Supreme God

Chapter 491: In the battle between Buddha and demon, immeasurable light appears and immeasurable dharma arises


The war between the two divine realms has caused another type of cultivator to emerge in the Indian divine realm. The method they practice is different from the various wonderful methods in the Indian divine realm that have yoga as their origin and use meditation and ascetic practices.

This kind of practice never cares about the realm of one's own body and soul, and always disrupts other people's practice as one's own practice. Their tongues are as bright as lotus flowers, and they have all kinds of incredible and mysterious methods.

These practitioners either use lust, wealth, fame, etc. to rob other practitioners, or they use poverty, fear, hunger, thirst, etc. to intimidate the practitioners, making them unable to carry out arduous practice and deep-seated meditation.

This kind of alien cultivator is boycotted by Brahmins, Samanas, Jains and other cultivators. The method they practice is called magic, and these practitioners are also called demons.

The devil is grinding.

Perhaps the purpose of the existence of practitioners like them is to sharpen other practitioners.

The founder of this lineage of practice, Bo Xun, the Lord of Self-transformation Heaven, is such a being.

You don't need to use your own music to realize it, but use the heaven to transform it, pretending to be other people's pleasures, and play freely, so it is called the freedom of other people's transformation.

This is not only talking about the God of Bo Xun, but also all the practitioners who yearn for this path and all the sentient beings living in this heaven.

His transformation into freedom is only the way of Bo Xun. In addition to Bo Xun, there is also the way of Marduk. This time, India is the place where Marduk and Bosun merge.

Gaya City, this big city is now occupied by Persian troops, and almost all the major cities around it are occupied by Persian soldiers.

Mara, Kashi, Kosala, Magadha, Panjala, and Vagi, these so-called big countries in the Indian divine domain, are now all included in the vast empire of Darius.

However, the Persian army did not choose to attack the not-so-powerful city of Gaya. From the great monarch Darius to the ordinary soldiers, they were all waiting for the end of the war of gods.

Under the bodhi tree, a middle-aged man with curly hair was sitting quietly with his eyes closed, falling into a vacuum of concentration, thinking nothing, but observing everything in the world.

In the sky above, golden light and black light complement each other, illuminating the entire Indian Divine Realm.

When these lights appeared, Marduk walked out from the end of the light. He transformed into the sky, and a seven-color light was cast on him.

The whole sky was surrounded by gods and Bodhisattvas, who all just watched quietly as the Babylonian god or Indian demon lord slowly walked towards the bodhi tree and towards the middle-aged man who was sitting in meditation.

At the beginning, the Bodhisattvas wanted to stop what Bo Xun was doing. They fought endlessly with the ruler of Persia, trying to block the pace of the Persian divine realm and buy time for Sakyamuni Bodhisattva under the Bodhi tree.

However, the master of the Persian God Realm combined the power of several divine realms, plus the Bo Xun Demon Lord himself, and was extremely powerful. They could not stop them at all without the other gods of the Indian God Realm taking action.

After Bo Xun beheaded the five Bodhisattvas Vipassi, Shicha, Vaishva, Jusun and Kunagamuni, Sakyamuni Bodhisattva, who was sitting quietly under the Bodhi tree, finally took action, although he was still sitting in meditation. , but still have to fight Bo Xun.

There was nothing he could do. If the three creation gods of the Indian God Realm didn't take action, and Teacher Ran Deng didn't show up, maybe he was the only one in the Indian God Realm who could stop this demon lord.

What Sakyamuni Bodhisattva seeks is not the so-called righteous Dharma of the three creation gods, so naturally they are unwilling to take action for Sakyamuni. What's more, even if they want to take action, it's unlikely.

Yahweh, Mingzun, and Amun-Ra of Egypt came across the border to witness this long-awaited war when Bo Xun took action.

With the three of them watching, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma had no choice but to keep company in the void. Who knows if these three gods, especially the God Yahweh who has some old grievances, will suddenly attack the Indian divine domain.

Then, the six Bodhisattvas Maitreya, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Avalokitesvara, Ksitigarbha and Kassapa also stopped fighting with the masters from Persia and looked quietly at the two people who were about to meet. A powerful presence.

This was the first time Bo Xun met Sakyamuni head-on after the Battle of Kulu in the past Zhuang Kalpa. Before that, the many clones of Bo Xun, just like the disciples of Bo Xun's path, were just disciples who often caused chaos and made things difficult for Sakyamuni.

Illusory armies armed with weapons and of various shapes came to Sakyamuni Bodhisattva and wanted to conquer and destroy him. At the same time as the army came, there were all kinds of strange phenomena in the sky and the earth, astonishing meteor showers fell, black mist brought loneliness and darkness, the ocean and the earth were vibrating, the sea water flowed backwards, the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, the wind was loud and the sun and the moon lost light.

This is like a sign of the end of the world, raging across almost the entire Indian divine domain. Mortals are kneeling because of this, and the gods are also afraid of it.

This is a battle between Bo Xun and Sakyamuni. No existence intervenes to stop it. Various visions of heaven and earth continue to change. No master or Bodhisattva can erase these visions.

Even excluding the Bodhisattvas and the Babylonian Triad of Universe Gods, the Sun and Moon Goddess, and the female Pluto, they were a little closer to the center of the battle because they were concerned about the outcome of this battle. All the other lords and gods stayed far away, including the lords from the Hittite God Realm, the Persian God Realm, and even the Egyptian God Realm who came together.

At this time, it was already the last year of the thirty-six-year agreement between Marduk and Mingzun. The moment Bo Xun took action, Mingzun used his magical power to let the ruler of Persia understand his past and the identity of the supreme good god Ahura. exist.

Of course, these have no effect on Bo Xun. He knows the power of Sakyamuni and comes with the general trend of unifying the realms of gods. He hopes to fight Sakyamuni and block Sakyamuni's path to prove the path he pursues. .

Now, the situation has been established, and we are just waiting for the outcome of this battle. If he fails to block the path, he will be the whetstone for Sakyamuni to achieve enlightenment; if he succeeds in blocking the path, Sakyamuni will be the material for him to attain enlightenment.

The so-called enlightenment, or it can be said to be non-enlightenment, is what Taiyi Taishang, the nine-state gods, said. Sakyamuni needs to understand and realize the method of supreme enlightenment, and Bo Xun needs to understand and realize the way to freedom from demons.

The demonic army was raging, and strange phenomena occurred frequently in the world. Amidst the chaos of darkness, Sakyamuni sat quietly under the Bodhi tree alone, calm and peaceful, without any shock or fear.

Although the army of demons transformed by Bo Xun was magnificent and terrifying, they did not dare to approach the Bodhi tree and only surrounded the Bodhi tree and the Bodhisattva. Bo Xun was not excited when he saw his army standing still, which was expected.

He chuckled and pointed, and four natural disasters, including strong winds, floods, boulders, and flames, appeared around Sakyamuni one after another.

But Sakyamuni remained unmoved and allowed these four kinds of tribulations to happen to him. He continued to sit under the Bodhi tree and feel the touch in his heart.

"Earth, water, fire and wind, the four elements are empty, so why fear anything."

Sakyamuni also chuckled. When the wind approached him, it became slightly weak and could not even blow the edge of his worn cassock;

The water overflowed the trees and hills. When it got close to him, it changed direction and flowed to other places. It could not even wet the corners of his cassock;

Stones as big as mountains fell like rain, but as they approached him, they turned into garlands and bouquets woven from the ceiling and fell down;

The flames were also unable to infect him at all. The fire in the wood turned into jasmine flowers slowly falling, the fire in the stones turned into pollen, the fire in the air turned into flower buds, the sky was full of flowers, extremely beautiful.

Bo Xun frowned slightly. These strong winds, floods, boulders, and flames were not as ordinary as they looked. They were made of the most primitive elements of earth, water, fire, and wind. However, they did not even touch the corners of Sakyamuni Bodhisattva's clothes. .

He took a deep look at Sakyamuni under the bodhi tree, waved his hand slightly, and continued to rain down continuous meteors, making the whole world shrouded in fire and smoke. From time to time, amazing thunderbolts appeared in the clear sky, among the continuous thunderbolts. , Bo Xun mixed some spears, spears, war swords, war swords and other weapons among them, and fell towards Sakyamuni.

These weapons were all extremely top-notch artifacts. However, they fell on Sakyamuni, but they did not hurt him at all. His clothes, beard, and hair did not tremble at all. Sakyamuni remained in supreme meditation, motionless.

Then, among the demonic army, three rays of colorful light appeared, transforming into three extremely charming and graceful women, with radiant faces that were no worse than any goddess.

"I give you the names of love, love, and love, the daughter of Bo Xun. You should go to that Sakyamuni and observe his heart. Do you have any feelings of desire?"

These three witches, following Bo Xun's words, came to the place where Sakyamuni was meditating and seduced him in various ways, hoping to pull him out of the boundless state of concentration.

Although the three witches have special looks, Lust looks like Sakyamuni's late biological mother, Love Thought looks like Sakyamuni's nurturing stepmother, and Aile looks like Sakyamuni's married wife.

But after I came to Sakyamuni, it had no effect at all. I couldn't deceive him at all. I was even moved by Sakyamuni's supreme meditation wisdom.

Feeling ashamed, they each felt ashamed, bowed to each other, walked three times around the Sakyamuni and Bodhi trees, dismissed and returned to Bo Xun.

When Bo Xun saw their appearance, he sighed in his heart and sent the three of them to his palace of transformation and freedom. The three women who were originally born out of desire may take a long time to recover from their injuries this time.

Next, Bo Xun was about to take action himself. With his bare feet, he slowly walked to the bodhi tree and sat down with Sakyamuni looking at each other. Then, the entire area under the Bodhi tree and the surrounding area fell into a strange space. All time and space were lost, and any form, body, fragrance, touch, or dharma was difficult to identify.

This is the demon space of Bo Xun. It is not the realm of gods, nor the realm of heaven. It is the space that evolved after Bo Xun merged the ways of Marduk and Bo Xun.

What happened to Sakyamuni and Bo Xun in this space, no one outside the gods or bodhisattvas can know. Only the Supreme Being and Adros stood in the void, where the gods and bodhisattvas were incomprehensible, and the divine will was incomprehensible.

Everything other gods knew was recorded by his disciples from the fragments of words spoken by Sakyamuni later when he was teaching the Dharma.

"Bo Xun took the big stone, played with it with both hands, put it in front of the Buddha, and shattered it into fine dust."

"It transformed into a big dragon, circled the Buddha's body seven times, raised its head to the top of the Buddha, its body was like a big ship, its eyes were like a copper furnace, its tongue was like a lightning bolt, and its breath in and out was like the sound of thunder and hail." This is a strategy of intimidation. and declares the power of magic.

"The great practice of asceticism can lead to purity, but now it has been abandoned. What do you want here? If you want to seek purity here, there is no way to achieve it."

"That's it, World Honored One! That's it, Sudden Death! Now you can be a king. You don't kill living things, you don't teach others to kill. You always practice the Dharma and don't do anything illegal. World Honored One! Now you can be a king, and you will definitely get what you want."


All these are either threats, declarations of magical power, or misdirection of right conduct with evil deeds. In short, they are all intended to block Sakyamuni's path to supreme enlightenment.

But the more he behaved like this, the clearer Sakyamuni became about the path to supreme enlightenment, constantly confronting him in that strange space.

Of course, Bo Xun also gained a lot. By making things difficult for Sakyamuni, he was practicing his path and hoping to realize the path of freedom from demons.

Finally, Bo Xun took out his magic hook in the chaotic and annihilated space and applied it to Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni suddenly felt that all the sensations around his body had completely disappeared. He seemed to be in meditation, but It's like being outside of meditation.

In his mind, there was only emptiness and darkness.

This feeling of emptiness, darkness, and ignorance was something Sakyamuni had never felt since he began to practice the ascetic method. It made him feel that the meditation he had been practicing was not omnipotent.

But it was also the pain of emptiness and darkness that made Sakyamuni think more deeply about the supreme enlightenment. All living beings suffer. Although he has magical powers in practice, has the status of Bodhisattva, and has transcended the suffering of ordinary living beings, this is how Bodhisattvas also experience all kinds of suffering.

Not to mention other things, the mother of Ksitigarbha was tortured in the endless hell, and she is helpless until now? Manjushri is often harassed by the Lord Vishnu, but he cannot get rid of it

"Thoughts lead to dependent origination, and dependent origination leads to liberation. Impermanence, no suffering, and no self."

At this point in his mind, Sakyamuni had some enlightenment, and that touch finally became his supreme wisdom, guiding him to a path to achieve supreme enlightenment.

At this time, a beautiful woman came from a distance, holding an oil lamp. The light above the oil lamp was dim.

However, this faint light directly penetrated the darkness of the outside world and shone into the empty and dark world where Bo Xun and Sakyamuni were. Light and warmth appeared at the same time.

"Excellent, excellent, immeasurable light appears, immeasurable dharma arises, the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng should be my teacher."

Sakyamuni stood up from under the Bodhi tree. Infinite rays of light appeared around him, directly illuminating the space of demons and demons evolving in Bo Xun, and reappeared under the Bodhi tree in front of all living beings.

"Conversely, you should know that all sentient beings cannot see the twelve causes and conditions, so they reincarnate in the realm of life and death. If someone sees the twelve causes and conditions, he sees the Dharma, and the one who sees the Dharma sees the Buddha, and the one who sees the Buddha sees the Buddha nature. Why? Therefore, all Buddhas take this as their nature. Now that you have heard what I have said about these twelve causes and conditions, you now have the pure nature of Buddha, which can be regarded as a Dharma instrument."

"Now I have Venerable Ran Deng to pass on the lantern and inherit the Samana Taoism to distinguish it from other dharma lineages. What I pass on is Buddhism. From now on, I am a Buddha, a Tathagata, an immeasurable light, and an enlightener for all sentient beings. Shows the way to relieve troubles."
