Supreme God

Chapter 487: Opening up the Xuanling Immortal Realm, there is a Golden Immortal above the Five Immortals


The Imperial Land is a divine realm originally opened by the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi. It was a divine realm created for gods and emperors to transcend the human world and not affect mortal beings.

Different from other divine realms opened by the masters of other divine realms, the Imperial Land of Emperor Taitian can accommodate all Shinto practitioners. Whether it is the emperor of Kyushu or the master of a foreign land, as long as he is willing to come to the Imperial Land, he can find it. method to enter.

The divine realms of other masters either do not allow other masters to enter, or only accept the masters of their own origin. Even among the Nine Provinces, other Emperor Divine Realms have more or less other restrictions and differences.

Qingdi's Kunlun world is a place where gods and humans live together. Gods cannot show their strength beyond the human world in it. The mountain and sea dragon world opened by Zhu Jiuyin is the ancestral land of the dragon clan. Other creatures will have limited strength when they enter it; Houtu The place of reincarnation of the empress only allows the soul to enter.

However, in the sacred land of the Imperial City, anyone who reaches the realm of a Shinto emperor can create creatures according to his ideals, open a palace and a palace, and guide ordinary gods who follow the same path as this emperor.

Of course, this is the path of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. The Supreme One can control everything and encompass all things. Everything that exists is within the scope of the Tao of Taiyi.

But just now Taishangli was on the Taichi Golden Bridge. This seemed to be a random stroke, but it caused an extremely wonderful evolution to take place in the sacred soil of the Emperor's Country.

The divine land of the Imperial City remains unchanged, but another endless divine realm has evolved above and below its four dimensions. In other words, it is not a divine realm, but an indescribable realm.

It is difficult to describe, just because there has never been such a boundary between heaven and earth before, so it is difficult to describe.

This realm is vast and endless, with nothing in it, but it is like the foundation of all transformations, and everything can evolve in it.

After Taishang opened up this world, he moved again. Three kinds of Tao Qi separated around him. The three Tao Qi of Ningji Xuan Tong Yuan, Chi Hun Tai Wu Yuan, and Hundong Tai Wu Yuan were swimming in this world. They seemed to be floating in the world. Define the basis for this.

After swimming around for a circle, Hundong Taiwuyuan disappeared first, then Chihun Taiwuyuan also disappeared in the realm, and finally Mingji Xuantongyuan seemed to be the highest place in this realm. It evolved into a palace.

The palace is simple and natural, with three characters written on it: Tushita Palace.


A loud sound from the Chaos Bell located at Taiyi's throne attracted the attention of the gods. After taking a look at the Chaos Bell, they were still disappointed.

"I looked at the sacred land of His Majesty Taiyi's Imperial Village, and I felt something in my heart. Outside the river of time, space, and destiny, I talked with him for a while about Taiyi and the Way of the Supreme. Now, based on the sacred land of Emperor's Village, we will open up the Xuanling Immortal Realm, to be discussed After that, I will explain it to you."

Seeing the silence all around, the Supreme Being began to talk about the purpose of the great road.

"There is a Tao in Hongmeng, and gods and Tao are the same. Since the beginning of their incarnation, these Shintos have gained merits in the human world and have been able to control the authority of the laws of heaven and earth. However, when we are born in the world, even in ancient times, our years are not counted. Hundreds, and nowadays it is even rarer to be a hundred years old. The saint kings and sages of the human race are less than a hundred years old, and they often worry about being a thousand years old. They overcome thorns and thorns. Since the Taihao Qing Emperor Fuxi passed down the divine way of ascending to heaven, he has continued to explore the path of human cultivation. "

Having said this, the Supreme Lord bowed to the Qing Emperor, the Changsheng Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor to respect the merits of these two men and other holy kings in their cultivation of humanity. This ritual is a ritual for spiritual practice and does not involve anything else. Therefore, His Majesty's gift of courtesy is not to Taiyi, the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Earth, Nuwa, and Emperor Houtu, who have greater human merits, but only to the emperors who ascended to the gods from the mortal world.

Qingdi and the other three emperors looked at each other and smiled, and did not avoid this ceremony. They had great merits in the human race, and this ceremony was not just respected by the three of them. There are also the White Emperor, Black Emperor, King Yu and others who have fallen and have not yet returned. Although these few people are no longer here, they still deserve to receive this gift.

"People in ancient times lived a hundred years in the Spring and Autumn Period, and their bodies never faded. From the time when His Majesty the Black Emperor gained the power of heaven, human beings separated from the divine way, until King Yu killed himself, deprived the human emperor of the divine way, and established a human dynasty for hundreds of years. Years later. Then the underworld opened up, the gods went on an expedition to the Western Regions, and the heavens and humans returned to their respective places. Since then, it has been difficult for the human race to practice the divine way. Generations of sages from the human race have explored step by step, investigating the origin of heaven and earth, and exploring the path to immortality. . Great sages such as Peng Zu, Zhen Yuanzi, Guangchengzi, Ning Fengzi, etc. have already begun to understand the great way and found the method of refining qi in the human world. Although it is not a system, it has paved the way forward for us."

When he arrived here, the Supreme Master had another meal and bowed to the sages of the human race to respect their merits.

The sages of the human race also accepted the gift from the Supreme Being calmly. They may not have reputations or merits in the human world, but in terms of human cultivation, they are indeed different in their own merits and received the gift calmly.

"The so-called great road is high and supreme. When you look up, it is so high that you can't see its head. The so-called great road is humble and has no bottom. When you look down, you can look down. There is no bottom below it. You can't see its base. The beginning. There is no beginning, so don’t see the front. The end is endless, don’t see the back. The heaven and the earth are born in the great road, and the heaven and the earth have high and low rituals. There are yin and yang in the heaven and the earth, and the yin and yang have their eternal numbers. One up and one down, look up. By observing from above, you can measure its mechanism. From beginning to end, by calculating the degrees, you can understand its rationale. By inferring from this, you can know the great road."

Later, the Supreme Being said again: "When I was in the human world in Luoyi, I created three ways to escape from the human world. Then I left Hangu Pass in the west, met various ghosts and monsters on the way, and went up the river to Kunlun Mountain. In the middle, two more methods were created."

"Just then, in silence, I had a meeting with Emperor Tai. The Emperor of Heaven chose the word 'immortal' for this purpose and said, "From Shi to Shen, those who are smart and upright can be called gods; if they follow people from mountains, they can be called immortals. "This way is the way of immortality. There are five ways to become an immortal, and there are five immortals in the world. The five immortals are the heaven, earth, humans, gods and ghosts."

Speaking of the meeting with Emperor Taiyi, the Emperor's expression changed slightly. Taiyi Shen left an idea here, and the purpose was to fight with him for a while, or to fight with him. This made Taishang, a person who didn't like fighting, really helpless.

Later, the Supreme Being performed the Dharma with his own body and told the five immortals how to practice.

Ghost immortals are ghosts who cultivate and practice the Dharma, the way of transcendence in the underworld. Its gods are unknown, its ghost gates have no surnames, and its three mountains have no names. This way transforms yin into yang, and acts upon the power of thoughts in the yang world. If it does good, it can be called a god, and if it does evil, it can also be called a demon. When you are successful, you will not be burdened by gods and demons, and you will not be bound by reincarnation. Those who practice it are not ghosts, but are motivated by the wishes of all sentient beings.

Immortals and humane monks are connected at the joints, drawing lead and adding mercury and refining the top with gold. The jade liquid returns the elixir, refines it into qi, and the five qi move toward the yuan, and the three yangs gather at the top. When you are fully accomplished and forget your form, the fetus will turn into an immortal. The yin is exhausted and the yang is pure, and there is a body outside the body. Dematerialize and become immortal, transcend the ordinary and become a saint. He rejected the secular world and returned to the Three Mountains, transforming into a human god. Although he did not have the authority of the gods, he did not lose the power of the gods.

Human immortals, cultivators, refine essence into qi, refine qi into spirit, refine spirit to return to emptiness, refine emptiness to combine with Tao, understand Tao and mysticism, obtain the Dharma from the Tao, acquire the skills from the Dharma, have faith and perseverance, and will remain unwavering for the rest of their lives. The law of the sky is like the earth, free and unrestrained, not subject to the constraints of heaven and earth, and it is a human immortal.

The immortals of the earth are half of the heaven and the earth, and have the talents of the gods. If you don't understand the great road, you will stop at the method of small success. No merit can be seen, only those who live forever and never die in this world. The practices practiced by many sages in the world are actually the methods of earthly immortals.

The heavenly immortals abide by the unity of truth, harmonize with all things in the heaven and earth, lift up the form to ascend the void, form a constitution in heaven and a rule on earth, which is quite similar to the behavior of the ancient saint kings.

After the Taiyi talked about the differences between the immortals, he added: "In the past, when the divine way was established, the gods could not advance for thousands of years. However, since the Emperor Donghuang Taiyi established the sacred land of the imperial hometown and built the ancient heaven, the gods have the rules and authority. They are praised in heaven and earth and praised as virtuous in all spirits. All gods with great wishes, great deeds, great virtues and great merits will follow the guidance of the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi and achieve the status of emperor."

Having said this, His Majesty made another salute. This salute was in respect to Taiyi, the Emperor of Heaven, and all the emperors of the gods and Taoism.

Many practitioners below, even if they do not practice Shinto at this time, have understood that the key to the transcendence of Shinto emperors lies in great wishes, great deeds, great virtues and great merits. Everyone thinks about it. As far as we know so far, the gods who transcend the emperor status are all people with great merits.

"In the past, His Majesty Taiyi left guidance, and the gods acted on behalf of the heavens to enforce the constitution. Protecting the heaven and earth was a great merit. Now I also leave guidance. The immortals help the world and save people. Protecting all living beings is a great merit. From the guidance of the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi, you can prove your status as an emperor. From The guidance of the Taoist Supreme Being can prove the fruition of the Golden Immortal."

"The Golden Immortal's achievements are achieved in the three vehicles, and his achievements are beyond the three vehicles. He is not bound by the law, and is not bound by the mud of the Tao. He has great achievements in heaven and earth, and has great achievements in the present and ancient times."

Later, the Supreme Master began to talk about the golden immortal's method of enlightening the mind. He spoke frankly about the principles of the Tao, but did not touch on the specific methods. In fact, there is no specific way to reach this point.

"In the first judgment of Taiyuan, there is Taishi. In Taishi, there is Taiwu. In Taiwu, there is Taixu. In Taixu, there is space. In space, there is Taizhi. With Taizhi, the heaven and earth are clear. The quality of turbidity is like an egg, and the black and yellow color is just a thing in space. The Yang rises to the sky, Tai Chi generates Yin, and the Yao Ming embraces the Yang and descends. The Yin falls to the earth, and Tai Chi generates Yang , negative Yin and rises in a trance. One rises and one falls, Yin falls and Yang rises. Heaven and earth move along the path, and all things come into being."

Everyone is listening to the Tao Supreme Wonderful Dharma, the Golden Immortal’s way of enlightening the mind. Although there are no flowers falling from the sky, golden lotuses sprouting from the ground, or the goddess's wonderful voice congratulating her, there is another Taoist charm that lingers in this main hall.

Only the Taoist Patriarch, although he was preaching and performing Dharma, his mind was incomprehensible, looking down at the bottom with no sadness or joy.

After preaching for three days and three nights, the Supreme Master flicked his finger into the void, and immediately another bell rang through the clouds. The sound of the bell was like the first sound of the opening of heaven and earth, vast and vast. Everyone present was shocked when they heard this sound.

Many of the gods and qi cultivators who listened to the sermon were startled. Suddenly, three flowers appeared above their heads, and five qi surged in their chests.

"Haha, wonderful. The way of the Golden Immortal is indeed extremely mysterious. I've been waiting for it for hundreds of years."

A Qi Refiner in the Human Realm laughed, and then stood up casually. Taking one step up, he saw a colorful light falling from the Xuanling Fairyland and falling on the Qi Refiner.

This Qi practitioner, named Ni Junming, only entered the world to practice after the Shang and Zhou wars. But at this moment, there were many powerful ancient Qi refiners around, but he was the first to break through and become a Golden Immortal.

Before reincarnation, Ni Junming had another name, Dong Wanggong.
