Supreme God

Chapter 497: The war is over, and wise men emerge in large numbers


When the war just started, there was no master, and the main force on the battlefield was the master god. Vertex update fastest

The battle between the main gods is basically the main god of the Persian God Realm alone versus the main god of the enemy Chaos God Realm.

The main gods on the side of Chaos are headed by several of the twelve Titan gods, mainly gods from Mount Olympus and the seas. As for the Court of Stars, I don’t know what the purpose is. At the beginning , and did not take action.

The Star Divine Court almost covers most of the most powerful main gods in the Chaos Divine Domain.

It wasn't until all the gods on the ocean were almost destroyed that the Court of Stars began to take action. Although the gods of the Chaos Divine Realm knew the intentions of the Court of Stars and probably deliberately sat back and watched these ocean gods die, they were helpless.

At this time, there are seven masters among the Star Gods in the Star Divine Court. Among the many peak gods, even the Olympus Divine Court seems to be incomparable.

Not to mention, the Lord of the Stars and his subordinates, as well as the other dominant gods, are already the most powerful force in the Chaos Divine Realm.

It also seemed to be a sign of fate. The gods of the sea goddess Thalasa, who had joined forces everywhere to besiege Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, were almost all killed by the Persian gods.

Sharing the same fate as them were the gods of the ancient sea god Pontos who had been killed by the gods of Kyushu.

In the second stage, the Lords of the Twelve Star Palaces of the Star Divine Court, as well as the five Lords of the Stars of the Sky, Sea, Pluto, Sun and Moon, joined the battle with the eighty-eight constellations, the Dipper and the Dipper.

The Persian side was unable to resist, and the main gods of Babylon, Egypt, Hittite, Paradise and other gods also appeared in the battle.

At this stage of the war, because there were so many gods taking action, the battle situation was complicated and lasted longer. However, in the middle of this battle, Darius the Great of the Persian Empire died.

It was also at this time that Sakyamuni in the Indian divine realm entered nirvana and opened up a central pure land whirling world in the solemn Buddha land of Bodhisattva, calling him Tathagata to receive and guide all living beings.

Sakyamuni's death seemed to be a sign. After meeting Sakyamuni before his death, Bo Xun left the Babylonian realm and concentrated on running the world of demons.

Mingzun, Yahweh and Amon-Ra, these three gods who dominate the top, finally led many masters to start the final battle with the Khaos Divine Realm.

The masters of both sides almost came out in full force and refused to give in to each other.

The Court of Stars set up a great array of stars and fought with Yahweh in the nine heavens; Gaia, the Earth Mother, fought with Mingzun, fighting on the vast earth; the three God Kings of Chaos merged into one and called themselves the God King Jupiter. He fought with Atlantis, the god of the sea, between the mountains and the sea; Nyx, the lord of the night, fought with Amon-Ra, the supreme god of Egypt, in the underworld.

The other masters also have their own opponents, and there are almost no idle ones. Of course, their fighting did not actually affect the overall situation, so they were not particularly hard-working, and there was no life-or-death battle.

But it's different on the other side, especially the battle between Earth Mother Gaia and Ming Zun, and the battle between Jupiter and Atlantis. Both sides have their own purposes, and neither side will give in easily.

For a time, the Khaos Divine Realm was plunged into constant tremors. Sometimes there were meteors and fire showers, sometimes landslides and ground cracks, sometimes sea water poured in, and sometimes dark winds rose. All kinds of strange phenomena made the Khaos Divine Realm look like the end of the world. generally.

During the stalemate stage of the war, the Zhou Tianxing Dou enveloped the entire Chaos Divine Realm, protecting the Divine Realm, and on the other hand, the Divine Realm was broken due to the battle for domination.

In the starlight, the Zhoutian Star God faced Yahweh, and the battles of other masters were also going on under the shroud of war. The two warring parties, who were almost evenly matched at first, suddenly experienced changes that no one had imagined.

Etel, the Lord of Space, and Poseidon, the King of the Sea, suddenly turned against each other. Instead of fighting the Persian gods, they attacked the ruler of Chaos.

Etel, the Lord of Space, attacks Hecate, the Lord of the Big Dipper, and Poseidon, the King of the Sea, attacks Athena, the Lord of the South Dipper. Because of their actions, the two goddesses were unable to react and fell into danger.

From the Book of Creation in Yahweh's hand, two rays of creation light shot out, falling on Athena and Hecate respectively, seriously injuring them.


Hecate transformed into her three-headed six-armed body, cooperating with the gods to evolve the star formation around the sky, while also dealing with the Lord of Space, Etel.

Ethel sneered: "You won't forget the grudge between me and Adros, right?"

"Yes, that boy Adros doesn't dare to come out, so let's kill a few of his subordinates first."

The King of the Sea, Poseidon, who didn't know when he would become the master, was also laughing wildly on the sidelines.

Hecate and Athena looked at each other and understood the intentions of these two gods. They thought that in the face of the entire divine war, all the masters would put aside their personal grudges, but they didn't expect that they were overthinking it.

In fact, they, the Star Divine Court, sat and watched the death of those ocean gods, how could they ever let go of their personal grudges

"No wonder Emperor Ziwei told me that I must come to witness this battle in person. I didn't know what it meant at first, but it turned out that I was on guard against this."

A huge sleeve swept across the starry sky like a dark cloud, and immediately the Lord of Space Etel and the King of the Sea Poseidon disappeared.

Instead, there is a Kyushu Taoist, holding a fly whisk, handsome appearance, wearing a purple gold crown, wearing a worry-free crane cloak, walking shoes, and a ribbon tied around his waist. The body is like a boy, the face is like a beauty, with three beards floating under the chin, and crow feathers folding on the temples.

"Pindao Town Yuanzi, I have seen the Lord Yahweh."

The person who came was none other than Motoko of Kyushu Jinxian Town. When Adros was in Kyushu, he created a Shinto clone and asked Adros for the title of Lord of Saturn.

In this war, Adros was at a critical moment and had no time to participate in the battle, so he asked him to come and take care of him.

"Golden Immortal of Immortal Realm, are you going to fight me?"

Yawei has also seen the Tao of the Supreme Being and knows the method of the Golden Immortal of the Nine Provinces. He knows that the Taoist in front of him is the Golden Immortal monk who is in the realm of a master as the Supreme Being said.

"Of course I will not participate in your war."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly, and there were two more fruits in his hand. They were like children under the age of three, with all four limbs and five senses, exuding a strange fragrance.

Ignoring Yahweh's surprise, Zhen Yuanzi threw the two fruits directly to Hecate and Athena: "This is the treasure from my ginseng fruit tree. If you take it, your injuries will be healed. Then, you Keep fighting."

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves, opened a space from the star formation, and headed towards the earth. Now that we're here, we naturally can't leave here. We can't participate in the battle here, but we have to participate in the other place.

"Mother of the Earth, I want to help you repel Ming Zun. I just ask that when you open up the heaven in the future, you can allow me to watch."

When Earth Mother Gaia heard Zhen Yuanzi's voice, she thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Your Excellency, please help me."

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but feel joy on his face. He stepped on the earth, and suddenly a power of the earth that was completely different from the path of Gaia, the Earth Mother, combined with the divine power of Gaia, the Earth Mother, struck towards Ming Zun.

Zhen Yuanzi was one of the few among the Immortal Family who practiced the Way of the Earth. Originally, the Way of the Earth was an extremely easy path to follow with the two empresses Nuwa and Houtu leading them.

But precisely because the two empresses followed the way of the earth so well, Zhen Yuanzi looked at their path and felt that he had almost no way to go, so he thought of entering the Star Palace in Adros, hoping to learn the way of the earth from outside the territory. , by analogy.

It didn't take long for him to find an opportunity to observe the path of the most powerful Mother Goddess of Earth in a foreign land, which really made Zhen Yuanzi happy.

Mingzun's strength may be slightly higher than that of Earth Mother Gaia, and he came with the general trend. He could naturally defeat Earth Mother over time.

But Zhen Yuanzi joined the battle, leaving him helpless. The methods of the Immortal family were already varied, and the combination of Zhen Yuanzi and Earth Mother, both of whom were of the earth's ways, quickly put him at a disadvantage.

"That's all, that's all. Although there is great momentum in the world, there is no right time. After all, I am not as good as Bo Xun."

In the end, Ming Zun sighed softly and pulled away, signaling a truce. When leaving, he said hello to Yahweh, Amun-Ra and Atlantis, and then headed east.

Since we can't win the Khaos Divine Realm, so be it. Ming Zun transformed into a bright flame and burned in the sky, burning all the way from Chaos to Babylon and then to the Persian divine domain.

When the gods saw this vision, the war stopped abruptly, and they all followed the flames to Persia to see what happened.

This flame burned in the void, and then radiated with it as the center into the divine domain controlled by the Persian Empire. All flames and lights seemed to be inspired by this flame and gathered around it.

"Now based on this holy fire, I open up a world of light and fire to guide all those who yearn for good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. Practitioners can get my guidance in this world, and non-practitioners can also find me here after their souls die. Bless"

Another heaven is opened, but this heaven is different from the previous three heavens. The light and fire world not only attracts practitioners, but also attracts the souls of mortals.

The world of light and fire was successfully opened, and Ming Zhengxin walked out of the holy fire. He sighed in his mouth. His step was indeed a little behind compared to Taishang and Tathagata, as well as Bo Xun.

When the gods reach the ultimate level of dominance, they have no way to go. Both the Supreme Being and the Tathagata have reached the point of merit and have seen the way forward, opening up the heaven and guiding other practitioners.

Bo Xun was a little inferior and wanted to rely on the Heavenly Demon Realm for comparison, but the Heavenly Demon Realm was dispensable to him. At some point, if he wanted to be happy, he might just wipe out the Demon Realm. Therefore, the Road of Bo Xun has nothing to do with the world of demons.

But this time Ming Zun opened up the world of light and fire, but it was because of this world that he saw the way forward. He did not find a way to transcend, but as the world of light and fire became more prosperous, his strength became stronger.

In the world of light and fire, he can fight with any existence, but outside the world of light and fire, he is an ordinary master.

Among the masters present, only Yahweh, Gaia, Amun-Ra and Atlantis have reached the ultimate mastery level and can see the clues of the world of light and fire.

The opening up of this world has pointed a direction for them, but they still need to carefully consider whether they want to embark on this path.

After the war was over, Adros naturally no longer blocked the door to Hell. The Chaos Starlight did not disappear at all. After saying hello to the Queen of the Earth, he came to the starry sky.

This time when he came to the starry sky, he did not choose any star as a place to live. Instead, he directly turned into a star, radiating light, and the true sun fire burned on the surface, just like another sun star.

However, this sun is covered by a layer of vague chaos, and its existence cannot be found between heaven and earth. Even among the many masters of the Star Divine Court, none of them noticed anything unusual.

All they knew was that their Lord of the Stars, Adros, was missing again. But this is normal, Adros often disappears.

At this time, the Chaos Divine Realm, or Greece, like Kyushu, has entered a very special era. Because the Greek city-states fought together against Assyria and Babylon, and not long ago they formed a real alliance against the Persian Empire.

Perennial confrontations and alliances have deepened the exchanges between Greek city-states, and also deepened the exchanges between Greece and foreign countries.

These exchanges brought more collisions of ideas and opened an era of sages in Greece.

Solon of Athens, Chero of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Prien, Cleopatra of Lindus, Pytas of Mytilene, and Brunander of Corinth. The seven great sages are known as the Seven Sages of Greece.

And because Adros' method of human transformation into a god and Hecate's magical path still find traces in Greece, these seven sages all transcended the human world and became gods among humans.

After them, several greater sages emerged, namely Heraclitus, Pythagoras, and after them Socrates.

These three sages are not like the Seven Sages of Greece. Although they have also embarked on the road to becoming gods, they believe that the reason why humans are human is that they are born, old, sick and die.

Not only did they die themselves, but they also helped the previous sages who transcended the human world and became gods to create legends of death.

Therefore, in human cognition, all these sages have experienced death. And it is precisely because of their deaths that humans admire them even more.

However, it is not that no one knows that these sages are still alive. Among them, the pair of masters and disciples named Plato and Aristotle who lived in Athens knew the truth about these sages.

Plato was a disciple of Socrates. He not only learned all kinds of human knowledge from Socrates, but also learned Socrates' secret method of becoming a god.

It is said that this method of becoming a god was passed down by a sage who was called the original preacher by many heroes in the mythical age. Many heroes have become gods because of the spread of this method.

Late that night, Plato was telling his student Aristotle how to become a god and how to ignite the divine fire.

Suddenly, a burst of sarcastic laughter came from outside the yard.

"I didn't expect that thousands of years have passed, but the method of becoming a god has not changed at all. It's really ridiculous."

("Tianshu" by Xu Gongzi Shengzhi has finally been released. You can go and read it. My book is greatly influenced by his works. Well, the series "Heaven, Earth, People, Gods and Ghosts" and the Taishang Chapter are all my fairy tales. Grass.)

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