Supreme Medicinal God

Chapter 65: I leave my life to you


The acupoints on the top of the head are the most important of the human body. If there is any mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

This is why many people will experience pain for days or even dizziness if their head suffers a slight bump.

At this moment, Ye Feng sealed Jiang Yixue's acupoints, especially the five extremely important acupoints on the top of the head, namely Baihui, Fengfu, Fengchi, Shangxing and Shenting.

These five acupoints are related to life and any damage to them can easily cost a person's life.

Although Ye Feng was very careful when inserting the needle, the pain was still unbearable for Jiang Yixiu.

In just a few breaths of time, her face, which was already as white as snow, became even paler.

But the white at this moment is not the rosy white, but a pale white like paper with a slight bluish tone.

But even so, she still gritted her teeth, tried hard to hold on, and tried not to make any sound.

Good endurance!

Even Ye Feng nodded secretly for Jiang Yixiu's endurance.

Such pain would probably make even a man groan in agony.

But Jiang Yixue was able to persist and not make any sound. Such willpower is truly moving.

However, Ye Feng also understood that Jiang Yixue was able to do this, largely because she had been suffering from the Netherworld Cold Poison for a long time.

Every time this poison attacks, the pain is so excruciating that one would rather die. The longer one endures the pain, the stronger one’s endurance will naturally be.

"Hold on, and I'll cure this disease. Then you won't have to suffer any more pain in the future."

Ye Feng nodded approvingly to Jiang Yixue, encouraged her, and then said: "But this pain is just the beginning, and more pain is yet to come."

As he spoke, Ye Feng raised his hand, and the snake gall that he had soaked in sorghum wine and was shining with a faint blue light fell from the bottle into the cauldron.


When the snake gall was put into the pot, the already boiling pot became even more boiling, as if some kind of miraculous chemical reaction occurred. The boiling became even more intense, and even wisps of faint green mist began to rise.

Moreover, in the fog, there was an extremely strong fishy smell that made people dizzy.

This smell?!

Jiang Yixue was startled by the fishy smell. Then, her eyes suddenly began to blur and her whole body began to tremble violently.

At this moment, she felt as if all the acupoints in her body were opened, and countless cold currents rushed into her body like streams about to flow into the sea.

The coldness made her feel as if she had fallen into a snow pit. The little heat left in her body began to dissipate, as if she would turn into an icicle in the next moment.

She wanted to ask Ye Feng, but at this moment, due to the severe pain and cold, she could not utter a complete word. She could only look at Ye Feng with confusion, hoping that he could help alleviate her condition.

"The reason why the Netherworld Cold Poison is so scary is that it is like tentacles that wrap around the whole body and firmly bite every part of the bone marrow, flesh, and meridians. Moreover, this poison is as thin as a gossamer thread, and it is difficult to remove it with the power of medicine. What I am doing now is to use the coldness contained in the Five-Step Snake Gallbladder to strengthen this cold poison and make it stronger, so that it can be removed in one fell swoop!"

Ye Feng could sense Jiang Yixue's doubts, and he spoke to her slowly, word by word, and then said, "You have to believe me."

Jiang Yixue couldn't say a word, but she still blinked slightly to express her trust in Ye Feng.

She believed that Ye Feng would heal herself!

She also knew that Ye Feng would do his best to protect her!

So, she was willing to hand her life over to Ye Feng!

Looking at Jiang Yixue's determined eyes, Ye Feng's heart couldn't help but tremble.

In this world, besides doctors, is there anyone else who can make people put their lives in their hands without hesitation

Helping those in need and resolving difficulties is the doctor's duty and the doctor's unique glory.

And at this moment, from Jiang Yixue's eyes, Ye Feng felt for the first time the responsibility and honor of a doctor!

I will definitely eradicate the Netherworld Cold Poison from your body completely!

After clenching his five fingers and muttering in his heart, Ye Feng's expression became more calm and composed, changing his previous cynicism, and muttered: "The four elements are cold, hot, warm and cool. Cold and cool belong to Yin and warm and hot belong to Yang. If you want to eradicate the cold poison, you must also adjust the heat poison firepower!"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of bamboo tube from the medicine bag in front of him.

When Jiang Yixue saw the bamboo tube, fear suddenly appeared in her eyes.

The bamboo tube contains the fire centipede.


But before she could react, Ye Feng waved his hand and knocked the lid of the bamboo tube to the ground.

The fire centipede had been locked in the bamboo tube for some time, without seeing the sun and without any food source, and had long been extremely hungry and thirsty. Now that it saw the light coming out of the bamboo tube, it crawled out without saying a word.

Although it had not eaten for a while, the body of this fire centipede seemed to have shrunk a little, but its color had become darker. When it walked or swam, the fire line on its back had become as bright as molten iron.

Seeing the densely packed legs and sharp fangs of the Fire Centipede, Jiang Yixue's face turned pale.

If Ye Feng had not sealed her acupoints, making her unable to move, she would probably have retreated backwards.

But what you fear will come to pass. After the fire centipede crawled out of the bamboo tube, it immediately raised its head and sniffed the air.

After smelling the fishy smell coming from the big pot, it seemed to be inspired by something and quickly crawled towards the pot with its claws and fangs bared. After a short while, it fell into the pot from the bamboo tube.

Although the temperature of the medicinal soup in the pot was over 40 degrees, the fire centipede's tolerance to temperature was amazing. After falling into the water, it was still circling around Jiang Yixue in the medicinal soup.

Even its mouthparts kept opening and closing, as if it was swallowing the medicine in the pot.

If Jiang Yixiu had not been unable to utter a sound due to the cold and pain, she would have jumped out of the pot without caring that she was not wearing any clothes, and would have run back to the house screaming.

"Don't worry, it won't touch you!"

Seeing the panic in Jiang Yixue's eyes, Ye Feng spoke calmly.

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Jiang Yixue's mood calmed down a little.

And soon, she discovered that it was just as Ye Feng said. Although the fire centipede kept swimming in the big pot, it seemed to be attracted by the medicinal soup in the pot, not her, and it did not get close to her at all.

Not only that, she also discovered an interesting place.

As the fire centipede continued to swim in the medicinal soup, a thin line as bright red as fire gradually appeared around the place where it swam, while the red color on its back continued to fade.

In addition to these strange changes, there was also an unexpected situation that gave the suffering Jiang Yixue a little surprise.