Supreme God

Chapter 490: The ancient Buddha passed down the lamp, Sakyamuni's path to enlightenment


On top of the snow-capped mountains, Ran Deng opened his eyes: "Is it finally going to start?"

If his disciples saw Ran Deng at this time, they would definitely be shocked. The burning lamp, which originally looked like a young man, now has white hair and beard, and is shaped like a gaunt wood. It has almost run out of oil and is nearing the end of its lifespan.

Since Siddhartha Gautama was born decades ago, he has been sitting quietly on the snow-capped mountains, helping his biological mother Kunti in this world to control the Mali branch and realize the status of the mother of light.

Then, the seemingly ordinary oil lamp in his hand became more and more magical, while the lamp itself began to look older and older.

"Mother, the Tathagata is about to achieve enlightenment and will take the first step towards attaining supreme enlightenment. Take my lamp, pass it on to him, and congratulate him."

The lamp in front of him is an artifact that Ran Deng has been forging since he pioneered the Samana practice. It has been with him throughout his life since he was a boy.

Now, in the eyes of the Bodhisattvas he taught, this oil lamp is already a holy object and a symbol of the ascetics.

"What are you...?"

Kunti's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered what Ran Deng had said decades ago. Is he going to die

Ran Deng smiled slightly, waved her sleeves, and Kunti suddenly appeared outside the snowy mountains, holding the oil lamp in her palm.

"The Indian divine realm is different from other divine realms. Due to the existence of Tathagata, Emperor Ziwei cannot directly control the stars in the sky. Now you are the Mother of Light, and you should control all the sun, moon and stars. When you practice this way, the ascetics and bodhisattvas should help you. "

The voice faintly reached Kunti's ears, and her heart suddenly moved. The voice was no longer like a burning lamp, but more similar to the Lord of the Stars she had met before.

Sighing softly, Kunti raised his head and looked up at the sky, then faced the far north, knelt on the ground and paid homage.

Although Ran Deng was reincarnated as her son, the Lord of the Stars was very kind to her. And both Ran Deng and the Lord of Stars can be regarded as her teachers.

One is not allowed to kneel down and worship his son, but Kunti salutes his true self without any grudge.

After completing the salute, Kunti followed the guidance of the light and headed to the southwest.


"The emperor's message is a bit biased."

On the top of the snow mountain, the Supreme Being and Adros stood quietly above the clouds. A true spiritual light flew out of the vulture cave and returned to Adros.

With his etheric cultivation, he could naturally see Adros’s intention at a glance. At such a critical moment, sending a message to one of the two warring parties with a supreme weapon is obviously biased.

Adross carefully understood the information fed back to him by this true spiritual light. After a long time, he sighed: "Since I have received so much from the Indian God Realm, I naturally have to return it to it."

The methods of practicing ascetics and the fruits of one lifetime of burning lamps are all obtained from the Indian divine realm. It's okay not to return to nature. The so-called cause and effect in the Indian divine realm can no longer restrain Adros in the slightest.

But in his heart, he still tends to sort out the gains and losses of cause and effect, and not let this affect his future path.

"Indeed, since the emperor is about to take the final step, he should indeed end some unnecessary relationships. But in this way, the emperor may be offended by the demon lord."

The Supreme Being smiled indifferently and looked at the two great supernatural power users who were fighting in the distance.

"It doesn't matter. In the future, I have one more thing that I need to work with this Demon Lord to do. He will definitely not care about such a small thing when the time comes."

As soon as Adros said it, Dao Dao felt something, and the Supreme Being naturally knew what Adros was talking about.

He praised in his mouth: "It is only Emperor Ziwei who connects all the realms that can accomplish such a great meritorious deed. It is indeed most appropriate for the Great Heavenly Lord to ask you to deliver the invitation this time."

During the battle in the Southwest Divine Realm, other than the Supreme Emperor and Adros, all the emperors, kings, and immortals of the Heavenly Court were watching from the Heavenly Palace in the Lingxiao Palace, using the Haotian Mirror. This mirror, like the Haotian Tower, was originally a gift from Emperor Dongjun.

But later he led the natural gods and fought with the human gods led by Huangdi Xuanyuan for many years during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. In the end, he was defeated in Muye and entrusted both of these artifacts to Huangdi Xuanyuan, and even his Haotian god name was crowned on Xuanyuan's head.

Therefore, the Great Heavenly Lord in heaven has another name, Haotian God.

"The emperor wants to do this great meritorious deed, but has he ever thought about how to take the last step?"

After all, Taishang has not forgotten his love, he has not walked out yet, and it is impossible for him to know that other gods have set foot on the road of Daluo.

"I have some ideas. Since I started from the stars, I will naturally return to the stars. I started from the road, and I will naturally return to the road."

Adros smiled leisurely. He roughly had an idea for the last step, but he still needed to take his time and first look at the moves of several other beings who were almost in the same realm as him.


In the Indian divine realm, everyone is rumoring that a saint from the Sakya tribe is about to be born. Although this statement was vigorously opposed by the Brahmin priests, the Kshatriyas, who could almost compete with the Brahmins, did not care at all.

At least one thing is that neither Lord Shiva nor Lord Vishnu issued an oracle to oppose the news that is now widely spread in the world.

The person recognized by the world as a saint of the Sakyamuni clan is Siddhartha Gautama, the prince of Kapilavastu.

This prince, who was born very extraordinary, began to receive training in Vedas and Five Ming Dynasties at the age of seven, as well as required courses for princes such as art of war, martial arts, and yoga.

When he was sixteen years old, Siddhartha Gautama married Yasodhara, the daughter of the Lord of Heavenly Arm City, as his concubine and gave birth to a son named Rahula. Although there were various visions when he was born, this prince's youth was no different from that of other Kshatriya nobles. He lived a luxurious life, indulged himself in sensual entertainment, and lived in a palace in rotation during the three seasons of warmth, coolness, and rain.

But when he was about twenty years old, he suddenly became tired of the sensual aristocratic life and began to think about the issues between life and death. Finally, one night, he left the royal city alone and walked to the Anama River. He shaved off his beard, hair and accessories to show that he had entered the Samana practice.

Samana is a spiritual sect founded by Ran Deng and carried forward by his disciples. Opposite to Brahmin, he opposed the caste system and believed that all people in the world are like the sand of the Ganges River, regardless of high or low, so he was named Samana.

The practice of ascetics focuses on observing precepts, meditating, and cultivating wisdom. Eventually, one can achieve inner peace, gain wisdom, eliminate worries, become an Arhat, and achieve Bodhisattva conduct.

When Siddhartha Gautama entered the Samana practice, it was the time when the sixteen kingdoms of the Indian divine domain were competing for hegemony. Various trends of thought that were different from Brahmanism appeared, the most typical of which were the Samana sects and Jainism.

Jainism was also first introduced by Adros. He passed on the yoga method he understood to the Indian people. After hundreds of years, it was passed down to twenty-four generations. At this time, the descendants had gathered the great achievements of Jain Yoga. It's called Phattamana.

His disciples respectfully called him Mahavira, the great hero, or Daxiong for short.

Siddhartha Gautama came to the Magadha Kingdom, the center of the Indian divine domain where the competition between various Dharma sects was fiercest. At this time, the Jain venerable Mahavira was preaching here.

Although this prince who came from afar was practicing ascetics, he was also studying the methods of Jainism. Finally, by referring to the Jain teachings, he understood the ultimate meaning of observing the precepts and achieved righteous wisdom, righteous faith, and righteous behavior.

In the midst of conflicts with people from various Dharma sects, he caught the attention of King Bimbasara when he was begging for alms in the capital city of Rajagaha. The king advised him to give up becoming a monk and give him an army. He refused and chose a path. The more difficult path, meditation.

After that, he learned from Aradakalam, the incarnation of the Bodhisattva Shishen, and reached the "samadhi of nothingness". Arata hoped that he would stay, but he withdrew because he was not satisfied with this. He also learned from Yudalan Buddha, the incarnation of Vipassi Bodhisattva, and reached a deeper level of "neither thinking nor non-thinking", that is, the elimination of "thinking". "The difference between "non-thinking" and "non-thinking", living in the knowledge of "equal silence", feeling that the heart seems to be one with the "immovable truth", this is the highest state of meditation.

Although he had reached the highest level of meditation practice and was able to gain wisdom and eliminate worries, outside of meditation, Gautama felt that his heart was beginning to waver.

Therefore, in order to achieve a deeper enlightenment, Siddhartha Gautama, after discussing the Dharma with the Mahavira of Jainism, received the other's guidance on asceticism, and began a six-year ascetic career, destroying his body and mind. .

The day Sakyamuni left was the time when Mahavira passed away. When he died, all his disciples surrounded him. Mahavira just sighed: "This is the first-class saint qualification in the world, but it is a pity that he cannot become a Jain after all." Saint. Alas, after me, the path of Jainism has come to an end."

During his ascetic journey, Siddhartha Gautama transcended the status of Arahant and achieved Bodhisattva conduct. It was also during this time that he began to recruit many disciples, who called him Sakyamuni Bodhisattva.

Finally, after six years of asceticism, he decided that it was useless and could not achieve the supreme enlightenment he wanted, so he gave up asceticism. He recalled his first jhāna experience as a child under a tree and thought it might help. He bathed in the Neranjara River and accepted the offering of chylo from the shepherd girl Suyada, which made some of his disciples who only wanted to perform asceticism feel dissatisfied and leave him.

But Sakyamuni Bodhisattva didn't care. He took the remaining disciples to the city of Gaya, not far from the place of asceticism. He sat quietly under a bodhi tree in the city, meditated and recited, and re-entered the supreme meditation.

After letting go of his obsession with asceticism, Sakyamuni Bodhisattva was vaguely touched in his heart, and he decided to feel this touch under the Bodhi tree.

At this time, the army from the Persian God's Domain began to attack the Indian God's Domain. The gods of the Persian God Realm also began to fight with the gods of the Indian God Realm.

The Persian Divine Realm mentioned here is not just the Persian Divine Realm. The gods under Marduk almost came out in full force, whether they were Babylonian, Hittite or Persian, they all invaded India.
