Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 143: Cutting off the robe and breaking off the relationship


While Chen Lei and Chen Tangxuan were talking, a servant suddenly came running over to report: "Master, there are hundreds of soldiers and a dozen officers outside. They have sealed the gate of our Chen Mansion and demanded that we hand over the murderer who injured people."

Chen Tangxuan was furious when he heard this: "How dare you! You simply don't take my Chen family seriously. Come on, follow me and take a look..."

Chen Tangxuan naturally understood in his heart that the only forces that dared to block the gate of Chen Mansion were those guarding that lineage.

But this time, Chen Tangxuan decided not to endure it anymore.

He saw through it. The guards wanted to bring down the Chen Mansion or completely surrender to them. Otherwise, the more they endured, the more aggressive the other party would become.

Chen Lei also stood up and walked out with Chen Tangxuan. These people were obviously coming for him, so he naturally had to go and take a look.

When they arrived outside the gate, they saw hundreds of fully armed soldiers lined up in neat squares, blocking the street in front of the Chen Mansion tightly. Several officers drew their swords and strung their arrows, confronting the disciples of the Chen Mansion. The atmosphere was extremely tense, like a powder keg filled with explosives, which would explode immediately at the slightest spark.

"Hou Dewen, what do you mean?"

Chen Tangxuan immediately saw the guy who led the group. He was about fifty years old, had a goatee, was short and thin, and had a wandering look.

This guy is the advisor who guards Ning Shanya and is also Ning Shanya's confidant. Almost all matters are planned by Hou Dewen behind the scenes.

When Hou Dewen saw that it was Chen Tangxuan, he rolled his eyes and chuckled twice.

Then he bowed and said, "Master Chen, let's be frank. We are here to arrest the murderer. Your disciple Chen Lei did not pay the city tax and injured two city gate officials. In addition, he did not surrender to the patrol team that was enforcing the law. Instead, he injured people. This is simply lawless and his crime is heinous. We are ordered by the garrison to arrest Chen Lei and punish him severely to serve as a warning to others. Chen Lei injured the city gate officials and resisted arrest violently. There are witnesses and evidence. Now I order you to hand over the murderer and wait for your punishment. Otherwise, you will be punished for the same crime."

Chen Tangxuan said, "Hou Dewen, stop talking nonsense. In the final analysis, you guards are just dissatisfied with my Chen family for not joining you, and you make things difficult for my Chen family disciples. Don't say that my Chen family disciples are innocent. Even if my Chen family disciples are guilty, it is not your turn to punish them."

Hou Dewen smiled coldly and said, "Chen Tangxuan, you are determined to protect the murderer."

Chen Tangxuan said: "You said he was a murderer, so he is a murderer? Go back and tell the guards that it is not your turn to bully my Chen family."

Hou Dewen said, "It seems that you really want to resist to the end. I will give you one last chance. Hand over the murderer and this matter will end here. Otherwise, your Chen family will probably be executed."

Chen Tangxuan sneered and said, "My Chen family was not brought up to be scared. I will kill all the members of my Chen family. Do you want to try?"

Hou Dewen did not expect that Chen Tangxuan, who had always retreated and tolerated, would be so tough this time.

At this time, Zhao Lieyang, the head of the Zhao family, laughed and took two steps forward, saying, "You two, don't be so angry. You are all well-known and noble people. Why do you have to be so sharp? Brother Chen, please give way and let Chen Lei come out with us. If he is innocent, we will naturally not make things difficult for him. If he really beat someone and pleads guilty, I think the guards will not make things difficult for him for the sake of your face as the head of the Chen family. At most, they will teach him a lesson. It's just a small matter. Why make such a fuss?"