
Chapter 2


In the evening a week later, he appeared in a small bar near the east of the city.

Xu Ye has lived in K City for so many years, and has been arrogant to visit all the venues to see Fengyue, but he never knew that there was actually a bar here. The store is not big, but the environment is good. He even saw some expensive wines in the wine cabinet. Will there be business in such a place? He was puzzled.

Two young bartenders were idly at the bar, and when they saw him approach, one of them asked, "What's in it?"

Xu Ye took out a crumpled piece of paper from his suit pocket, with a name written on it: "I'm looking for him."

The bartender smiled, with deep eyebrows: "It doesn't look like a person's name."

"I know." He looked at the words "Little White Rabbit" on the piece of paper, his face a little unnatural, "David introduced me."

This note was obtained by Liu Jing, and he was asked to submit a very detailed medical report before getting it. He didn't know the specific details. He only knew that there were layers of interpersonal relationships in the middle. The note on this note was a person who could take him to a certain place. At first he thought it was a prank and threw it in the trash. Later, Liu Jing repeatedly assured him that he would never make fun of him, so he decided to come and have a look.

The bartender smiled and said, "Just a joke with you, please come with me." After speaking, he walked out of the bar and walked to a small door, which was an elevator. He took out a card and swiped it, and the elevator door opened. Xu Ye walked in with him. The bartender pressed the floor button 2, and the elevator went up.

"Is your name Xu Ye?" the bartender suddenly asked.

"Yes." He didn't hide it.

"You are here for the first time, so some rules must be explained to you in advance." The bartender looked up at him, "Forgot to introduce myself, I am a little white rabbit, you can call me rabbit, or rabbit."

Xu Ye was a little surprised, and then smiled: "A fairy tale?"

Rabbit smiled: "Yes, I am a guide, just like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland." He continued: "You can also give yourself a name, it will be used as your circle name, Of course, you can use your real name if you don't mind."

At this point, the elevator arrived and the door opened.

It is very large inside, divided into many small single rooms.

"This is a separate locker room for singles, doubles and multiples. You can store your personal belongings in that locker. Please put your phone in now."

He did as he was told. Rabbit handed over a silver electronic card, "Keep this card, it identifies your membership." Then he took him up the stairs on the other side.

The third floor is a large banquet hall, and the crystal lamps hanging high emit crystal clear light. The people in the field have all kinds of clothes, some of them are very exaggerated. What shocked Xu Ye was that some of them were kneeling. They knelt down beside some people with lowered eyebrows, some of them were naked, and they wore what looked like dog hoops around their necks. Xu Ye set his eyes on a kneeling man with a half-face mask with feathers on his face. He rested his head on the lap of a sitting tall man, and the tall man looked over here.

The rabbit coughed lightly and said in a low voice, "Don't stare at others for a long time, it's very impolite."

Xu Ye's eyes trembled, and he hurriedly looked back.

He was beginning to understand what this place was.

"I believe you should know what bdsm means." Rabbit's voice was soft, "This is a bdsm club that only accepts regular customers. You have David's recommendation, so I will bring you in. This does not mean that You can tell what you see, and if you do, you will definitely regret it. Including the person who introduced you and your connections." He showed that harmless smile again, the word Literally, "Really regret."

Xu Ye nodded. He didn't know who the club belonged to, but he knew whose territory it was. A certain boss who started from the underworld once used this place as his lair, and he still occupied this area after the whitewashing. The fact that the guild hall was built here must be related to his acquiescence.

The rabbit led him to the place where the food was placed. The silver plate is full of fine food, including a variety of snacks and beverages. "The club is open every Saturday and Sunday night, and there are also some lectures and demonstrations on Saturday night. You can chat and make friends here, and if you find a dom (dominator) or sub (subordinate), you can go and meet them Talk, you can also leave the contact information for a private appointment. But be careful, you can't touch any slave who has an indentured without authorization."

"Slave?" His eyes widened, he wasn't used to the word.

"Yes. What you see now, kneeling, are slaves who have established a master-servant relationship. They are another derivative of the sub. In SM, the sub submits to the dom and obeys all his commands, but Most doms do not require subs to continue this obedience to the outside world, except on certain occasions and at certain times, they may not meet or travel on an equal footing. But there are also some doms that require their subs to maintain this obedience on other occasions kind of surrender, like here."

Xu Ye said dumbly, "Don't sub have the right to refuse?"

"Well... Different CPs (partners) have different ways of getting along." Rabbit laughed, "There are many functions on the first and second floors of the club. You can go down and walk around, but you don't have permission to use this elevator. Please use the stairs over there. If you don't show up here for more than three months, your membership will be automatically disqualified. No violence, no photography or recording is allowed in the club, and if you find out, you will be ejected from here, which will make you very uncomfortable. It's hard to stay in this circle. This is the end of my explanation, please feel free." After that, he smiled and waved his hand away.

Xu Ye was a little bored, took some food, found a corner and sat down by himself, silently watching this huge venue. Most of the people in the field are still men. I don't know if it's because of the proportion of the number, or because the les who play this kind of game are not very willing to be exposed to such occasions.

Xu Ye looked at the card in his hand. The Bdsm circle has always been mysterious. This is a well-established fact in the entire gay community. They have their own unique way of behavior, turning attacking and receiving into another mode of getting along. Therefore, they are more obscure, more secretive, and have a set of strict criteria for absorbing new people, and he actually broke in so ignorantly. Looking at these strangers enjoying themselves, his eyes are full of confusion. He didn't know what he was looking for, and even in it he didn't get the answer he wanted.

"Hey." The short voice caught his attention. A man in a black military uniform sat opposite him, with high riding boots on his feet and a whip in his hand. He was in his early thirties, and with a big smile on his face, he asked, "You don't have a dom?"

Xu Ye was stunned for a while, and then he realized what he said, pursed his lips and said, "How do you know that I'm looking for dom and not sub?"

The man laughed, showing his white teeth: "Obviously."

He asked angrily, "Where did you see that?"

"Where... you can tell." The man teased him intentionally, leaning over to approach, "Your panicked eyes, your uneasy sitting posture, the way you talk, tsk, so cute, you are still a novice."

Xu Ye's ears were slightly red, and he said angrily, "stay away from me."

This man seemed to have a naturally attractive temperament. Just after he sat down, Xu Ye clearly felt that more eyes were focused on them. Some people came over.

"My name is Marvin. Little guy, are you interested in trying what I have?" the man said, raising the whip in his hand. "It makes you happy."

Xu Ye frowned: "No."

Some people chuckled softly, some people whispered, and some people were asking about the newcomer's background. Such a sense of attention made Xu Ye uncomfortable. He got up to leave, but was stopped by a horsewhip.

"I would be very sad to reject me like this." The man looked at him with a smile.

"It's rude to block someone's way with a whip, Mr. Knight." His eyes turned cold.

"Similarly, it would be rude not to respond after someone's name was reported, handsome boy." Marvin obviously didn't want to let him go.

"Sorry, I don't plan to use my real name, and I haven't decided on the name I'm going to use." Xu Ye answered very straightforwardly.

"What an interesting newcomer." He withdrew his whip and said, "Can you tell me why, why did you reject me?"

"You have a slave, don't you?" Xu Ye glanced at the man in the white feather mask who was kneeling in the corner not far away.

"It turns out that you don't accept a one-to-many relationship. It's really nerve-racking." Marvin tapped the horsewhip in his palm, and suddenly smiled, "I can recommend a good dom candidate to you, he doesn't have one around now. Sub, the skill is very good and tolerant, which is very rare for a novice. However, he is also very demanding. As for whether you can enter his eyes or not, it depends on you." After he finished speaking, he got up, slightly defiantly, "Do you want to meet him?"

Xu Ye was stunned. Deep down in his heart, he was a little excited about this kind of game, as if the secrets that had been suppressed in his heart for many years were put into a room full of secrets, and it seemed that he was no longer so different and unbearable. But he had some resistance. He was afraid that he would become one of those slaves, and he absolutely couldn't accept himself like that. So he has been hesitating, is this what he wants

"Don't you dare even try?" Marvin smiled and shrugged regretfully.