Supreme Medicinal God

Chapter 139: Spring Mountain God


Sell it to her

Ye Feng was almost crying.

He really didn't mind Jiang Yuxin giving him to a girl who was prettier than her.

But this gentleness before my eyes...

Ye Feng admitted that the view under her pants was indeed charming, but she looked a little too scary, just like the monsters in Journey to the West.

And looking at the way the girl was staring at him, it was as if she wanted to strip him naked, wash him clean and eat him.

Even that look frightened Ye Feng's sudden rise.

Sell Ye Feng to her

Jiang Yuxin's eyes lit up and she was quite moved.

She really didn't like this pervert very much, and Wenrou liked to play with some strange things the most. If she sold Ye Feng to her, not only could she make some money, but she could also let Wenrou teach this guy a lesson. Isn't that the best of both worlds

"Hey, let me tell you, I'm a bodyguard, not a slave. Human trafficking is illegal."

Looking at Wenrou's murderous eyes, Ye Feng was really afraid that Jiang Yuxin would get carried away and sell herself to this monster, so he said hurriedly.

"Two million, one price! Let me play with it for a year, and I'll give it back to you when I've had enough."

At this moment, Wenrou looked at Jiang Yuxin with a bewitching look and said, "Two million, you can buy several more bags."

Jiang Yixue only paid him three hundred thousand a year, but Wenrou offered him two million.

This girl is a little ugly, but she is a good connoisseur!

Hearing Wenrou's offer, Ye Feng couldn't help but nodded and gave Wenrou a thumbs up in his heart.

But soon, his expression became even uglier.

If he heard correctly just now, Wenrou seemed to say "enough of fun" and returned him to Jiang Yuxin.

What does it mean to have enough fun

Did you mean you've had enough fun and wanted to squeeze him dry

"Forget it, I still have a use for this guy..." At this moment, Jiang Yuxin sighed.

Although she didn't like Ye Feng very much, it was still quite satisfying when this guy helped her punish Li Yulu last time in the mall.

Moreover, she felt that her elder sister seemed to have some liking for this guy, and wanted his help with the Yiwu Soup matter.

It's not impossible to lend it to Wenrou for money, but if it breaks, I won't be able to explain to my elder sister.

"That's very nice! It was worth my help yesterday!"

Ye Feng gave Jiang Yuxin a thumbs up.

He was only eighteen, and he didn't want his body to be hollowed out at such a young age, especially by a monster.

"mean… "

Wenrou was angry when she saw Jiang Yuxin rejected the proposal.

"Okay, don't be angry. If this guy doesn't obey me in the future, I will lend him to you to help me discipline him."

Jiang Yuxin hurriedly grabbed Wenrou's hand, then glanced at Ye Feng with a threatening look.

Ye Feng hung his head in dejection, thinking that he was now under the control of this little girl.

"I want to go back, the atmosphere here is not suitable for me..."

After looking at the smoky surroundings, Jiang Yuxin frowned and said to Wenrou, "Wenrou, you shouldn't play with them often. These guys are not good people."

After saying that, Jiang Yuxin prepared to take Ye Feng away.

"Yuxin, don't be anxious!"

Wenrou saw this and hurriedly grabbed Jiang Yuxin, then said mysteriously: "Your idol is coming soon, don't you want to see it?"


Who is Jiang Yuxin’s idol

Upon hearing this, Ye Feng also quickly pricked up his ears.

"Who are you talking about?"

Jiang Yuxin also looked at Wenrou in confusion. After a while, she suddenly opened her mouth wide, her little face full of excitement, and said in shock: "You mean he will come tonight too?!"

"Yeah, otherwise why would I call you here?" Wenrou said proudly.

Ye Feng became more and more curious and asked, "Who is he?"

"He has never heard of it. He is so ignorant!"

He curled his lips gently with disdain, as if to say, "You are so ignorant."

"You keep calling him 'he', but I don't know who he is..."

"He is the racing god of Chunming Mountain! No one knows what he looks like, not even whether he is a man or a woman. Every time he comes, he wears a golden helmet and a racing suit. Someone posted a video of him racing on the Internet recorded with a drone. He drove seven consecutive hairpin turns in seven minutes. This record has not been broken so far!"

When saying these words, Jiang Yuxin's face was full of fascination and little stars seemed to pop out of her eyes.

Looking at her, Ye Feng curled his lips and said disdainfully: "What car god? If you want to worship gods, you can go to my hometown. There is a City God Temple there, which is dedicated to various wild gods. It is very powerful."

"Don't you dare insult my idol!"

Wenrou waved his fist threateningly, as if he were the god of cars who was sacred and inviolable.

Ye Feng sneered. In his opinion, the talk of gods or not was nothing but a trick to deceive ignorant girls.

"Yuxin, do you want to stay?" Wenrou asked expectantly.

Jiang Yuxin nodded heavily: "The God of Cars is coming, I must go and see it!"


Wenrou jumped up again when she heard that, but as soon as her feet left the ground, she hurriedly covered her crotch with both hands, and then stared at Ye Feng fiercely with murderous eyes.

Ye Feng would respond to the gazes of beautiful women, but he would not care about the gazes of monsters. He turned his head and looked around, trying to see if there was any beautiful woman who would be impressed by his elegance and kneel down to sing a song of conquest to him.

"Oh, I was wondering why you looked so familiar, it turned out to be you... What, are you here to race in Chunming Mountain too?"

Just as Ye Feng was looking around, a vague voice suddenly sounded beside him.

When Ye Feng turned his head, he found Wang Zhikai, who was wearing a riveted leather jacket, standing not far away with a few men and women. They had their hands in their pockets, their waists leaned back, and cigarettes in their mouths. They thought they were cool, but in fact they were staring at him stupidly.

However, after not seeing him for a few days, the circles around his eyes have become darker than when he was in Jiangyang County, and his lips are a little purple. It is obvious that alcohol and sex have drained his body and his kidneys are severely deficient.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't have a car. Why are you here without a car? Are you going to drive a car with your two legs?!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to say anything, Wang Zhikai burst into laughter while holding a cigarette in his mouth. Then he changed the subject and looked at Ye Feng with a playful look and said, "Boy, why did you come to Beijing? To work? How about this, why don't you come and work with me? I'll drive and you help me wash the car! Being able to wash my car is such a promising job!"

"Grandpa, of course I'm here to cut you."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I was afraid that you didn't get beaten enough, so I sent you a beating on purpose. How about it, are you satisfied?"

Has this guy also beaten up Wang Zhikai

Jiang Yuxin looked at Ye Feng in confusion when she heard this. Although she knew that Wang Zhikai had gone to Yuanhu Village to visit his sister, she didn't know that Wang Zhikai had been beaten.

However, if you look closely, you can indeed see traces of beatings at the corners of Wang Zhikai's eyes and eyebrows.

"Boy, you fucking..."

Wang Zhikai was furious. What happened in Jiangyang County would always be a pain for him, especially when he was scared by Ye Feng and fell into the lake. It was so embarrassing that he couldn't even talk about it with anyone.

But unexpectedly, Ye Feng brought up these things in front of so many people.


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded, and then a Bugatti Veyron painted blood red, like an enchanting red phantom, suddenly appeared in the night!