Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 291: Conquer


These thousands of orphans would only benefit Qingyang Sect and not harm it, so Chen Lei agreed to Wang Ping's request without much thought.

"You really agree?"

Wang Ping was a little surprised to see Chen Lei agree so readily. You know, there were powerful forces that tried to recruit him before.

However, every time she heard that he had thousands of orphans as a burden, she would immediately make it clear that she would not accept the thousands of orphans he was responsible for to live with. Chen Lei agreed so readily this time that Wang Ping felt a little surprised.

Chen Lei said: "Of course, is there anything else worth deceiving you about this matter?"

Wang Ping said: "Since you have promised to take care of the lives of the thousands of orphans I am responsible for, then I will accept you as my master."

Wang Ping was also very straightforward. Seeing that Chen Lei agreed, he swore a great oath of the soul and recognized Chen Lei as his master.

In fact, Chen Lei was not afraid that Wang Ping would go back on his word. If Wang Ping really dared to go back on his word, he had plenty of ways to make Wang Ping regret coming into this world.

Chen Lei was very satisfied after subduing Wang Ping. Although Wang Ping is not well-known now, he will become a martial emperor-level killer in dozens or hundreds of years. Now he has such a trump card in his hand so easily, and he can take the initiative no matter what he does in the future.

Moreover, the Qingyang Sect is now developing very smoothly. However, since it is a newly established sect, it is still in a stage of reconstruction and is extremely short of any talent.

For example, the current Qingyang Sect has not established its own intelligence agency and is very passive in collecting intelligence.

This Wang Ping is not only the gold medal killer in the killer world, but also has trained hundreds or thousands of powerful killers. He already has a huge intelligence network in his hands. Now, if Wang Ping is subdued, it is equivalent to having such a huge intelligence network in hand.

After Chen Lei subdued Wang Ping, he let Wang Ping leave on his own to make arrangements for the thousands of orphans. When he has time, Chen Lei will bring these orphans back to Qingyang Sect.

As for now, Chen Lei needs to return to Xuantian Sect as soon as possible.

"Young Master, you must be careful on the way. I got the news that one of the seven major sects has sent out a hunting team to stop you. They want to kill you on the way back to Xuantian Sect. The journey back to the sect is full of difficulties, so you must be careful."

Before parting, Wang Ping told Chen Lei all the news he knew. Not only did the seven major sects issue missions in the assassin world to hunt down Chen Lei, each major sect also sent out powerful hunting teams to hunt down Chen Lei.

Especially the Zi Yang Palace, the Thousand Demon Sect and the Shenlong Sect. One of the deputy leaders of the three sects died at the hands of Chen Lei. It can be said that they have formed an irreconcilable feud with Chen Lei. How could they let Chen Lei go easily

Chen Lei nodded to show that he understood, and then parted ways with Wang Ping.

After parting with Wang Ping, Chen Lei once again embarked on the journey back to the sect. Since he knew that several major sects had sent out hunting teams to hunt him down, he naturally avoided the main roads and took the remote paths.

They were careful and cautious along the way, but when they passed by the only way back to Xuantian Sect, they were discovered and ambushed.