Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 276: Land of extinction


The other blood-clothed men also recognized Chen Lei after seeing him, and naturally understood why their leader was so serious. Everyone had fiery eyes and looked at Chen Lei as if he was looking at a fat prey, revealing greed.

Everyone knew how valuable Chen Lei was at this moment. As long as they killed Chen Lei or captured him alive, the reward each of them would receive would be an astronomical figure.

Therefore, everyone was on high alert and held their weapons tightly. This time, they would never let Chen Lei escape from them.

“Kill him!”

The blood-clothed leader at the head shouted loudly, flew up first and pounced towards Chen Lei.

This blood-clothed leader had reached the peak level of the Gangsha realm. His blood-colored Gangsha was extremely powerful. The blood light that burst out instantly turned the surrounding giant trees into blood-colored powder. Some huge rocks were also shattered by this blood-colored Gangsha.

The blood-red sword in the blood-clothed leader's hand was emitting a blood-red light, like a blood rainbow, slashing directly towards Chen Lei's head.

The other few men in blood-stained clothes pressed towards Nie Qianran like vicious wolves. The strength of these people were between the first and second levels of Gangsha Realm, and their strength was extremely powerful.

When Chen Lei saw the blood-stained-clothed man leading the charge rushing towards him, lightning burst out from his body like a waterfall and silver snakes danced wildly. In the blink of an eye, a lightning area with a radius of hundreds of meters filled the dense forest and enveloped all ten blood-stained-clothed men.

“Boom boom boom!”

Countless electric lights turned into electric snakes, which directly defeated the blood-red sword rainbow of the leader of the blood-clothed man. More than ten electric snakes as thick as bowls, almost in no particular order, hit the chest of the leader of the blood-clothed man.

Although the leader of the Blood-Clothed Man had quick reactions, the speed of those lightning bolts was far beyond his reaction speed. Ten lightning bolts hit his chest heavily, instantly piercing his chest, revealing more than ten huge blood holes. His internal organs were charred, and it was obvious that he was not going to survive.

Chen Lei hated these people to the core, so how could he show mercy? After killing the leader of the blood-stained men, dozens of electric snakes attacked the other nine blood-stained men. These nine blood-stained men were unable to withstand even a single blow and fell under the countless electric lights.

Afterwards, Chen Lei grabbed one of them, a person he had left alive on purpose, and used the soul-searching technique to get the information he wanted from him.

These people in blood-stained clothes were actually from the Blood Rain Tower.

Xueyu Tower and Xueyun Tower are the two most famous assassin organizations in the State of Chu. However, the status of Xueyu Tower has always been lower than that of Xueyun Tower. There are also frequent rumors that the two assassin organizations would kill each other due to competition.

However, if someone said that there was no connection between Xueyu Tower and Xueyun Tower, Chen Lei would never believe it. And Xueyu Tower was added to Chen Lei’s kill list.

After killing the ten men in blood-stained clothes, Chen Lei collected the spoils and set off again.

When passing a mountain that towered into the clouds, Chen Lei suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Nie Qianran asked Chen Lei.

"Wait a moment."

Chen Lei did not answer Nie Qianran's words, but drove the dragon chariot into the sky, flew tens of thousands of meters above, and looked down at the land.