his enemy Adros.

Hemera sighed: "The earth mother Gaia has already kept her hand, and the Lord of the Stars has not exhausted the details. Although the Father God has lost his divinity, the origin of the soul has been preserved no matter what. I heard that there is a name in the world. For the sake of the law of reincarnation, I just want to help Father God reincarnate."

"Impossible, I must avenge this big revenge against them."

The Lord of Space Etel's tone was firm and full of resentment, and his eyes were filled with the light of hatred.

"Revenge? You are thinking too simply. What revenge can we take? With our strength, how can we still be enemies with the Mother of Earth and the Lord of the Stars? Let alone us, even if the three god kings in front of us succeed in breaking through, I think They may not be their opponents.”

Ethel waved her hand, not wanting to listen to Hemera's persuasion anymore, and said calmly: "There will always be a chance."

He also knew that in the future, he felt that he would be able to seize the opportunity during the war in the Divine Realm.


"The divine throne has been refined a long time ago. I have been with you for so long. It's time for you to leave."

In the land of extreme night, Nix, the Lord of the Night, looked at Adros with an extremely calm look.

A few years ago, after the Dark Madonna that they jointly refined was refined, Adros just asked the three goddesses of destiny to take it away, and then said that he had something important to discuss with him.

In the end, the so-called important thing to discuss was to drag her around the land of extreme darkness and perform some shameless and wild postures and movements.

"Why are you so anxious? Let's see together here. What kind of monster can these three divine kings jointly create?"

Adros changed the position of the Lord of the Night under him, but was not in a hurry to leave. In fact, even if he leaves, he has nothing to do. He might as well stay in this land of extreme night and watch the changes in the realms of gods.

Perhaps the biggest change in the Chaos Divine Realm is the terrifying thunder and time-space divine power on Olympus. He had actually known for a long time that this was the path of the three god kings.

Two hundred years ago, when they fought against the God of Hell, Adros had already seen that this three-generation god-king was actually going to take the path of integration.

During that battle, the first god-king Uranus seemed to have become one with Zeus. Over the years, Cronus and Zeus have been staying in the temple and have not come out. I am afraid that the road to the unity of the Trinity has almost been completed.

The day when the thunder on Mount Olympus disappears and time and space converge, that is when a new god-king is born.

Adros has also been paying attention to the situation in Babylonian Persia. After all, the stars are under his control. Under astrology, except for a few masters, almost everything can be inferred.

In the year when Mingzun died, the Persian Kingdom had successfully occupied Media. From then on, the Kingdom was called the Empire, standing side by side with the Babylonian Empire.

But the Persian Empire's army did not stop because of this. In the following years, Cyrus conquered small countries such as Elam, Parthia, and Armenia.

Then, several larger countries, Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt, joined forces to resist the Persian attack. I don’t know what Gaia, the mother of the earth, thinks. Among the coalition forces resisting Persia, there are also some Greek city-states protected by Gaia.

However, their joint efforts were of no use. After the coalition forces were repulsed by Cyrus himself, he turned from defense to attack without stopping, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, and pushed straight into the heart of Lydia.

During the attack, Cyrus used his secret weapon - the camel army. Because horses were afraid of camels, Lydia's cavalry was quickly defeated and was forced to fight with infantry. The Persian army invaded the capital of Lydia, Sardis, and destroyed this country known as a warrior. It also took advantage of the situation to destroy the Greek city-states allied with Lydia.

After that, Cyrus turned his head east and launched a war against the Babylonian Empire. He got the green light and soon occupied the famous city of Babylon. Cyrus then moved the capital of the Persian Empire to Babylon, which was the most prosperous city in the world at the time and became the "King of the Four Squares of the Universe."

Facing the Persian Empire established in a short period of time, Cyrus did not impose his personal will and desires on the conquered areas too much. Compared to his predecessors in the Assyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Nechabunezzar the Great, he was indeed very tolerant.

He implemented a loose autonomy policy in the conquered areas. In addition to recognizing the supreme ruling privileges of the Persian Empire, the old laws and governing machines in various places were retained. The nobles of Medes, Lydia, and Babylon still retained their original privilege. In terms of religion, wherever he went, he went to the local temple to worship, appease the sacrificial nobles, and protect their privileges.

Especially the Jews who were enslaved by Babylon were liberated by the arrival of Cyrus and were allowed to return to the land of Canaan. To them, Cyrus the Great of Persia was simply the messenger promised to them by their Lord Yahweh.

Even many years later, some Jews still called Cyrus the Great Messiah, the son of destiny who brought freedom and happiness to the Jews.

Of course, Emperor Cyrus would definitely not admit this title. He was used to living on horseback and was already "enjoying it". Even in his sixtieth year, he was still ambitious. His army did not stop and continued to march towards the surrounding divine realm. Waging a war of conquest with the country.

Because Egypt needs to be included in the territory, but in order to avoid simultaneous fighting on the east and west fronts, the remaining tribal threats in the Hittite domain must be eliminated first. Among the descendants of the Hittites, the most powerful were the Massagetae.

In order to deal with this threat, Cyrus personally led an army to attack the Massagetae tribe. It started smoothly and captured and killed the Massagetae prince.

But the subsequent decisive battle with the main force of Massagetae was extremely fierce. The Massagetae people, who had the advantage of being the host, won the final victory. The Persian army was almost wiped out. Cyrus was killed in battle, and his head was killed by Massagetae. The queen cut it off and put it in a leather bag filled with blood.

Emperor Cyrus the Great did not die well, but for a tireless warrior throughout his life, being shrouded in horse leather was the highest reward in his life.

"You are really stingy. After the divine incarnation was defeated, you took it out on someone else's human incarnation."

Although she was far away in the Khaos Divine Realm, Adros knew at a glance that the Queen of Massagetae was actually the incarnation of the Earth Mother Gaia. Although the Hittite Divine Realm has become part of the Babylonian Divine Realm, the incarnation of the Earth Mother Gaia, the Hittite Great Goddess, is still there.

She also learned Marduk and became a king in the world. She had no other purpose than to disgust Marduk.

Such small actions are impossible to stop the majestic trend of the Persian Divine Realm. Marduk even ignored the death of his human clone for the time being. The emperor in the world has not cultivated, and his life span is almost over. As for how he died, it actually doesn't matter.

The son of Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II, inherited his father's legacy and first attacked and destroyed the remaining tribes in the Hittite domain to avenge his father. Then, he marched out of Egypt and finally brought Egypt under the rule of the Persian Empire.

At the beginning, in this series of human wars, the gods of the various divine realms, after all, were all subordinates of Marduk, almost did not take action, and the battles in the human world were left to be resolved by the human world. The gods just stood above the human world and quietly watched the evolution of the overall situation of the divine domain.

During the war between Persia and Egypt, the Egyptian rulers did not speak, but there were still gods who did not want the Persian domain to be so arrogant. What greeted them was the combined attack of the Persian and Babylonian gods to keep them in check.

However, there are always gods who are not afraid of death. After Cambyses II insulted the Egyptian religion, he was cursed with life by an Egyptian god.

Then, Cambyses II almost went crazy and killed his queen and brother Smerdis, which caused popular resentment and a rebellion in the country. On his way back to quell the rebellion, he died suddenly. As for the cause of death, it was related to the gods. Only the most powerful gods knew who had done it.

Then, an emperor who was no less inferior to Cyrus successfully suppressed the rebellion and finally ascended the stage of the realm of the gods. He was Darius, the last disciple of Zoroaster before his death.

"It seems that I am really leaving this time."

In the land of extreme night, Adros finally ended his relationship with Nicks and headed east.

Darius proclaimed himself emperor, and how he reformed the country and consolidated Persia's dominance. Adros naturally did not care about these human affairs.

What he was concerned about was that the Persian army was finally ready to move towards India. And in the far east, there was a faint trace of purple light coming out, and the purple energy seemed to begin to gather, and the vast atmosphere was as if it were made in heaven.

The real big changes seem to be about to begin.
