Supreme Master

Chapter 42: Bait


As the team continued to deepen, the number of spirit beasts in contact became more and more, and the gap between the two mountain walls gradually widened, and everyone could see farther.


Xiao Fei pierced the throat of a rushing hurricane wolf with a sword, and then his eyes lit up slightly, and a cloud of gray matter floated from the body of the dead hurricane wolf. The three Xiao Wei's faces also showed joy.

"Brother, quickly collect the spirit beads." Xiao Wei continued.

"Yeah." Xiao Fei nodded and took out a jade box from Lieutenant General's back, and collected the floating spirit beads into the jade box.

The adventurer behind a few people watched Xiao Fei put away the gray spirit orb with a trace of greed in his eyes, but he concealed it well, only disappeared in a flash, and then faced away.

When they arrived at this place, spirit beasts sprang out from the cracks from time to time around them. These cunning spirit beasts made almost no sound when they approached humans, and everyone had to shrink their formation to guard their surroundings. Whoever the spirit beast rushes towards will attack and kill it. Or it may be a squad, or a lone traveler, because the spirit beasts that appear are all the first-level spirit beasts, blast wolves, for these adventurers, a small amount of blast wolves is not a threat.

The small team composed of Xiao Fei and Su Yue would from time to time take action to kill the storm wolves. If the spirit orb appeared with luck, everyone would naturally be happy.

In this way, the team moved forward slowly and orderly.

"Master Gao Chang, that place is not far away." Jiao Feng, the guardian, came to Gao Chang's side with her eyes fixed.

Gao Chang raised his head and looked to the far end.

"According to the intelligence, there are four branches and small valleys leading to the place where there is Wanluoyu." Gao Chang nodded.

"Yes, in these four branch valleys, there are a large number of gale wolves and bloodthirsty wolves. We will lose a lot if we force them into it." Jiao Feng said.

"The crack on the left side of the rock wall can go around and finally reach the place where there is Wanluoyu. However, as long as we enter that place, the spirit beasts in the four valleys will also surround us at a very fast speed." Gao Changming squinted With eyes closed, he slowly analyzed.

The Vanguard Captain of the Blue Charm Adventure Group who had left here before clearly described the environment in this place in more detail.

On the left side of Gao Chang and the others, there was indeed a slightly wider crack. The captain of the vanguard at the beginning was hiding in this crack before escaping from the pursuit of wolves and survived.

"Master Gao Chang, what do we do? Let them get into the lead?" Li Dong's eyes were sharp, and he glanced at the adventurer who did not belong to Lan Mei behind him.

"They are not stupid, I'm afraid they won't be so obedient." Jiao Feng shook his head and said.

"Huh, do you want to get Wanluoyu without any effort? They dream!" Li Dong said with a cold snort, his eyes rolled.

"Don't make a noise, I naturally have my plan to call the six captains of the vanguard." Gao Chang said with a smile.

The three law guards all gave Gao Chang a strange look, and then Li Dong called the six captains to Gao Chang.

"You six vanguard teams, now divided into four teams." Gao Chang said to the six captains.

"Yes!" The six executed without hesitation.

"Did you see the four branches in front?" Gao Chang pointed to the branches ahead.

The six nodded again.

"Your task is to get into the branches, try to draw out all the spirit beasts inside, and then lead them here." Gao Chang looked at the six people, and the six listened carefully.

"After successfully returning here, join those outsiders to kill the spirit beast together." Gao Chang sneered.

"Yes!" the six responded again.

They can only execute Gao Chang's orders, even if they are unwilling in their hearts, they must execute them.

"Well, you are looking at the left mountain wall. There is a gap there. At that time, you will see my gestures. When I ask you to retreat, you will retreat into the crack." Gao Chang said with a smile.

"Three guardians, you may have to work hard for a while." Gao Chang looked at the three of Li Dong again.

"Master Gao Chang, please say." The three law protectors said simultaneously.

"After the vanguard leads the spirit beasts in the valley here, they will quickly retreat into the crevice under my instructions, and your task is to guard the entrance to the crevice and prevent those guys from following. Their responsibility is with those The spirit beasts fight together." Gao Chang turned his eyes to look at the thirty or forty adventurers behind, with extremely vicious faces.

At this time, the three protectors also understood Gao Chang's plan.

"Master Gao Chang, you are really amazing. In this way, we can consume their number to the maximum and allow them to contain the spirit beasts. Our Lan Mei can calmly fetch Wanluoyu. Haha, I am afraid that few of them will survive. A." Li Dong laughed and admired.

"Hehe, let's do it." Gao Chang looked at the six captains with a smile on his face, "You guys prepare for a while, and then lead the team into the four branches."

After the six people responded, they turned around and arranged. Although they only entered the valley to draw out the spirit beasts, it was also an extremely dangerous task. A carelessness might die inside and never get out.

"Huh? Why did they stop?"

Among the adventurers, some frowned and looked forward.

"Follow him, we will rest when they stop." Someone said.

Su Yue also frowned. He faintly felt that something was wrong. The Lan Mei people seemed to have deliberately distanced themselves from the adventurers in the rear.

There is at least a distance of more than 100 meters between the two sides.

"What are they going to do?"

Su Yue saw that most of Lan Mei's people had quietly rushed toward the depths. But the deputy commander Gao Chang and the three guardians stayed where they were.

"Su Yue, what do you think they want to do?" Xiao Fei also looked forward in confusion.

"It seems to want to enter the valley in front and draw out the spirit beast inside." Su Yue squinted and said.

"This... Why didn't they notify us in advance?" Xiao Fei also showed a worried look.

"We have to be careful, I always feel that something is wrong, that Gao Chang seems to have some conspiracy." Su Yue nodded and took a breath.

"Well, please pay attention, if something bad happens, just retreat and leave the wolf valley." Xiao Fei said decisively to the three of Xiao Wei.

Even if you don't want that reward, you can't stay here.

"Don't worry, everyone, my Blue Charm vanguard has entered the four branch valleys in front to draw out the spirit beasts. When these spirit beasts come out, we will work together to kill them." Gao Chang saw the crowd restless and walked back. A few steps, smiled and said to everyone.

"How far is the place where there is Wanluoyu?" someone asked.

"Haha, it's not far away. As long as we wipe out the spirit beasts in the four branch valleys in front, we will be able to pass smoothly to the place where there is Wanluoyu. At that time, your mission is completed and you can leave after receiving the reward." Gao Chang Ping looked at the questioner peacefully and said loudly.

Hearing these words, all the adventurers cheered up and showed expectant expressions.