Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 384: Mutation


This kind of punching force cannot be resisted by Heimeng.

If Chen Lei really wanted to kill someone, Hei Meng would be the first to be killed.

In front of the Xuanwu Cave, Hei Meng threw stones to test the waters, which completely angered Chen Lei.

Now, he met Hei Meng here, and this Hei Meng was so ignorant that he attacked Chen Lei.

This proves the saying, if you don't seek death, you won't die.

Hei Meng is asking for trouble, so no one can save him.

After Chen Lei's brutal killing, Hei Meng was immediately devastated.

The mighty force of the fist rushed into Hei Meng's body like the Yangtze River, continuously.

I saw the dark body suddenly swell up like a blown-up balloon, instantly increasing more than ten times in size, and then exploded with a loud "bang".

I saw countless black blood rains, like a huge blooming flower, rushing in all directions, and then falling down one after another.

It was pitch black, with no trace of the body left.

The owner of the darkness narrowed his eyes, flashing with cold light, and looked at Chen Lei like two sharp swords.

Chen Lei killed his servant with one punch, which was completely a slap in his face.

Black Liao, who was ferocious by nature, became angry immediately.

Hei Liao, the master of Hei Meng, didn't say a word. A tentacle stretched across the void, emitting a black cold light and piercing towards Chen Lei.

Hei Liao's strength is much stronger than Hei Meng's, and this tentacle is more than ten times tougher than Hei Meng's tentacles.

Black Fang was very arrogant and wanted to kill Chen Lei with just one tentacle.

When Chen Lei saw Hei Liao's move, he pointed his fingers like swords and slashed down fiercely.

A bright sword light flew out from his fingers, blindingly bright.

The vast sword energy was surging and directly slashed at the tentacle that the black fangs was stabbing at.

This tentacle of the Black Fang was as thick as a mountain, shiny black, emitting a metallic luster, and extremely tough.

The strength of Black Liao is incomparable to that of Black Meng. The power in its tentacles is so astonishingly great that it seems able to break mountains into pieces. It is extremely fierce.

Chen Lei's bright sword light could easily cut off more than a dozen tentacles of Hei Meng, but when it came to the tentacles of Hei Liao, it could only cut down more than half a foot and could not advance any further.

However, this amount of damage is not even enough to scratch the skin of the black fangs, whose tentacles are tens of meters thick.

The black fangs' tentacles swung wildly, lashing towards Chen Lei like a magical whip.

"Pah, pah..."

The tentacles of the black fangs made a series of explosive sounds in the air, and the air was directly shattered, bringing up gusts of strong wind.

The Black Fang's tentacles swung down at such a fast speed and with such great power that even Chen Lei did not dare to confront it head-on. Lightning flashed under his feet, and he turned into a series of afterimages to avoid the Black Fang's crazy attack.

Black Fang attacked frantically, however, Chen Lei was too fast. Black Fang slapped the ground of the hall with a deafening sound, but none of his blows could hit Chen Lei.

This made Hei Liao furious. One, two, three... hundreds of them.

The Black Fang used more and more tentacles. Finally, these huge tentacles emitting black light danced wildly above the huge hall. They were impenetrable and intertwined into a huge network, trapping Chen Lei tightly.