Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 140: Eyes of liberation


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The purple dragon's shadow gradually faded as it rolled, revealing Qin Lie's figure inside. At the same time, the shadow of the phoenix also faded, revealing Lan Mingyue's figure, both sides flying rapidly towards the rear. Both of them tried their best to stabilize their bodies, but the other party gave each other huge strength, making them unable to stop at all.

Qin Shuang's eyes had narrowed to a slit at this time. This was the first time she saw Lan Mingyue use such sword techniques. In her memory, Lan Linfeng did not know this kind of martial arts.

"Is this his own adventure, or did Lan Linfeng teach it to him after he got the adventure? This Phoenix Sword Technique is of a very high level, and it seems that the sword style should have subsequent changes, but Lan Mingyue hasn't mastered it yet. Of course. , then Qin Lie has not mastered Zilong Xiao."

Qin Shuang couldn't help but nodded slightly. In her opinion, if she had the same cultivation level as Qin Lie, with her understanding of this style and her dedicated cracking, she could directly defeat Qin Lie now.

"You..." On the other side of the sky, Qin Lie stopped and looked at Lan Mingyue in shock: "What sword technique are you doing? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Hahaha..." Lan Mingyue held the sword in her right hand, brushed her long hair with her left hand, raised her two thin eyebrows upward, like two thin swords, and said sternly towards Qin Lie:

"Go on, doesn't Purple Dragon Roar have nine changes? My Fengming Sword also has nine changes. Let's try to see who is more powerful!"

"You... also have nine changes?"

"Of course!" Lan Mingyue held another sword flower in the air with a chic gesture.

"So handsome!"

This move attracted a lot of exclamations from women. Qin Shuang couldn't help but shook his head and muttered in his heart:

"What a shame!"

"Have you already practiced?" Qin Lie in the air was even more shocked.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Pfft..." Qin Shuang couldn't help laughing.

Qin Lie was also choked by Lan Mingyue, and then he said with a bitter smile on his face: "Whether you have completed it or not, I have mastered the first transformation anyway. If you can use your second transformation, I will Just admit defeat.”

"Forget it, I'll save you some face!" Lan Mingyue put away her sword and lowered it towards Qinshuang.

Qin Lie was so angry that he shouted at Lan Mingyue: "If you have the guts, use the second change."

At this time, Lan Mingyue had already landed in front of Qin Shuang, raised her head and said, "If you want to see my second transformation, wait until you have mastered it."

"Whoosh..." Qin Lie also landed in front of Qin Shuang and looked at Lan Mingyue and said, "You are so boring."

"Go, go!" Lan Mingyue waved her hands and said, "The competition is over, you can leave."

Qin Lie was not annoyed. He glanced at Qin Shuang, then turned to Lan Mingyue and said, "For the sake of a princess from a small country, are you ignoring your old friend?"

Although Qin Lie's words were spoken very calmly, they made Qin Shuang feel very uncomfortable. They contained deep disdain. Lan Mingyue's face immediately darkened:

"If you can speak, just speak. If you can't speak, don't talk nonsense. I will fall out!"

Qin Lie's expression immediately froze, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. In his opinion, Lan Mingyue's traveling back and forth for Qin Shuang is simply not worth it. There are many famous ladies in the imperial capital, who is no better than this so-called princess in front of me

Lan Mingyue actually turned against herself for such a princess!

Qin Shuang suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart. She didn't want Lan Mingyue to fall out with Qin Lie because of her. Judging from their words, the relationship between the two of them should be very good. But she also has her own pride and doesn't want to compromise. If you want others to respect you, you must show enough strength that others have to respect you. Dang even moved his lotus steps forward and said:

"Ming Yue, you don't need to use the second transformation of your nine transformations at all. You can defeat him with just the first transformation."

Lan Mingyue and Qin Lie both looked startled, and then their expressions changed again. Lan Mingyue's face showed a trace of anxiety. The level of discussion between him and Qin Lie was not something that Qin Shuang could understand at all. Interruption Get started. Moreover, in any field, we must pay attention to a level and a circle. Qin Shuang is far away from the two of them in terms of status and martial arts cultivation. No matter how rude his words were when he defended Qin Shuang, Qin Lie couldn't do anything to him. After all, the two of them were relatively young, and their relationship was there. Both sides had similar cultivation levels and similar statuses.

But Qin Shuang just inserted himself into this level and circle. If you have the strength, that's all. But Qin Shuang doesn't have the strength. Once Qin Lie gets angry and protects Qin Shuang, maybe the two of them will Relationships between individuals truly break down.

Qin Lie's expression indeed became angry, and his anger was mixed with a strong sense of disdain and ridicule. He didn't even look at Qin Shuang, but looked at Lan Mingyue with disdain and ridicule, which meant very clearly.

Is this a woman you are protecting? A woman who is so ignorant

Zhou Haoran in the distance sighed softly. This Qin Shuang was indeed used to being willful and domineering. Let alone you as a princess, even as your mother, Queen Xianyue can only be respectful and cautious when standing in front of Qin Lie.

"Do you believe me?" Qin Shuang did not look at Qin Lie, but looked at Lan Mingyue.

Lan Mingyue looked at Qin Shuang's clear eyes, and the voice of "Do you believe me?" kept echoing in her ears. Recalling everything about Qin Shuang before, it seemed that Qin Shuang had never lied to him. It is said that if you can win the Tianqin City Spirit Pattern Competition, you can get more.

Could it be that... Shuang'er could really see Zilongxiao's flaw

His heart moved. There is no such person in this world. This kind of person has very low cultivation level, but he has sharp eyes. He is born with a pair of sharp eyes and can see through the flaws of all martial arts. He is called by warriors. To solve the problem. That is to say, all martial arts can be seen under this pair of disarming eyes.

Could it be that the twins were born with a pair of war-fighting eyes

"I believe it!" Lan Mingyue nodded lightly.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Zilong Qin Lie laughed angrily: "If she can crack my Zilong Roar, I will worship her as my teacher."

"That's good!" Lan Mingyue returned to her narcissistic mode: "I am Shuang'er and my senior brother. From now on, I will be your senior uncle. Come on, good nephew, call me senior uncle."

Qin Lie almost fell to the ground because of Lan Mingyue's anger, and said angrily: "What if she can't crack it?"

"Then there's no need for you to call me uncle!" Lan Mingyue looked magnanimous.

Qin Shuang wanted to laugh when she heard this, and she spent a lot of effort to endure it. Qin Yunxia and Xiu Niang over there had already turned away, covering their mouths, their shoulders were shaking, and their waists were shaking wildly.

Seeing Qin Lie's face turned purple with anger, Qin Shuang said: "Mingyue, let's go over there."


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Book Title: The Strongest Teleportation

ISBN: 1001439594

Author Name: Magic Lost

Introduction: Among the ancient martial arts sect, the hidden ninja, the supernatural master, and the powerful cultivator, who can dominate the world

Bloody gun battles, ultra-brain technology, time travel, and interstellar hegemony, all in the strongest teleportation!

(This book is ready for slaughter)



(End of chapter)