Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 5: Transcendence


"How can this be?"

When Wang Changqing saw the Wang family disciple lying at Chen Lei's feet, his face showed grief and indignation with a hint of shock. This Wang family disciple was much stronger than Wang Jinpeng, and the true energy in his body was much deeper. He was also a disciple who had experienced cruel actual combat and seen blood. Yet, he was killed by Chen Lei with just one move. What Chen Lei used was only the most basic martial art of the Chen family, the Wild Wind Palm. How could it be so powerful

At this time, Elder Wang Changqing hated Chen Lei to the core and wished he could eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

"It is the state of transcendence..."

On the viewing platform, an elder of the Nie family said with emotion.


The words of the elder of the Nie family were like a bolt of lightning, splitting the layers of fog in everyone's hearts, and they finally understood why Chen Lei was so powerful.

Chen Lei actually practiced the Chen family's basic martial art, the Wild Wind Palm, to the transcendent level.

As we all know, martial arts in the world are divided into nine levels from weak to strong. However, martial arts of the same level will exert different power in the hands of different people. In addition to the level of martial arts, the comprehension of martial arts also depends on it. The comprehension of martial arts is divided into several levels: entry, proficient, minor success, major success, perfection, and transcendence.

When one cultivates to the level of transcendence, it can be said that one's comprehension of martial arts has reached an extreme, allowing the martial arts to break free from the limitations of their own grade and be able to exert a power that is several levels beyond the martial arts' own grade.

However, the Transcendent Realm requires extremely high comprehension from the practitioner. It is not possible to find one person among a hundred thousand warriors who can practice a martial art to the Transcendent Realm. Such a person is a true genius or a freak.

Chen Lei of the Chen family is undoubtedly such a true genius. Even though Chen Lei lags behind in cultivation, with such a strong comprehension, he can definitely sweep away opponents of the same level of cultivation.

Whether it was Wang Jinpeng or another member of the Wang family, although the skills they practiced were of extremely high grade, their comprehension of martial arts was at best only at the entry level, and they were far from being able to unleash the true power of the martial arts they had learned. How could they be Chen Lei's opponents

"Old man, do you have any disciples in your Wang family who are willing to teach you?"

Chen Lei had no intention of letting Wang Changqing go so easily, and challenged him to a fight again.

"Little thief, don't go too far..."

Wang Changqing almost vomited a mouthful of blood, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Chen Lei. If looks could kill, Chen Lei would have died countless times.

However, Wang Changqing was a very shrewd man after all. He glanced at the Wang family disciples he brought with him. He thought that the other disciples in the first level of Qi realm would not be a match for Chen Lei and would just die in vain. If they wanted to defeat Chen Lei, they could only let the disciples in the second and third levels of Qi realm suppress him with their powerful cultivation. However, the Chen family would never allow such an unfair competition to happen.

After understanding the reason, Wang Changqing said directly: "I admit defeat, but Chen Lei, don't be too arrogant, otherwise you will die without knowing how."

The threat in Wang Changqing's words was self-evident.

Chen Lei didn't care about the threat in Wang Changqing's words at all, and said, "Elder Wang, there's no need to worry about this." After that, he ignored Wang Changqing.