Supreme Master

Chapter 41: Enter


If you buy a 30-jin and one-pin Wanluo jade at the Rose City Trading Center, you need more than nine thousand gold coins. Even if the price of personal items sold to the trading center is relatively low, the value can reach seven or eight thousand gold coins. This gold coin is considered a huge sum of money for the average body tempering 7th realm cultivator.

"Yes, I'm very satisfied with the reward." Su Yue nodded to Gao Chang.

Gao Chang looked at Xiao Fei and the others, and all of them nodded.

"Very good, then we have reached a verbal agreement now. You can rest in the camp at will now. I believe it will not take long before we can start to act." Gao Chang said with a smile.

After his words, the members of the Blue Charm Adventure Group who had surrounded Su Yue and others faintly returned to their original positions. It's just that everyone's eyes looking at Su Yue are obviously different from the beginning.

Li Dong, who had been put on his neck by Su Yue's long sword, gave Su Yue a vicious look in his eyes before turning back.

"Is this blue charm adventure group famous?"

After the other party left, Su Yue asked Xiao Fei in a low voice.

"Don't you know?" Xiao Fei was taken aback and looked at Su Yue in surprise.

Su Yue shook his head.

"The Blue Charm Adventure Group is extremely famous in the Xiguan County region, and it is also the largest adventure group in Xiguan County. It is said that they have nearly 300 adventurers, and the weakest is also in the Quadruple Realm of Body Tempering. The leader of the Blue Charm Adventure Group, He is a terrifying powerhouse in the spiritual cultivation realm, and this adventure group may also hide other powers in the spiritual cultivation realm." Xiao Fei said in a very low voice.

"So strong?" Su Yue was also surprised.

Because, in general, forces such as adventure groups and adventure teams are generally small forces, not on the stage, and incomparable with family forces. It now appears that this blue charm adventure group is an exception.

"How is the reputation of this adventure group?" Su Yue asked again after a pause.

"The reputation is mixed, I can only say it is average! However, the deputy head of Gao Chang promised us that there should be no problems. As long as the task is completed, he should fulfill the promise." Xiao Fei thought for a while and said.

In the depths of the camp, Gao Chang and others gathered here.

"Haha, Li Dong, you were squashed today and lost in the hands of a kid." Another male law protector teased.

"Damn it!" Li Dong squeezed both fists.

"It's just because I was careless, so that kid had the opportunity to take advantage of it." Li Dong said unconvinced.

"Li Dong, your strength is indeed inferior to that boy in Tsing Yi. Although the opponent is also in the seven-level realm of body tempering, his vitality is stronger than you, and his martial skills seem to be extremely exquisite. His attack speed, with your eyesight, I am afraid Can't capture the sword shadow, right?" Gao Chang narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

When Gao Chang said so, Li Dong calmed down and nodded after a moment, "At that time, I really only felt a strong wave of vitality, and the sword light flickered. I almost subconsciously resisted, and then when I watched When the time comes, the kid’s long sword is already on my neck."

"So powerful?" The other protector frowned and said, "So, I'm not his opponent either?"

"I am also under pressure and feel dangerous." The female guardian Jiao Feng said calmly.

Hearing Jiaofeng's seemingly random words, Li Dong's expressions suddenly changed.

You know, Jiaofeng is at the eighth level of body tempering, and among the practitioners of the eighth level of body tempering, his strength is considered very strong. Even Jiaofeng said that she was under pressure.

"This is not a bad thing for us, at least, the stronger he is, the more pressure he can share." Gao Chang said with a sneer.

"But we have asked many adventurers to help this time, and the rewards will be a very large number." Jiaofeng's eyebrows tufted slightly.

"I've thought about this. Actually, on the surface, we do seem to have to pay a relatively high price for this. But after a careful calculation, perhaps the final payment may not be much." Gao Chang's face was gloomy and unpredictable. Looked at the other people.

"Because, for the dead, we naturally don't need to pay. I think there will be many of them, and they will not be able to get out of the wolf valley." Gao Chang went on to say proudly.

Li Dong and others flashed their eyes, Jiao Feng still expressionless, and returned to her cold look.

Two days passed.

The people in the camp are not all adventurers from the Blue Magic Adventure Group. In addition to the five people like Su Yue, there are also some so-called outsiders who, like them, are all Blue Magic recruits.

After waiting for two days, there were about ten more adventurers in the camp.

These adventurers who do not belong to the blue charm, some are joined by the adventure team as a whole, and some are lone travelers.

These people gathered together and didn't have much to say. Everyone seemed to be wary of other people. They didn't even have a word to talk if it was not necessary.

Xiao Fei does have rich experience in handling interpersonal relationships. In the past two days, he has inquired a lot of news, including information about the goals of the Blue Charm adventure group. There should be a lot of Wanluo jade ore discovered in the Wolf Valley. It is conservatively estimated to be more than two thousand catties. It is no wonder that the Blue Charm Adventure Group is so concerned and sent a deputy leader to personally lead the team.

Two thousand catties and one grade ten thousand Luoyu, worth up to five to six hundred thousand gold coins!

On this day, Gao Chang and others showed up again.


Gao Chang walked to the place where many adventurers gathered and shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

"I know everyone is getting a little impatient in waiting. Now I am very happy to tell you that we are about to set off. Everyone prepares first. After half an hour, we will start to enter the Wolf Valley." Gao Chang said with a smile.

The number of foreign adventurers, adding up to about thirty or forty people, is about the same as the number of adventurers in the Blue Charm Adventure Group. Most of the adventurers who were brought in were the five-layer tempering body and the six-layer tempering body, and a few were the four-layer tempering body and the seven-layer body tempering realm.

There is only one entrance on the surface of the evil wolf valley, of course, for those powerful and powerful who can fly, there are entrances everywhere. They can fly into the valley from the sky at will.

In the valley, the road is intricate, and there is a lot of white mist all year round, which can easily make people confused and lose their direction. In the end, they were not killed by the spirit beast but trapped to death.

Because of the changeable and complex environment, the Blue Magic Adventure Group needs more people to participate.

After half an hour, everyone left. The camp was only three or four miles away from the entrance of the Evil Wolf Valley, and a mighty group of people quickly arrived at the destination.

"Everyone, the front is Taniguchi. Please be careful when entering the valley, because we may be attacked by spirit beasts at any time." Gao Chang said loudly in front of the team. Running around has attracted a large number of spirit beasts, but don't blame me for turning my face and ruthlessly."

"Into the valley!"

The adventurers of the Blue Charm Adventure Group walked ahead and entered the valley first. Outsider adventurers followed behind and entered. Everyone secretly operated their internal energy, and looked around vigilantly from time to time.

When Su Yue came here for the first time, he looked around with curious eyes. Similar to the rumors, some white mist was indeed faintly visible in the valley, and the air seemed to have more moisture than outside, giving a feeling of dampness.



Just more than a hundred meters deep, I could hear some spirit beasts' calls. Xiao Fei said that the calls were from Dust Wind Wolf. Although the call can be heard, judging from the sound, the screaming wolves are at least two kilometers away.

Gao Chang and the others seemed to be familiar with the route. They walked very fast, and Su Yue and others naturally followed suit. If they were left behind at this time, it would be equivalent to delaying these days for nothing, and they didn't want to come in in vain.

As they went deeper, Xiao Wei and Su Yue got very close, and from time to time told Su Yue some information about the Wolf Valley. Su Yue asked Xiao Wei if he had been here before, and Xiao Wei also shook his head, saying that with the strength of their adventure team, entering the Wolf Valley was purely looking for death.

Half an hour later, the team had almost gone four or five miles deep into the wolf valley. There are many plants growing on some cliffs, but they are all of no value. Even if there are some herbs, they are commonly used by ordinary people to treat diseases.

"There are hurricane wolves!"

Suddenly, there was a roar in front, followed by the sound of fighting.

Su Yue also urged his internal vitality. At this time, everyone was walking in a narrow mountain col. The two cliffs were very steep. Looking up, you can occasionally see the figure of the hurricane wolf on the cliff. This is a spirit beast with a grayish abdomen and red. It is extremely fast and weak, but has extremely sharp teeth.

The sound of fighting in front quickly disappeared, and it seemed that there were only a few hurricane wolves. Su Yue squeezed forward in the crowd, and he saw the corpses of two hurricane wolves lying there. A leader of the vanguard of the blue charm adventure group was using a jade box to collect the corpse of one of the hurricane wolves floating above A mass of gray objects.

"They were lucky. They killed two Swift Wind wolves and they got a spirit orb." Xiao Fei also came to Su Yue's side. After taking a look, he said with a curled mouth.

To collect spirit orbs, a special jade box must be used to ensure that the energy contained in the spirit orbs will not escape into the air.

The value of a Tier 1 Spirit Orb is about one hundred gold coins.

Su Yue saw that the blue charm adventurer had dug out all the teeth of the hurricane wolf, and then put it into a bag. As for the corpse, they just discarded it.

"Actually, if the whole body of the spirit beast is taken out, it can also be sold for a lot of money. However, it is too difficult to take out. The Dustwind Wolf is a small spirit beast, but it is also larger than an adult." Xiao Fei Said helplessly.

"If there is a Qiankun bag, it will be much more convenient." Xiao Wei said softly from the side.

"Qiankun Bag?" Xiao Fei smiled, "That thing is not something that ordinary people can own. I haven't seen any adventurer ever took out a Qiankun bag."

"Brother, I'm just talking casually." Xiao Wei curled her lips.

After a short pause, the team continued to advance. Recommend a new book: [bookid=2922591,bookname="The Supreme God"]