Supreme God

Chapter 489: Similar to the Tao of Daluo, the emperors of heaven


The Daluo Way, the Daluo Golden Immortal, this is the highest realm currently known among the immortal ways opened up by the Supreme Being. After reaching the ultimate level of Golden Immortality, if you take one step further, you may reach this state.

The name Daluo in the Immortal Path would probably be called the state of great enlightenment by the one who is sitting quietly under the bodhi tree at this moment, or in Sanskrit it is called Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. As for the two empresses Nuwa and Houtu, they don’t say whether they are Daluo or Dajue, they only say that this state is Taiyi.

Even the gods from outside the territory, although they have not reached this realm, are still thinking about it, and they have different names for this realm.

Yahweh calls this state "all-knowing, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-powerful", Mingzun calls it "the best", and Bo Xun calls it "the devil is at ease". All of these are talking about the state of the golden immortal Bodhisattva who transcends all dominators. , is the fruition of supreme merit, great freedom, and great supernatural power. Even Adros, who observes all dharmas and creates all dharmas, has his own thoughts about this fruition.

This kind of fruition is difficult to describe in words, and there is no way out or entry. In fact, when the gods of foreign lands have reached the peak of dominance, the gods of Kyushu have reached the ultimate level of emperors, the golden immortals have attained the rank of deity, and the bodhisattvas have the title of Tathagata, they have reached the point of no return.

It cannot be said that there is no way to go, but it should be said that when taking steps, there are smooth roads in all directions, allowing immortals, gods and bodhisattvas to walk, but they can never reach the end.

This is a road with no end, and each immortal god and bodhisattva takes a different path. If you want to take the last step, transcend the heavens, and enter this unknowable, invisible, and unspeakable realm, it is no longer just Immortal Gods and Bodhisattvas can achieve this through their own cultivation.

Great supernatural powers, great opportunities, and great courage are all indispensable. Only when the heavens respond and the great road favors them can we have the opportunity to take this step.

Since the creation of the Gods Realm, as far as Adros knew, only Heavenly Emperor Taiyi had taken this step. But in this era, according to his calculations, there should be many powerful beings who have transcended.


"My magical power is not as good as that of your Majesty, so I have to separate two clones and station them in heaven and earth respectively."

Qing Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly, and then two clones walked out from behind him.

The former wears a crown on his head, wears a rosy robe, and has a solemn face. He is a Shinto emperor, holding three treasures in his hand, surrounded by nine-color divine light, shining all over his body; Nine Grounds, with a kind and pure face, and compassion for all living beings, is a newly achieved Golden Immortal Heavenly Lord.

"The two clones of His Majesty the Qing Emperor are..."

The Great Heavenly Lord watched the Qing Emperor use his magical power and directly transformed into two clones: an emperor and a golden immortal, and he immediately asked.

"My name is Qinghua, and I will live in the east of heaven, teaching and transforming all living beings, transcending life and death."

"My name is Taiyi, who saves the suffering. I will live in the underworld, save all living beings, uproot the suffering, and save all the souls who unfortunately fell into hell."

After the emperor Yi Jinxian finished speaking, the Qinghua Emperor stepped on the lotus and went to the easternmost part of the sacred land of the emperor's hometown. He stopped near a very unique stone and opened a palace. It is called Dongji Miaoyan. palace.

A nine-headed lion appeared at the feet of Taiyi, who was rescuing Ku Tianzun, carrying him to the vicinity of Samsara first.

Qingdi's strength and path are the hardest for Adros to understand. Qing Emperor should still be at the ultimate level of emperor, as if he and Huang Emperor Xuanyuan were far apart and had not taken that step.

In other words, Qingdi once stepped forward and then took his steps back. But this first human emperor was also the emperor respected by all races in the ancient wilderness, and he had dabbled in almost all the cultivation methods of the nine states.

Not to mention anything else, just the two clones in front of me, the Dongji Qinghua Emperor and Taiyi Kutianzun, are already the ultimate existences of emperors and golden immortals.

"There is a great benevolent person in the Oriental Changle World. The incarnations of Taiyi, the Heavenly Lord who saves suffering, are as numerous as the sands of the Eternal Sea. Everything responds to his voice. He may live in the heavenly palace, or descend to the human world, or live in the hell, or take over the crowd, or he may be a fairy boy or a beautiful girl, or he may be an emperor. A saint may be a deity, a vajra king, a demon king or a powerful warrior, a celestial master or a Taoist priest, an emperor or a master, a celestial doctor, a man or a woman, a civil or military officer, or a saint. He is the Great Yuan Master of the capital, a Zen master who teaches, or a master of wind and rain. He has immeasurable magical powers and endless merits. He seeks out voices to save people from suffering, and responds to things as they happen."

"This saint is called the Taiyi Blessing God in heaven, the Great Merciful One in the world, the Sun Yao Emperor in hell, the Lion Ming King in the outside world, and the Dongzhou Emperor in Shui Mansion."

If you encounter difficulties, just pray to the God or "recite the holy name", you can "resolve worries and troubles, turn evil into good", and you can also "accomplish your merits and ascend to heaven".

This is the praise that sentient beings will give to Emperor Qinghua and Tianzun Taiyi in the future. Rather than praising the emperor or Tianzun Jinxian, it is better to say that they are praises for their own deity, Emperor Qing.

Even later, practitioners could no longer tell the difference. They could only make wild guesses about the identities of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji and Tianzun Taiyi to save suffering. Some said they were clones of Emperor Taiyi, some said they were the meritorious deeds of Nanhua Tianzun, and some said they were clones of Emperor Taiyi. It is said that Yuanshi Tianzun followed the Tao and taught the disciples himself.

Emperor Qing doesn't care at all about these. In fact, all practitioners who have reached the ultimate level of Golden Immortal Emperor do what they do for the sake of all sentient beings in the world, but they don't care at all whether the sentient beings in the world know about it.

This concept of practice can be said to be inherited in the same line in Jiuzhou. From the Emperor Tai Tian who established the path of the emperor and established meritorious deeds, to the Supreme Emperor who established the golden immortal method, all practices are based on this concept.

The great beauty of heaven and earth is not mentioned, the four seasons have clear laws but not discussed, and the rationale of all things is not mentioned, but the merits and virtues are also the evolution of heaven and earth, and I am just taking the opportunity to practice.

"My merits are not as good as His Majesty the Qing Emperor, but since I have made an agreement with the Great Heavenly Lord, in the future, I will sit in the South Pole of Heaven."

The Immortal Emperor waved his hand, and his body shape changed drastically, directly transforming into the emperor's costume again. Although he has achieved the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit in this life, in the eyes of many gods and ancient immortals, he is still the Red Emperor of heaven and the Flame Emperor of the human world.

"His Majesty the Immortal resides in the Yuqing Mansion in Shenxiao, with the headquarters in Antarctica. He is the Great Emperor of Antarctic Immortality, and is known as the Jade Qingzhen King. He is in charge of the four seasons of climate change, can call for wind and rain, control thunder and lightning, ghosts and gods, and also controls the misfortune and blessings of all things. He is our cardinal. One of the four emperors of heaven."

The Great Heavenly Lord nodded with a smile, and pointed to the south. In the south of the heaven, there was a palace rising, which was the Antarctic Shenxiao Jade Mansion.

The Qing Emperor is unwilling to take the name of the Four Emperors, and the Great Heavenly Lord cannot force it, but the Changsheng Emperor cannot refuse it. He is a deity who became a deity after converting from a human emperor to an immortal, and he is very representative among the immortals. As long as he is still in heaven, he is the leader of this type of practitioners.

In the future, in order to study the thunder method, the Emperor Changsheng descended an incarnation and re-entered the world to practice practice. He became the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord, who lived in the Yushu Mansion to control the Thunder Department.

He and Adros worked together to plan in the realm of the gods and accomplished a great thing.

"Four Yus? I wonder where the other three are?"

If there are any immortals who have doubts, they will ask the Great Heavenly Lord. Since the Changsheng Emperor is one of them, the status of the other three will naturally not be too bad.

The Great Heavenly Lord lowered his head and looked down, seeming to see the land of reincarnation under the Nine Netherworld.

"With Empress Hou Tu's consent, she is willing to imitate the emperor Tu Tu for Chengtian. Although she does not live in the heaven, she is in charge of the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers."

As soon as these words came out, some immortals were immediately surprised and asked: "Has Empress Nuwa agreed to such a big event?"

The heaven, earth, mountains and rivers had always been controlled by Empress Nuwa. The map of the country in her hand was the proof of recognition by heaven, earth and all sentient beings.

"My sister naturally agrees."

The Great Heavenly Lord did not speak, but what Qingdi said was even more convincing. Ever since the division of Kyushu, Empress Nuwa used the laws of heaven and earth to make silk, and combined the spirit of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers with the will of humanity to create the artifact of the Jiangshan Sheji Map, she has not appeared again.

It seems that the only one who can often see Nuwa is Qing Emperor Fuxi. Similarly, since Empress Houtu opened up reincarnation and lived deep in the land of reincarnation, Da Si Ming Zhu Jiu Yin and Shao Si Ming Di Jiang, who were in charge of the life of time and space, could see her.

Adros's eyes moved slightly. The actions of these two empresses naturally had deep meanings and would not be done casually. He had a feeling that this should be an attempt by the two empresses to take the last half step.

However, the Supreme Being smiled and remained silent, as if he already understood the intention.

"Emperor Ziwei, apart from you, there is no other god suitable for the position of Arctic Emperor. What do you think?"

When Adros heard the words of the Great Heavenly Lord, he pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Although it is possible, it is not at this time that the Great Emperor Zhongtian Ziwei returns to his throne."

After saying that, he looked at Emperor Dongyue on the other side: "In the future, I will descend the clone of Emperor Beiyin Fengdu to assist the emperor in taking charge of the affairs of the underworld together with Taiyi Jiu Ku Tianzun."

Emperor Dongyue was naturally happy after hearing this. With the avatars of Emperor Qing and Emperor Ziwei descending to assist, and Taishang Daozu being able to ask for an audience at any time, and Empress Houtu sitting in charge of Jiuyou, there would be no problem with the affairs of the underworld.

Adros is naturally willing to help with matters in heaven and underworld, and he is also willing to become a Qing Emperor and send his clones there.

However, at this time, Adros has to take back his only clone, the ancient Buddha of the Indian God Realm, to prepare for the final step. All matters concerning clones need to be left to the future.

Next, the leader of the army, Chi You, led Emperor Gouchen to the palace and sat at the western end of the world.

Because neither the Arctic Ziwei Emperor, who has not yet arrived, nor the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, who has officially joined the army, have the personality to manage heavenly affairs.

Therefore, the emperor's job was to assist the Jade Emperor in taking charge of the North and South Poles and the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and to preside over the military revolution in the world, which was consistent with his position as military leader.

Chi You, the leader of the army, can be said to be the representative of practitioners in heaven besides the two realms of gods and immortals.

Later, the Queen Mother of the West directly stated that she would move the Yaochi and the Peach Garden to the Heavenly Court, and work with the Great Heavenly Lord to manage Yin and Yang, and take charge of the Heavenly Court, earning her the title of Queen of Heaven.

The common people are ignorant and think that the Queen Mother of the West is the Taoist companion of the Great Heavenly Lord, but this is not the case. Whether it is the Great Heavenly Lord or the Queen Mother of the West, they live in heaven for the sake of all sentient beings in the world and their own cultivation.

Then, some other gods and immortals joined the heaven one after another, and the skeleton of the newly built heaven was immediately put up, waiting to be filled with flesh and blood.

However, before they had time to fill their bodies with flesh and blood, the immortal gods of Kyushu were immediately attracted by the magical visions of the land outside the southwest.


I’m still working and I’m helpless

Everyone, I really have no choice. I can’t lose my job. I also want to get a promotion and a salary increase. I really don’t have time to type today. I’m sorry.
