Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 50: Fierce fighting


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These two words instantly appeared in Qin Shuang's mind. At midnight, five people approached quietly. What was this if it wasn't a robber

Originally, Qin Shuang could lie in ambush in the car, waiting for the robbers to open the door and then attack suddenly, so that at least one of them could be killed first.


Uncle Qin is outside. If those robbers attack Uncle Qin first, Uncle Qin will definitely die. Qin Shuang took a deep breath, then reached out and held Qin Yunxia's mouth. Qin Yunxia suddenly woke up. Qin Shuang put his mouth to Qin Yunxia's ear and lowered his voice and said:

"There are robbers outside."

Qin Yunxia opened her eyes with fear, Qin Shuang retracted her hand, and then gently drew out the long sword. This sword is no longer her dagger, but one chosen from the weapons captured by the Wang family. She reached out and pushed open the car door, jumped out, and saw five figures less than ten meters away from her carriage.

The five figures were stunned. Knowing that they had been discovered by the other party, they couldn't help but be shocked. This was not their first robbery, and they were careful and kept their steps as light as possible. But even so, it was discovered by the other party. What kind of cultivation level did the other party have

Qin Shuang stood silently beside the carriage, the moonlight falling from the mottled leaves, making Qin Shuang's figure a little blurry. The night wind blows by, and the clothes are fluttering gently...


Qin Yunxia jumped out of the carriage holding a long sword, and Qin Bo on the other side also came out of the tent holding a long sword. The two quickly came to Qin Shuang's side, standing back to back in a triangle.

In the dark night.

One of the five robbers made a gesture and approached Qin Shuang and the other three. Five against three, they had a numerical advantage, and based on their understanding of the surrounding area, there were no masters here, so in the end they were not intimidated by Qin Shuang, but decided to test Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's brows frowned slightly, and there was a sharp look in his eyes. Just as the five robbers thought, Qin Shuang also believed that the other five would not be any masters, and their cultivation levels may not be higher than hers. The only thing she was worried about was Qin Yunxia and Qin Bo.

"We cannot wait for them to approach, we must take the initiative."

"boom… "

Qin Shuang's figure suddenly moved. He stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his figure floated out like a cloud. The long sword in his hand unfolded the Piaoyun Eighteen Styles. In an instant, the cold light from the tip of the sword was close to him. The throat of the bandit leader.

"Ding… "

The opponent's long knife was placed across the throat, and the tip of Qin Shuang's sword touched the blade. The huge rebound force was transmitted along the arm, making Qin Shuang's wrist numb, and he could not help but stagger back, feeling in his heart She was just shocked. The other party was definitely capable of drawing Qi into her body. If these five robbers had this kind of cultivation, she would be in danger today.

Not to mention Qin Bo and Qin Yunxia, even she couldn't face five warriors who introduced Qi into their bodies at the same time.

The robber opposite's eyes lit up. After just one fight, he had already tried out Qin Shuang's cultivation, which was only in the late stage of Qi sensing stage. In fact, Qin Shuang only has the first level of the Qi Sensing Stage, but she ignited the Soul-Charging Fire, and her body was tempered again by the spiritual energy generated by the jade liquid paste, which made her strength beyond the realm of cultivation.


The bandit leader, whose confidence was greatly increased, stomped on the ground, and his body was like a speeding carriage hitting Qin Shuang. At the same time, the long knife in his hand slashed out under the moonlight.

Fortunately, Qin Shuang had martial arts that the other party did not possess. The cloud steps unfolded, and the figure that staggered back became blurred. He flashed past like a cloud, and the long sword in his hand stabbed the opponent's ribs.

The opponent turned back to look at the moon, and the long knife in his hand struck Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang's sword stance changed, and the shadow of the sword struck the opponent's wrist veins in the moonlight...

A man suddenly sat on a thick branch of a big tree a hundred meters away from Qinshuang. He looked very frail. He didn't have the sword eyebrows of a warrior, but instead had two thin eyebrows. His eyes were very clear and his skin was very soft. Bai, like a frail scholar, held a sword in his hand and slept in the wilderness at night.

It was the first time Qin Shuang and the bandit leader fought, and the "ding" sound of the swords intersecting woke him up. Silently, like a big bird, it rose from the branch and flew towards the battlefield, flying under the moonlight.

He arrived at the woods before Qin Shuang and the others. He saw Qin Shuang and the others entering the woods. He originally wanted to go up and say hello, but found out that they were two women, so he gave up the idea, but he did not expect that at midnight There was the sound of weapons clashing over there.


The young man landed on a branch almost silently and looked down. He saw a woman and a man fighting fiercely, but before he could see the two figures in the fierce fight clearly, he saw four more men pressing towards an old man and a woman who looked like a maid. Just as soon as they made contact, the long swords in the hands of the maid and the old man were knocked away, and they saw the two knives slashing at the maid and the old man with the sound of wind.

The man on the treetop knew that Qin Shuang and the others were not robbers, because he saw the three people entering the woods with his own eyes, so the five people were robbers. So at this time, the young man no longer hesitated and swooped down like a baby swallow returning to the forest.

In the night.

Only four screams were heard, and the four robbers fell to the dust almost at the same time.

"boom… "

The young man landed on the ground and stood in front of Qin Bo and Qin Yunxia. Looking at Qin Shuang and the bandit leader, he couldn't help but let out a soft "Huh", with a look of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, the bandit leader was extremely frightened. He did not expect that a mysterious young man would suddenly appear. He just killed four of his men in an instant. He wanted to escape immediately, but how could Qin Shuang, who had clearly seen the situation, be willing to do so? Let him go

Qin Shuang was also holding back a breath in his heart, thinking that he was a martial god in his previous life, but now he was almost killed by an ant that introduced Qi into his body, so he felt cruel in his heart, and used Yunbu in conjunction with the Eighteen Piaoyun Swords. .

In the eyes of the bandit leader, he was surrounded by Qin Shuang's shadow, and the sword light was like a net, trapping him in the center. He wanted to use his own cultivation to break into this sword net. But Qin Shuang's sword refused to make contact with him. Each sword was only used in half a move, and then moved to the next move. Although it could not kill the opponent, it trapped the opponent tightly in the woods.


Gradually Qin Shuang became weak. After all, her cultivation was not as good as the other party, and the other party guarded her vital points. Although her body was cut many times by Qin Shuang's sword, they were not fatal. As time passed, Qin Shuang's physical weakness gradually became apparent, and loopholes appeared in the sword net.


I am extremely grateful to classmate Danyuewu 629 (588), classmate Jinghao in Different Paths (100), classmate Fat Dainiu (100), classmate Feng Yang (100), classmate Mengqi, classmate 160128235309225, book friend, classmate love Liulixin, Classmate Ling Duojin'er, my dear classmate Xinxin, classmate Ayan'er, classmate MC Can, why not let nature take its course, classmate Xin Yihen, who is Wushuang on the road, classmate Rushucao ttzj, classmate 123 Reading Bei , the fish flew up and the classmates rewarded it!



(End of chapter)