Supreme Medicinal God

Chapter 188: A new prescription from heaven


"I don't know if it's a god or not, but I do have a very good tongue."

Ye Feng smiled and touched his nose.

He didn’t know if it was the tongue of God, but it was definitely true that a lecherous old man pinched his nose and forced him to drink a lot of herbal soup when he was a child.

Jiang Yixue was also stunned by the "God's Tongue" and looked at Ye Feng excitedly and said, "You must protect your tongue in the future..."

"How can I protect myself..."

Ye Feng smiled strangely, leaned close to Jiang Yixue's ear and said, "You still have to be careful to protect her."

"Your tongue, how can I protect..."

Jiang Yixue's ears felt itchy from the airflow caused by Ye Feng's speech, and she answered habitually with a dazed head.

But just as she was halfway through her words, her pretty face flushed and she cursed through gritted teeth: "You bastard, you're playing tricks on me again!"

Ye Feng's words were obviously referring to the last time they were kissing passionately, Jiang Yixue bit his tongue in order to break free.

"Boss Jiang, with this prescription, we are saved! As long as we replace the honey ginger with fresh ginger and avoid the patent restrictions applied for by Wang's Yiwutang, even if he sues us in court in the future, he won't be able to do anything to us..."

Zhao Rihua was in shock and didn't notice the jokes Ye Feng and Jiang Yixiu played at all. After staring at the prescription for a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up.

When Jiang Yixue heard this, her eyes lit up.

I have to say that what Zhao Rihua said is indeed a good idea.

I'm afraid Wang's Pharmaceutical Group would never have thought that they could actually analyze the ingredients of Wang's Yiwu Soup and replace the honey ginger with raw ginger, making a Yiwu Soup with no actual difference in effect!

"It's boring to eat food that others have eaten before, and this Wang's One-ingredient Soup isn't a very good recipe. If we copy it, wouldn't it make us look as low-level as those quack doctors in the Wang family..."

But at this moment, Ye Feng sneered and said, "I'll give you a new prescription. I guarantee you'll beat Wang's Pharmaceutical Group into submission!"

New recipe!

A new recipe that can completely beat Wang’s Yiwu Decoction!

Zhao Rihua suddenly looked up and stared at Ye Feng closely, breathing as heavy as an old ox.

In his eyes, Wang's Yiwu Decoction, which was perfected by the Wang family through the efforts of several generations, is perfect both in terms of the drug ratio and the therapeutic effect.

But now Ye Feng actually said that he had a recipe that was stronger than Wang’s Yiwu Decoction. How could he not be shocked

"Okay, as long as you can come up with a new recipe that can defeat the Wang family, I'll give you whatever you want!"

Jiang Yixue was also excited by Ye Feng's words and couldn't help but speak.

"You said it, don't regret it later!"

Looking at the pair of beautiful breasts on Jiang Yixue's chest that were heaving with excitement, Ye Feng's eyes lit up. Without giving Jiang Yixue a chance to change her words, he immediately picked up the brush, found a piece of fine rice paper, and wrote out a new prescription in no time.

After taking a quick look at the prescription, Jiang Yixiu's expression suddenly became a little strange.

Because Ye Feng's prescription is very similar to Wang's Yiwu Tang prescription, both use Astragalus as the main ingredient.

But this is not surprising. After all, the cooling medicines for removing heat are basically based on Astragalus.

But these extremely similar medicinal ingredients made Jiang Yixue very doubtful whether this prescription was as miraculous as Ye Feng said.

But unlike Jiang Yixue, after Zhao Rihua stared at the prescription for a long time, his brows furrowed and his face was full of confusion.

The moment he saw the prescription, he felt that there was something wrong with it...

But as he pondered over it, he felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with the recipe. This feeling made him struggle in ambiguity.

"Director Ye, isn't your prescription too strong? Yiwu Decoction already has the effect of clearing away heat and clearing away meridians, and you added Cassia Seed, which is a diuretic and laxative. Isn't that going to get out of control?"

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Rihua turned around and looked at Ye Feng and asked solemnly.

And to be more precise, his tone didn't sound like he was asking Ye Feng a question, but rather like he was seeking advice from Ye Feng.

"It's true that Cassia seed is a diuretic and laxative medicine, but take a closer look at the medicine in front of it."

Ye Feng smiled and did not explain, but asked Zhao Rihua to take another closer look.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Zhao Rihua looked at the medicinal ingredient before Cassia tora on the prescription and fell into deep thought.

As he thought about it, the expression on his face became more and more dignified and solemn!

Even in his eyes, there was a kind of fanaticism.

"Perfect! This is perfect. Compared to this recipe, Wang's One Thing Soup is shit. It's too painful to wipe your butt with!"

Suddenly, Zhao Rihua slapped his thigh and laughed out loud with his head raised.

He even applied the same words that Ye Feng used to describe his prescription to Wang's Yiwu Decoction.

"Professor Zhao, is this recipe really that powerful?"

Jiang Yixue was afraid that Zhao Rihua would faint from being too excited, so she lowered her voice and spoke carefully.

"It's not just amazing, it's perfect, it's a divine recipe!"

Zhao Rihua slammed the table, pointed to the last line on the prescription and said, "It's true that Cassia seed can promote diuresis and relieve constipation, but this prescription also contains Pueraria root. Pueraria root has the effects of relieving muscle and reducing fever, clearing rashes, and raising yang and stopping diarrhea. When Cassia seed and Pueraria root are combined, the laxative properties are offset, leaving only the effect of clearing liver fire and improving eyesight."

"This drink and this bite are really used brilliantly! It can be said to be a natural and flawless creation!"

Jiang Yixiu was stunned. Although she knew that Ye Feng's medical skills were superb, she still didn't expect that Zhao Rihua's evaluation of Ye Feng would be so unbelievably high.

Even the phrase 'a natural talent' was used.

"Otherwise why do people say I'm a miracle doctor?" Ye Feng said honestly and with a beaming face.

I have to say, this educated person really has his own way of praising others. It sounds much better than simply saying "great".

"Stop bragging and talking so high up in the air..."

Jiang Yixue curled her lips, then said in a deep voice: "Will this prescription have any side effects?"

"According to the medicinal properties and ratio, not only will there be no side effects, but it may also have a miraculous effect on the summer heat and cold of the elderly and children that cannot be compared to Wang's Yiwu Decoction!"

Zhao Rihua shook his head firmly and gave an answer for Ye Feng.


When Jiang Yixue heard this, she clenched her fingers tightly and said word by word, "Then we will immediately enter the trial phase, do allergy and side effect tests, and then prepare for approval and production!"

Zhao Rihua nodded, also looking pleased.

There was a mistake in the prescription he had written before, and Jiang Yixue terminated the contract with Wang's company. He was worried that Tianyuan Group would go downhill because of this.

But now it seems that Tianyuan Group will not go downhill because of this, but will make a great comeback. The pharmaceutical sector will move from the previous OEM to independent research and development, and will no longer have to rely on others.

And all this is just because of one person, an eighteen-year-old boy...

Just thinking about it, Zhao Rihua felt that everything was so absurd, or so legendary!