Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 171: Silence


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There are eight canteens in Lucheng Confucian Academy. Qin Shuang can take care of the garbage in one canteen. This job does not waste much time. It can be completed in about an hour and earns five points every day.

Five points looks like a lot, and it seems like you can accumulate 20 points in just four days, which is enough to pay for this independent courtyard, but this is not the case.

Eat three meals a day!

Qin Shuang calculated that she and Qin Yunxia needed three points for three meals a day. This left her with two points for the day. Then you need to go to the library. If you don’t go to the library to find out, what are you doing in Lucheng Confucian Academy

Reading books in the library, or borrowing books from the library, is more expensive. The two remaining points Qin Shuang has every day are not enough for her to read books.

Taking classes every day costs one point, and thirty points are needed in a month. Points are required for consulting a teacher alone.

All right!

Qin Shuang can ask Dean Lu for advice, maybe without points.

The paper you need to submit your homework every time is in the format printed by the Confucian Academy, and you must use the paper from the Confucian Academy. This requires points, and there are all kinds of points. There are almost no points here.

Qin Shuang carefully calculated that if she took out the garbage, she might just be able to pay for classes, food and living here. As for going to the library, don't think about it. If it costs money to ask Dean Lu for advice, don't worry about it. Don't even think about asking for advice from Dean Lu, even if you ask an ordinary teacher.


How can you improve your knowledge when you come to the Confucian Academy without going to the library or consulting the teacher


You can't just study hard behind closed doors, right

where is this place

This is a holy land for literati, where all the heroes from the kingdom gather. With such good conditions, how could you not go to the party? Don't want to talk about Tao

This all requires points!

Another job is to copy books!

Although printing is now available in the Warrior Continent, handwritten books are still very popular. Especially the books handwritten by students from the Lucheng Confucian Academy are very popular with scholars in the kingdom. They feel that reading handwritten books is the real Reading has charm. I don’t know how this trend started, and Lucheng Confucian Academy is a place where scholars from the Crescent Moon Kingdom gather. How does it feel to read a book handwritten by a student of Lucheng Confucian Academy in your hand

Therefore, printed books are very cheap, and they are bought by those from poor families who have no money. Some wealthy people buy hand-written books, and the hand-written books sold by Lucheng Confucian Academy.

Lucheng Confucian Academy has handwritten book sales outlets in various cities across the country, so Lucheng Confucian Academy needs a large number of handwritten books. And the points given are quite a lot.

Fifteen points per book.

However, Qin Shuang calculated that it would take at least three hours, or even longer, to copy a book. This leaves no time for practice.

Qin Shuang finally decided to take out the garbage first. Anyway, she had three months of free time, and within these three months, she should also practice her cultivation to the peak of drawing Qi into the body. At that time, she would not need to practice. Change to copying books.

the next day.

After class at noon, after lunch with Qin Yunxia, she went to the task room to receive the task of taking out the garbage. She was responsible for the garbage in the No. 2 canteen. She needed to transport the garbage from the canteen to the east gate of the Confucian Academy, where someone would Transport the garbage outside the Confucian Academy. The distance from Canteen No. 2 to the east gate is about 10,000 meters.

The afternoon sun was a bit harsh. On the road from Canteen No. 2 to the east gate, Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia pushed a large cart filled with garbage.

"Miss! You go back, I can be alone." Qin Yunxia said while pushing the cart.

Qin Shuang glanced at Qin Yunxia. Qin Yunxia's cultivation level was still low. At this time, sweat was already visible on her forehead, and even her steps became heavy. She put her hands hard and said:

"This is like an independent world, so there are no ladies or slaves here. The first thing we have to do is to survive here."

"Then... we can't let the young lady do this job!" At this point, Qin Yunxia whispered again:

"You are a princess! If the princes and princesses in the royal capital knew this, they would laugh at you to death!"

Qin Shuang shook his head and said with a slight smile on his face: "I do understand this approach of the Confucian Academy. This is to let every scholar here know the difficulty of birth, and save time to become an official. , I don’t know the sufferings of the world, and I’m aloof, and I’ve brought the world into chaos.”

Speaking of this, Qin Shuang also lowered his voice and said: "And I have a feeling that this way of living is also a kind of tempering for martial arts, especially for mental state. So, Yunxia, please understand it with your heart."


Qin Yunxia stopped talking and kept her head down as she and Qin Shuang pushed the garbage. After pushing this time, the two people pushed again and completed today's task. The steward in the canteen gave Qin Shuang a card with five points written on it and a stamp.

Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia went back with stinking sweat. When they returned to the room, the first thing they did was naturally take a shower. But the two men discovered that there was no wood in the house. The two of them went to buy another point of wood, came back to boil the water, and after taking a shower, Qin Shuang found that it was only more than half an hour before dinner time.

It takes an hour for Qinshuang to complete one training session, which takes up time to study spiritual patterns. I couldn't help but sigh, life in the Confucian Academy was really difficult!

"Yunxia, you can go to the cafeteria to eat later. After you finish eating, bring me a meal back."

"Yes, miss!"

Qin Shuang waved her hand to indicate that Qin Yunxia could go out, then she sat cross-legged on the bed, took a small sip of jade liquid and began to practice.

After finishing practicing, Qin Shuang ate dinner in a hurry, then entered the study and began to study the spirit pattern technique. He took out the jade piece and the spiritual pattern tool, thought about it first, and then started carving.

Qin Shuang's life was very fulfilling, but also very stressful. I have classes every morning, take out the trash and practice in the afternoon, and study spiritual patterns in the evening. There was no time to go to the library at all, and she even had to squeeze in time to complete the homework set by the teacher. This time had to be squeezed out from studying the spirit pattern technique, so the speed of her spiritual pattern improvement slowed down. Practicing the Fire Phoenix Manual for an hour every day made her cultivation improve by leaps and bounds.

In this tense life, Qin Shuang is like an invisible person in Class C of the Confucian Academy. No one pays attention to her, and she is happy like this. But she was also troubled. Because she didn't have free time, she lost the opportunity to communicate with people of the same year in the Confucian Academy. So she listened carefully in every class and also listened carefully to the questions answered in the same year. Try to fully digest what the teacher said before class.


I am very grateful to 2 classmates from int163 (588), classmate Mengqi (100), classmate Feng Yang (100), classmate Lan Yan Zhiji (100), classmate Lao Shi 01 (100), so very good classmate 09 (100), Cute little mage classmate (100), seaphay classmate (100), book friend 160311214422129 classmate, Hao Haoqi classmate, xy505201 classmate, Feng err classmate, don’t wait for classmates in the years, lilwj2011 classmate, rush ttzj classmate, Wang Wushengzun classmate, Rewards from classmates A Yaner, Yi Lan Ting Ye Yu, Huan Cheng Qing Cheng, Wiaoyu Tanxiang, Ranger GB, Xinyue Junxi, and Wang Wu Shengzun!



(End of chapter)