Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 29: Jade liquid


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Qin Shuang kicked his right foot on the ground, jumped over the puddle, spread his legs and ran quickly along the passage outside. While running, she held the dagger in her hand on guard, but until she rushed out of the passage and her eyes were filled with fog again, she didn't see the owner of the voice coming out to chase her. Standing outside the cliff, he raised his hand and patted his chest.

"It's so scary! It's so scary to me! I don't know what is inside, it's so scary..."

Suddenly, Qin Shuangzheng was there, and the thick fog around her made her realize that even if the owner of the voice did not chase him out, she would not be able to leave the valley, and would eventually starve to death here, just like the withered bones in the valley.

There was hesitation in Qin Shuang's eyes. After a while, he gritted his teeth and turned to look at the cliff in front of him, with bitterness on his face.

"You still have to go in!"

At this time, she has figured out that if she wants to leave this valley, she must meet the owner of that voice. She may die if she meets the owner of that voice, but she may have a chance to leave here. If you don't go to see the owner of that voice, you will only die of starvation.

Qin Shuang, who had thought everything through, no longer hesitated and stepped into the cliff again. The dark red passage appeared in front of her again, with some gold and silver scattered under her feet.

"Tap tap tap..."

Qin Shuang walked quickly along the passage. When she came to the cave again, she stood on the edge of the pool, cupped her hands and said:

"Junior Qin Shuang pays homage to senior."

"Hehe, you're back again, hehehe..."

Qin Shuang was silent. In fact, she didn't know what to say at this time. She believed that the owner of the voice had some purpose in leading her here instead of letting her starve to death in the valley. So she had to wait and wait for the other party to tell her the purpose before she could make conditions with the other party.

Qin Shuang, who stood there silently, did not feel a vague wave sweep across her body, and then the voice laughed.

"Hahaha... I really don't know whether it's better to praise you as a genius or call you a waste."

Qin Shuang's heart skipped a beat, as if he had realized something. Then I heard the voice continue:

"You have thirty-six naturally self-opening meridians, but there is a piece of cartilage in the first meridian that makes your thirty-six self-opening meridians completely useless."

Qin Shuangfu reached her heart, and immediately raised her hands and said: "Senior, do you have a method to remove cartilage?"

"The method of removing cartilage is very simple. Just find a junior in the Mahayana stage who can remove the cartilage in your meridians."

"Mahayana period?"

There was a trace of confusion in Qin Shuang's eyes. She had never heard of the Mahayana period in her past life. However, she knew that with the cultivation of the Martial God in her previous life, she could definitely get rid of this cartilage, but now she is not even in the period of feeling Qi...

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she said, "Senior, can you remove the cartilage in Qin Shuang's internal meridians?"

"This is nothing, just do it casually." The voice said arrogantly.

Qin Shuang's face showed excitement. He looked around, then bowed deeply to the guqin on the stone platform and said:

"Please ask senior to take action."

The voice showed a trace of unnaturalness: "If it had been done before, I would have naturally melted away the cartilage in your meridians. But... I am seriously injured now... I can't help you."

"oh… "

Rao Shi Qin Shuang was a mature person in two lifetimes, but he couldn't help but froze there at this time, with disappointment written all over his face. She originally thought she saw hope and was willing to pay a heavy price, but she didn't expect to get such a depressing answer.

"If you want to remove the cartilage in your meridians, you must help me restore my cultivation. At the worst, I have to return to the Mahayana stage."

Qin Shuang understood that this voice brought him here because he wanted to help him restore his cultivation. As long as he helped him restore his cultivation, the cartilage in his meridians could be melted away. Qin Shuang also had scruples in her heart, but there was only one way to go before her, and there was no other choice at all.

If you don’t agree, can you leave this valley

I don’t agree, can you solve the cartilage in your own meridians

"What do you want me to do?" Qin Shuang took a deep breath and managed to calm down.

Suddenly there was a message in Qin Shuang's consciousness, and then he heard the voice saying:

"Help me collect these materials. These materials are the most basic requirements for me to return to the Mahayana stage. After you collect them all, come back here and I will remove the cartilage in your meridians."

Qin Shuang silently checked the names of materials in his consciousness. There were not many, only three types.

Blood magic stone, Tianyin wood and golden vine.

Qin Shuang naturally knew these three materials, but he was confused in his heart. These three materials are golden vine and alchemy. In fact, the best use of these three materials is to refine weapons. How could the owner of that voice use weapon refining materials to restore his cultivation

Doesn't this make sense at all

However, Qin Shuang breathed a sigh of relief when she saw these three materials. Although these three materials were very precious, in her memory of this life, she knew that there was a golden vine in Xianyue Palace, and in her previous life I have a piece of Tianyin wood at home. Now only the whereabouts of the blood magic stone are missing.

However, Qin Shuang was undecided whether to find these three materials for the owner of this voice to restore his cultivation. On the one hand, she felt that these three materials for restoring cultivation were very strange. On the other hand, she has a deep sense of powerlessness here, and her life is not in her own hands at all. What if she sends the three materials to the owner of this voice, and the other party erases her after recovering her cultivation? ? She always felt that this place was very strange, but the pale blood-colored light in the cave made her feel uneasy.

"To prove my sincerity, I can give you some benefits first." The voice rang again.

Qin Shuang's heart skipped a beat while he was thinking about it. Give him the benefit first? What are the benefits

"Have you seen this pool?" The voice continued: "This pool is given to you."


Qin Shuang was standing next to the water pool at this time. He knelt down and looked towards the water pool. His expression changed. Then he put his hands together and picked up some water in the pool and took a sniff. There was a look of ecstasy in his eyes. After drinking a little more gently, he suddenly raised his head and said:

"Senior, is this jade liquid?"

Jade liquid is a liquid formed by stalactites, but not all stalactites can form jade liquid. Not one of 10,000 stalactites can form liquid, and not all liquids formed by stalactites are jade liquid.


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(End of chapter)