Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 237: blackbird


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Gradually, Qin Shuang felt as if her body had disappeared, and she had merged into the space between heaven and earth. The collision, blending, derivation, change, and unification of the two techniques finally formed a new consciousness in her heart. …

Opening up the energy of life, this should be called... wall!

Breeding and generating all life, this is the symbiosis of the sea of consciousness and the soul. This should be called... chamber!

After cultivating the sea of consciousness or the soul, it needs to expand and grow. In this process, the impurities in the sea of consciousness or the soul need to be continuously discharged. The process of expansion and growth is destruction and destruction for impurities and barriers. … This should be called danger!

After cultivation, the power of the sea of consciousness or the power of the soul is hidden in the sea of consciousness or the soul, just like the sun brewing in the void. This should be called... void!

All things are inseparable from yin and yang, and the power of the sea of consciousness and the power of the soul must also be the same. The power of the sea of consciousness and the power of the soul are complete when the yin and yang are combined without being separated, just like a bearded girl. This should be called... a girl!

The mysterious energy between heaven and earth is drawn into the sea of consciousness and the soul. Although the barrier is strong, it can eventually break out. This is like a morning cow. Although the earth is hard, the cow can cultivate with Yang Qi. , this should... be called morning glory!

Yin and Yang meet and chaos arises. This is the beginning of all things. The sea of consciousness or the soul begins to evolve from this moment on. This should be called... fighting!


Qin Shuang's sea of consciousness and soul chimed together, and the sound of rattling sounded from the sea of consciousness and her body. At this moment, the power of Qin Shuang's sea of consciousness rose to the peak of the seventh level of the Qi Transformation stage, and her soul also became more powerful. The ground was transparent, as if the dark sky had been cut by a bolt of lightning, revealing a glimmer of light leading to the Martial Saint.

Qin Shuang opened her eyes, her brows filled with joy. She knew that she had created a new cultivation method. This cultivation method could not only cultivate the sea of consciousness and the soul at the same time, but was also more advanced than the previous cultivation method. The speed has more than tripled. And that's not all. She seemed to see the direction of integrating the power of the sea of consciousness and the power of the soul. Although it was still extremely vague, she saw hope. It seemed that a new world was in front of her, and the door was Waiting for her to push away.

I looked up and saw that it was already midnight. I turned to look at the paper-cut adult. Seeing that it was still there copying books, I put the paper-cut adult away, left the study, and returned to my bedroom. I was just about to take off my clothes and lie down. Next, a sense of alarm suddenly arose in my heart, and I suddenly turned my head and looked towards the window.

The curtains blocked the windows, and the outside scene couldn't be seen. But she felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes peering at her from behind the curtain, so she turned her body towards the window, stretched out her hand and picked up the long sword.


There was a knocking sound on the window. The sound was very soft, but it was extremely startling in the silent night.

Qin Shuang became highly vigilant. She took two steps forward, stretched out her hand and gently opened the curtains. Her eyes shrank, and she saw a palm-sized black bird standing on the windowsill, using its... The hard mouth was pecking at the window. When he saw Qin Shuang opening the curtains, he stopped pecking and looked at Qin Shuang.

The bird was so dark that if you didn't look closely, it seemed to blend into the darkness. Qin Shuang hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the window, and the bird flew in with its wings fluttering, landed on the bedside and looked at Qin Shuang. Then Qin Shuang was startled and almost pulled out his sword. , slashed at the black bird with his sword, because the black bird actually spoke, with a hoarse and low voice.

"My master wants to see you."

Qin Shuang took a deep breath, forced her heart to calm down, looked at the black bird and said:

"Your master?"

"Stop talking so much nonsense!" The black bird seemed angry and said in a hoarse voice: "Otherwise, everything you do in the dense forest will spread."

"Dense forest? What dense forest?" Qin Shuang's heart beat violently.

"Little girl, don't pretend to be deaf and mute, you have remembered the demon path and the bloodline warrior, right?"

Qin Shuang felt panicked. Someone discovered that he was a demon. Who was he

At this moment, Qin Shuang had the urge to kill the black bird in front of her immediately, but she knew that it would not work. There was a master behind the black bird. Only by killing that master could the problem be truly solved.

However, the owner unscrupulously allowed this black bird to come to him. It was obvious that he should surpass him in strength. Should he go to see the owner of this black bird or not

Then a bitter smile appeared in her heart. Did she still have a choice

He sighed in his heart, put the long sword on his back, turned over and jumped out of the window, squatted on the ground and looked around warily, then used the shadows to move quickly, and soon escaped the inspection team's surveillance. , came to the bottom of the wall, jumped out with a straight body.

There was a flapping sound of wings above her head. Qin Shuang looked up and saw the black bird flying forward about one meter above her head, so she quickened her pace and followed behind.

One person and one bird do not move very fast.

Qin Shuang wants to avoid the patrols of the city guards and use the shadow to sneak. And the black bird seemed to be afraid of being discovered, flying around and sometimes landing on the tree to wait for Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang kept track of the direction as he walked, heading towards the North District of Lucheng.

The North District is a slum area in Lucheng. As soon as you enter the North District, you will smell the stench of the stinking ditch. It is surrounded by low-rise houses. Occasionally, a black cat will cross the road, and there will be one or two dog barks. .

The roads have become narrow, full of potholes, littered everywhere, and emit a bad smell.

At this time, it was pitch black in this slum area, there were no lights, and there was no light in any of the houses. If Qin Shuang hadn't ignited the Fire of Life and Soul, it would have been impossible to see clearly in this darkness.

Qin Shuang squinted his eyes, pricked up his ears, and sneaked quietly in the darkness, then came to a low house in a roundabout way.

The black bird lightly pecked the door three times, and then the door opened. Qin Shuang looked intently, but found that there was no one inside the door. The black bird flew in, and Qin Shuang also stepped into the door.

The door behind her closed automatically, Qin Shuang's heart tightened, and she felt a gust of wind.

"This is a spell!"

Qin Shuang saw the black bird flying into a room, so he walked towards that room. He took one step into the room and his eyes shrank.

A light is like a bean.

Then I saw the black bird hovering in the sky in a circle, landing on a table, and then turned into a paper bird made of folded paper.


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(End of chapter)