Supreme God

Chapter 493: Bodhisattva adorns the Buddha land and the realm of gods and demons


"As I said, I have three bodies."

"The Dharmakaya is the perfect body of supreme enlightenment and has no appearance. The wisdom of all Buddhas in the heavens is equal to the universe itself. There is no distinction between the Dharmakayas of all Buddhas. They are all Maha Vairochana Buddha."

"The Sambhogakaya body is the body of retribution that comes from the Tathagata's practice in accordance with the call of cause and effect. It is a manifestation of the perfection of practice and the great enlightenment. This body represents the Buddha body that has achieved supreme enlightenment, obtained Buddhahood and displayed Buddha's wisdom. Sakyamuni Tathagata's Sambhogakaya body is Lushana Buddha.”

"Practice all kinds of Dharma for all sentient beings until you have completed your practice. Due to the power of practice, you can be free and able to appear in various bodies to respond to all living beings, and appear and teach all living beings. This is called the response body. Sakyamuni Buddha is the Tathagata's response body in the human world. "

Behind Sakyamuni, two images of Buddha appeared, both of which were pure and solemn and difficult to see. Adros opened his eyes and wanted to take a closer look at the two giant Buddhas, which were between reality and reality, but he was always blocked by the inexplicable power of the Buddha and could not see clearly.

In the end, Adros finally gave up on seeing clearly the existence of the two Buddhas behind him. Although he came to the world as a burning lamp, the power of Sakyamuni at this time was already above the burning lamp. If he tried to deduce it forcefully, it might affect his own path. .

"Lao Tzu transforms the three pure beings into one qi, the Tathagata evolves the Dharma body to respond to the Sambhogakaya, and all the sages are differentiated by the non-action Dharma. It is really wonderful."

Adros was filled with admiration. Based on his current practice, he couldn't tell whether the magical power evolved by Sakyamuni was higher or lower than that of One Qi Transformation into Three Purities. The Dharmakaya embodies the Buddha itself of the Dharma. The Sambhogakaya is the body that achieves Buddhahood through practicing the Dharma. The Yingka body is the body that manifests itself according to circumstances.

The moral status of these three bodies and the Yuanshi Lingbao can only be answered when they meet face to face due to fate.

But whether they are Buddha, Dharma, Sangha or Taoist people, I am afraid that they will not cling to names and appearances to compete. Just like before our eyes, the Tathagata and the Supreme Being meet in the human world, but I'm afraid they won't get into a fight. Not to mention, let Yuanshi and Buddha fight, Lingbao and Buddha fruit fight, just think about it and know that it is impossible.

Of course, we have to admit that the Tathagata observes the wonder of the Supreme One Qi transforming into three pure states, and generates the Dharmakaya to respond to the Sambhogakaya. In later generations, there was a saying that Laozi transformed Hu into a Buddha.

"The retributions of the Dharma are all equal to the Great Sun Tathagata, and the light shines all over the world. It is indeed a supreme and wonderful Dharma."

The Supreme Being also saw the manifested body of the Tathagata. What he saw was naturally above Adros, but he saw the difference between the three bodies and the three pure bodies. The Dharmakaya does not appear, the Sambhogakaya appears and disappears from time to time, but when it appears, it is the Dharmakaya of the Great Sun Tathagata.

Shakyamuni held the flower in his hand and smiled: "Indeed, the rewards of Dharma are indistinguishable. If you force comparison, it is only between the Yuanshi Lingbao. You can see the gathering of Dharma, but you cannot see the true nature of the Buddha."

After he finished speaking, the two blurry images of Buddha behind him merged into one place. Then, he merged with Sakyamuni himself and became a boundless Buddha, pure and compassionate, majestic and majestic, with boundless merits.

This giant Buddha stretched out his right palm, pointed one finger to the sky, and the other finger to the earth, and praised: "I am the only one in heaven and earth."

This is exactly the same sentence as when Sakyamuni was born, and it spread throughout the world.

Then, with the giant Buddha as the center, a realm of emptiness and silence evolved, which was boundless and vast, with no boundaries in the four dimensions. This realm is similar to the Xuanling Immortal Realm, but it is different.

In this realm, there is less of the mysterious Taoism of the Xuanling Immortal Realm, but more of the solemn Buddhism.

"Your Majesty opened up the Xuanling Immortal Realm for the golden immortals, which is the first-class merit since the evolution of the heaven, earth and divine realm. It is the power of opening up the heavens. Now I contemplate the wonderful meaning of the Xuanling Immortal Realm, open up the Buddha land, and realize the supreme righteousness for all Bodhisattvas. The place of awakening is the solemn Buddha land for Bodhisattva."

As soon as Sakyamuni finished speaking, the Buddha led the Bodhisattva to solemnize the Buddha land and slowly disappeared in front of the Bodhisattvas and gods. Only Sakyamuni remained under the Bodhi tree, smiling.

When the solemn Buddha Land disappeared, Adros saw that there was a pure land in the east and west of the Buddha Land. In the pure land, there was a big Buddha speaking about Buddhism.

At the extreme end of the East, this great Buddha has one face and two arms. His skin color is glazed blue. He wears three robes. His right hand holds the aspiration seal and holds the medicine myrobalan. His left hand takes out a medicine bowl. The bowl is filled with all kinds of medicine that can cure all living beings. The wonderful nectar of illness has thirty-two characteristics, which are followed by recovery at eighty years. It rests on the throne of the lotus and moon disk in the posture of vajra lotus.

"All living beings in the world are suffering, manifested in the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance. In order to eliminate the illnesses of all sentient beings, bring peace and happiness to the body and mind, save the causes of diseases in all sentient beings, cure the chronic diseases of ignorance, and eliminate all disasters, I am the doctor of the world and the Medicine Buddha. .”

At the extreme end of the West, the right hand hangs down, with the palm facing forward to make the wish seal. The left hand holds the lotus, which symbolizes the removal of all worries. The hand makes the wish seal, which symbolizes attracting all living beings. He lives in the Eight-leaf Courtyard in the middle stage. His body is white and yellow, and he sits cross-legged. Enter Pauline.

"Infinite light, immeasurable Dharma, immeasurable lifespan, immeasurable appearance, immeasurable buildings, all Buddhas are equal, immeasurable and countless, if you see Amitabha, you will see immeasurable Buddhas."

“The Medicine Buddha of the East and the Amitabha Buddha of the West?”

Adros murmured to himself, Sure enough, how could there be so many Buddhas in the world? Most of them are clones of the Tathagata who manifested themselves by chance.

"I dare to ask Your Majesty and the Emperor, if the Buddha Land imitates the Immortal Realm and wishes to respect the Jade Emperor as the Great Heavenly Lord, how will the Heavenly Court treat my Buddha Land?"

"Bodhisattva is the same as the Golden Immortal. He does not go to heaven to call himself a god, but he can enter the world and save people. If the Tathagata is willing, he can personally go to the Lingxiao Palace to discuss with the Great Heavenly Lord."

The Supreme Being has no interest in caring about the status of Buddha Land in Heaven, and Adros doesn't want to ask too much about it. After all, Buddhism still has some involvement with him, and he can't say anything.

"Then in this world of heaven and demons, I also want to worship the Jade Emperor as the Great Heavenly Lord. I wonder if that's okay?"

Bo Xun suddenly spoke, and then with his mind as the center, a realm unfolded, changing from virtual to real, and then from real to virtual. In the Indian divine realm, six out of twenty-four days were integrated into this realm.

Although this realm exists independently and is not affected by the present world, it is an idealistic realm. The destruction of heaven and earth cannot affect it in the slightest.

But it is different from the Xuanling Immortal Realm and the Bodhisattva's Majestic Buddha Land. It does not have a guide similar to the way of the Supreme Tathagata and transcends the realm. It is just a realm.

This realm is like the sacred land of the Imperial Land opened by Emperor Tai Tian. It can accommodate all spiritual gods to come to this realm and allow them to open up divine realms and kingdoms.

But unlike the Imperial Land, which prohibits life-and-death fights among gods, in this realm, gods can fight at will, and it doesn't matter if they are killed or maimed. As the lord of the realm, Bo Xun would not care, let alone want to care.

Taking advantage of the transformation from the lower world, pretending to be other people's pleasures, playing freely, so it is called "other transformation is at ease".

If the spiritual beings living in the Heavenly Demon Realm cannot play freely, then Bo Xun's creation of the Heavenly Demon Realm will be of little value to him.

It wasn't until Bo Xun evolved into the Demon Realm that Adros finally understood Bo Xun's path.

The Lord of Gods, Marduk, constantly breaks through the barriers of the divine realms and accommodates all divine realms, in order to evolve a realm that can attract any practitioners and gods. Even golden immortals and bodhisattvas can enter and exit at will as long as they have a thought and want to enter the world of gods and demons.

The demon lord Bo Xun takes demons as his way and grinding as his way. He not only observes the joyful things in heaven, but also blocks the way of the gods and achieves his own path to freedom as a demon. The world of demons and demons does not leave guidance like the fairy world and Buddha land. Instead, it is a realm created by one party to help Bo Xun transcend.

Perhaps one day in the future, when the world of heavenly demons continues to develop and the demonic path in the human world becomes prosperous, and neither the immortal path nor the Buddhist path can be compared, Bo Xun will be able to transcend the master and truly become a demon.

"The Buddha and the Demon King are going to heaven. This is a blessing for the heavens. I will host a banquet with all the emperors in the Lingxiao Palace. When the heaven is truly announced to the heavens, I will invite you all to come into the palace for a while."

Although the Great Heavenly Lord did not come over, everything that happened here was displayed in the Haotian Mirror. His voice passed directly through the snowy mountains and appeared where the gods and bodhisattvas were.

"When you come, you will go to heaven to pay homage to the Great Heavenly Lord and all the emperors."

Sakyamuni clasped his hands together and smiled slightly towards the east.

Bo Xun also laughed and said: "I heard that there is a magical flat peach fruit in the Kyushu, which is extremely delicious. I must come to taste it when the time comes."

"Okay, then I will be in the heaven, waiting for you two to come."


Sakyamuni and Bo Xun successively evolved the Bodhisattva's solemn Buddha land and the world of heaven and demons. The Supreme Being stroked his beard and smiled, and put away the Tai Chi Golden Bridge. Then he nodded to Adros and continued westward on the green ox.

The purpose of his coming here is to demonstrate the wonderful method to the gods and promote the evolution of the heavens. Since it is called the heavens, it is naturally impossible for only the Xuanling Immortal World to exist.

Before leaving, Tai glanced at the Bodhi tree next to Sakyamuni, and a mysterious light shone into the tree. Then he chanted in his mouth without looking at it: "The appearance of Confucius can only follow the Tao. The Tao is a thing, but it is a trance. When it is trance, there are images in it; when it is trance, there are things in it." It’s graceful and dark, but there’s spirit in it; it’s spirit is so true, there’s faith in it…”

The voice was just like the Taishang's body, gradually becoming ethereal, becoming invisible and inaudible. Even the vast purple energy that came with the Taishang was the same. It seemed that he had successfully retreated and would not reappear.

"The Supreme Being forgets love and transcends life and death, but I still have to live in this world for a lifetime. I really envy his freedom and ease."

Sakyamuni sighed, then turned and glanced at the Bodhi tree next to him, and the same Buddha's light hit it.

A few years later, this bodhi tree took shape and appeared, not only cultivating the golden immortal method of Taoism, but also attaining the status of Bodhisattva in Buddhism. A master of both Buddhism and Taoism, he is the first person in the world to be proficient in both Buddhism and Taoism.


Sakyamuni led the Bodhisattvas and his disciples to walk in the world, and began to preach the method of Buddhist enlightenment to the world. At the same time, he is also teaching the Dharma to the Bodhisattvas to help them take further steps.

The three creation gods of the Indian God Realm looked at each other, and then decided to have a good talk with the Lord Sakyamuni. The Indian divine realm has its own righteous Dharma. If Buddhism is to be preached, it will inevitably subvert the entire divine realm.

The Dharma can be spread, but it cannot be spread by relying on supernatural powers. Otherwise, they would not mind erasing the world they created and creating a new world that only respects the righteous Dharma.

Although Sakyamuni and other Bodhisattvas are present in the Bodhisattva-glorified Buddha Land, they do not necessarily reside in the Indian divine realm. However, the way of Buddhism lies among all living beings. If the heaven and earth are destroyed and all living beings cease to exist, the Buddha Dharma will have no value in existence. Bodhisattvas are afraid that it will be difficult for them to make further progress.

The three Indian gods also noticed this. Although their strength was not as strong as Sakyamuni, they still dared to compete with him.

"Your Excellency Bo Xun, I want to ask you something. Do you agree?"

Ever since he saw the way of Sakyamuni, Mingzun's expression has never been calm. It was not until the Supreme Being, Sakyamuni, and even the three Indian gods left that he finally asked Bo Xun for help.

(I don’t know if anyone is reading the thankless task of spending so much time describing Buddhism and Taoism. Speaking of which, at the beginning of this book, it was originally written to promote the Four Directions. I wrote Here, I want to claim that I haven’t failed in my writing, but the group of authors who hurt my friends all laughed and said nothing. It’s really...)
