Supreme God

Chapter 498: Alexander, the Great's Eastern Campaign


"I didn't expect that thousands of years have passed, but the method of becoming a god has not changed at all. It's really ridiculous."

Hearing the noise coming from outside, Plato took Aristotle out to take a look. A young man with black hair and black eyes was looking at his master and disciple with a scrutinizing look.

"Excuse me, who are you? Why did you come to my courtyard in the middle of the night?"

The weird young man opposite may seem ordinary, but Plato would not think that he is just an ordinary young man.

"I heard that you are a student of Socrates, but your current thoughts are not exactly the same as those of your teacher. Why is this?"

The young man did not answer Plato's question, but asked him a question.

Plato pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Everyone is different, and his thoughts will naturally be different. My teacher's thoughts are also obtained from the predecessors. Both the predecessors and my teachers are different from the era I live in. Even if they are the same, how can their thoughts be the same?”

After hearing this, the young man did not comment, just chuckled, and continued: "Light the divine fire, guide the divinity, and shape the divine personality. I heard that it was already like this a thousand years ago when this method was first created. Why has a thousand years passed? , is this still the case? Could it be that thoughts change with the times and personal circumstances, and won’t the method of becoming a god change with the times and circumstances?"

After hearing the young man's words, Plato was stunned and suddenly enlightened.

Yes, thoughts can be changed, but why can’t the method of becoming a god be changed? For a moment, Plato's thoughts were racing, and he thought of many things in this method of becoming a god that were not suitable for him. He used to think that he had no connection, but now that he thought about it, he could obviously change this method of becoming a god slightly.

"Sir, can you stay here for a while? I often ask you for advice."

Plato also saw that the young man in front of him must be a practitioner who practices the method of human beings becoming gods. Perhaps his realm is still higher than that of his teachers and other sages. He quickly begged the other party to stay so that he could seek advice. .

This black-haired young man stayed in the city of Athens for three days as Plato intended. During these three days, Plato and Aristotle gained a lot of knowledge about spiritual practice.

Perhaps not only in spiritual practice, but also in politics, history, military affairs, philosophy and even foreign religions, this young man is extremely proficient in them and can speak fluently.

"Sir, can I ask you one last question?"

When the young man was about to leave, Plato began to ask his biggest question.

"You tell me."

"Excuse me, sir, what is the source of heaven and earth, and how does it become what it is now?"

When the black-haired young man heard Plato's question, he couldn't help but look surprised, and then asked: "What do you think it should look like?"

"The beginning of heaven and earth was opened up by the Creator Chaos. It changed from chaos to order. Its most important feature is that the Creator formulated a rational plan for the world to evolve into this."

After hearing this, the black-haired young man smiled calmly: "I can't answer your question now. I'll borrow the words of two Eastern sages and tell you. As for what the result will be, maybe you will practice to a certain extent in the future. You will naturally know the state of your mind.”

"There is a mixture of things, born in advance of heaven and earth. It is lonely and lonely, independent and does not change, and it moves around without dying. It can be the mother of the world. I don't know its name. The strong word is called Dao, and the strong word is called Da. The big name is passing. , passing away is said to be far away, and being far away is said to be contrary. Therefore, the Tao is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and people are also big. There is bigness in the domain, and humans live in one of them. Humans follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature. "

"Human beings are empty and formless, and all things are nothing but my own creation. The only one who understands all things and makes them perfect is a saint! Why? If you are not a saint, you are not a saint. If you are not a saint, you are not reasonable. If you are a saint by reason, a saint will not be different from the principle. To see dependent origin is to see the Dharma, and to see the Dharma is to see the Buddha. This is the effect that things and I are the same. Therefore, the perfect person can hide mysteries in the absence of signs, and hide the hidden destiny in the instant. The past and the present are connected, and they are always connected. When we are poor at the beginning and at the end, we can't compare it with the other. The great balance is called Nirvana."

The black-haired young man used a method similar to telepathy to transmit these two paragraphs into the minds of Plato and Aristotle, then laughed and walked out the door.

These two passages of scripture are what the black-haired young man has studied the most recently. His true self has now reached this point, but he has never been able to transcend it like those two beings.

He descended as a clone and came to this world to seek merit in one life, just to help the original deity take the final step towards transcendence.

"Sir, I wonder what your name is?"

The young Aristotle suddenly thought of something, he didn't even know the gentleman's name, so he asked him about it.

"My name is Alexander. We will meet again. Aristotle, when we meet again, you should be my teacher."


In northern Greece, the Kingdom of Macedonia, once called a barbarian by the Greeks and ruled by the Persians, finally began to become stronger.

Especially after the Macedonians deposed the young king and elected Philip as king, Philip's reforms became the first step in the real rise of Macedonia.

Because the Macedonians were brave and good at fighting, Illyria and Epirus in the west, Thrace in the east, and Paionia in the north all fell within their sphere of influence.

In order to consolidate the king's power, Philip established a standing army loyal to the king and created a powerful Macedonian phalanx. Later, he invaded the gold mines of Thrace, so that he would have a stable income every year to expand his military.

The combat effectiveness of the Macedonian army has far exceeded that of the armies of other Greek city-states. In order to prepare for the invasion of Eastern countries, Philip also built a powerful fleet.

With the strengthening of the king's power, the expansion of the territory, the increase in strength, and the absence of either internal strife or foreign aggression, the Greek city-states in the south, which were still engaged in internal strife, naturally became his target for further conquest.

Philip defeated the Greek city-states, and they recognized him as their overlord. The proud Philip was preparing to launch an army to conquer the powerful Persian Empire, but he was assassinated at his daughter's wedding banquet.

Thus, Alexander, the son of Philip, who was only twenty years old, ascended to the throne of Macedon. As soon as this king who studied under the sage Aristotle ascended the throne, the Romans from afar sent envoys to deliver a holy sword, which was said to be the star left by the original preacher and the master of the Court of Stars in the world. sword.

Because of King Philip's death, the Greek city-states immediately began an uprising against Macedonia.

However, Alexander, who had just ascended the throne, had a more outstanding commanding ability than his father Philip. In less than half a year, he reconquered the entire Greece and was obedient to him.

As a son, conquering areas that his father has not conquered seems to be used to show that he is better than his father, which is the best proof. Many emperors did this, and Alexander was no exception.

The twenty-year-old new Macedonian king led his army across the Hellespont and began to attack the Persian Empire.

The army of Alexander and the army of King Darius III of Persia fought for the first time on the banks of the Granicus River in Asia Minor. The Greek army won a great victory and occupied Asia Minor in less than half a year.

Then, Alexander led his army to defeat more than 100,000 Persian troops led by Darius III in the plain of Issus in Syria, and captured Darius's mother, wife and two daughters, so that he, who was known as the King of Kings, Darius III fled eastward.

In the same year, Alexander conquered the cities of Syria and Phoenicia, and the following year he conquered Egypt, where he built a new city called Alexandria.

Two years later in the spring, Alexander left Egypt and continued his eastern expedition. The army crossed the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, and six months later, they fought another battle with Dariustu III's army at Abela.

The Persian army numbered about 400,000, including horse troops and elephant soldiers, but they were all defeated by Alexander, and Darius III fled eastward.

Alexander continued his advance and captured Babylon, the most majestic city ever built. He traveled eastward from Babylon and entered the Persian Empire. He occupied the two Persian capitals of Susa and Persepolis. After obtaining a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, he set fire to the city of Persepolis and killed its residents in revenge. More than a hundred years ago, King Xerxes I of Persia set fire to the city of Athens out of hatred.

In the next three years, Alexander suppressed sporadic resistance in northeastern Persia. King Darius III of Persia was also killed by his men, and the Persian Empire, which had lasted for nearly two hundred years, was destroyed.

A year later, Alexander marched into India. He led his army to march eastward from the south bank of the Caspian Sea, passed through Parthia, conquered Afghanistan, entered India, defeated the Indian rebels, pacified Punjab, and planned to continue southward along the Indus River.


In the sacred land of the Imperial City, all the gods gathered together in the Lingxiao Palace on this day. Many gods from outside the realm who had never been to the heaven before came to the heaven.

"All the great gods, you all come to my heaven together, but what's the big deal?"

The Great Heavenly Lord was sitting on the throne. When he saw Yahweh, Amon-Ra, Mingzun, Gaia, Atlantis, the regional masters, and the Bodhisattvas in Lingshan, he could not help but reveal a faint smile on his face.

He also knew the purpose of these gods. It was just that in the past few years, Emperor Ziwei had been conquering the Star Divine Court outside the territory, and almost brought all the gods they belonged to into his rule. These gods could not sit still.

The emperors of heaven, as well as the heavenly golden immortals who came from the Xuanling Immortal Realm, all looked at these foreign gods with strange smiles on their faces.

From the human perspective, it was Alexander the Great of Macedonia who led an army of soldiers, charged into battle, attacked cities and destroyed countries, with great military exploits.

But in the eyes of those who have transcended this world, what they see more is the nearly twenty masters of the Star Divine Court, setting up a great array of stars and subduing one divine domain after another.

Not only the Divine Court of Stars, but the Lord of Night Nix, the Demon Lord Bo Xun, and even some emperors from the Nine Provinces also often took action to help the Divine Court of Stars.

Over the years, many divine realms in foreign lands have had enough of being bullied. So, they met together and came to the heaven of the Emperor's land.

These gods looked at each other, and finally the Mingzun of the Persian God's Domain spoke: "I think the Great Heavenly Lord also knows that the gods subordinate to the Lord of the Stars are conquering our God's Domain everywhere, from Chaos in the west to India in the winter solstice. They are all in his conquest. The Great Heavenly Lord once told us that you, the Heavenly Court, are for the purpose of reconciling the heavens. We came here this time to ask the Great Heavenly Lord to mediate on your behalf, and to ask the Lord of the Stars to stop here."

(Um, no surprise, the next chapter should be the finale of the main story. I just ask for a little reward, and let the number of rewards exceed a thousand, which is embarrassing...)
