Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 411: Crush three enemies


At this time, the jade mantis, the snow-white spider demon and the deep blue armored sea creature surrounded Chen Lei.

As for Shi Er, Wu San and Zhu Ba Mei, they had already lost all their fighting power, were seriously injured, and collapsed on the ground.

At this time, the three monsters, including Lion II, each swallowed the elixir, closed their eyes to recuperate, and were unable to move at all.

If that human stepped forward at this time, he would definitely be able to take the lives of the three monsters easily.

However, this human didn't take the three monsters seriously at all. He stared at Chen Lei with a deep look in his eyes.

Chen Lei didn't care about this unfathomable human at this moment. The three powerful enemies in front of him were enough to make him go all out.

Whether it is the jade mantis, the snow-white spider monster or the deep blue armored sea creature, they are all the top young warriors with powerful strength that is shocking.

At this moment, the Jade Mantis' body was bursting with endless green light, surging like waves, shaking the void with a rumbling sound, like the roaring sea, with a terrifying aura.

The snow-white spider demon exudes an extremely cold air. The ground beneath its body is covered with a layer of crystal clear ice, which is bright enough to illuminate people and freezing cold. Its eight spear-like sharp feet have flying cold runes. With a slight movement, it can freeze the void. It is terrifying.

As for the young sea creature wearing dark blue armor, the dark blue spear in his hand was extremely deep, and the entire crystal blue spear shaft was made of unknown material. One could vaguely see the wonder of the surging sea, as if an ocean was sealed in the spear shaft, possessing supreme power.

As for the tip of the gun, it was extremely sharp, and the deep blood groove revealed a fierce aura, like a vicious weapon born from hell, with monstrous ferocity.

These three powerful men kept their eyes fixed on Chen Lei.

Chen Lei was in a rather miserable state at this time, with several claw marks, bullet marks and other wounds on his body. However, due to Chen Lei's strong recovery ability, these wounds had already scabbed and healed, leaving only some residual blood on them, which did not have much impact on Chen Lei's strength.

At this moment, although Chen Lei's physical strength and true energy were not at their peak, they had not declined too much. Although he had experienced a series of battles, his body's recovery ability was so abnormal that he could almost be said to be tireless and pain-free. The true energy in the huge Dantian sea in his body was recovering rapidly all the time. With the help of elixirs, Chen Lei now maintained eight or nine points of combat power.

The jade mantis, the snow-white spider demon and the deep blue armored sea creatures are all well aware of how terrifying Chen Lei is. If they fight him alone, none of them can be a match for Chen Lei.

However, if the three of them attack together, I believe Chen Lei will never be their match.

Without any discussion, they had reached a tacit understanding with each other. Almost at the same time, the three strong men launched a fierce and vicious attack on Chen Lei.

Two emerald green pliers emitted a faint light, and each of their sharp teeth had green runes intertwined. They transformed into two enormous green swords, illuminating the sky, and came down to chop down at Chen Lei.

An icy white claw, stretched straight like the sharpest spear, carrying ice crystals and cold air, broke through the void and stabbed directly at the back of Chen Lei's head, ruthlessly and decisively.