
Chapter 20


The industry under the name of the Golden Eagle Group has always been stylish, and it is the same here. The club can be described as a high-end atmosphere in terms of hardware. In terms of software, because of its strict qualification review and high membership fee collection, it has gathered a group of low-key, luxurious and meaningful participants. In short, it's not easy to get in and out of here. Xu Ye now knows why there are high-end foreign wines at the counter of the small bar downstairs. In fact it was just a certain bottle that Rabbit took out of the underground wine cellar and was too lazy to put back.

The club does not have a specific name, because it is located in the east of the city and is called "East Bank" by the insiders. Its status is like an invisible center, which determines the positioning of the entire circle. Top players create rules of admission, protection, punishment, and culling that maintain the boundaries of the circle.

The atmosphere in the bdsm circle in K City was not good before, and many dom took pleasure in pursuing tyranny. At the beginning of the club's establishment, there was a case of a serious injury to a sub. His dom was a wealthy businessman. After settling the matter with money, he swaggered to the club to find new people, but was tied up by the pharaoh and abruptly broke both arms. After that, the businessman was suddenly reported by his staff for tax evasion, fined a lot of money and locked up, the company was swallowed, and finally reduced to nothing. As for who can strike so neatly, everyone knows well. Such killing of chickens and monkeys not only consolidates the prestige of the East Bank, but also shakes the whole circle, and leads the bdsm activities to the right track of safety. In the development of several years, the East Bank aristocrats headed by Chu Yu completely controlled the mainstream, clearly letting all participants understand one thing: those who were exiled from the East Bank would have difficulty gaining a foothold in the entire circle.

Marxism teaches us that things are dialectical and have two sides. With the help of Liu Jing, Xu Ye, who squeezed into the top of the circle, enjoys a comfortable environment, strict security measures, fast information transfer, and high-quality dom and sub resources. At the same time, he will also accidentally offend a big man And get into trouble.

For example now.

When Mr. Earl took off the mask from his face in front of everyone, Xu Ye completely lost the opportunity to communicate with any other dom, and no matter how many choices he had, it became a cloud.

Chu Yu's popularity is very high, but he seems to only love one-on-one relationships. Therefore, when there are subs, they will reject others and take off their masks to show closeness. Later, "the earl shows his face, no strangers come near" almost became a rule that was not written into the rules of the club. There have been quite a few subs trying to break it, but so far there has been no winner. Because of this, the earl has become synonymous with single-mindedness in the eyes of everyone, completely ignoring how many subs he has changed. This way of thinking makes Xu Ye speechless.

Xu Ye, who was blushing amid the sighs in the hall, felt like a lamb to be slaughtered at the moment, with a blue stamp that passed the quarantine on his body, and there was absolutely no room for struggle, just waiting for the sharply sharpened knife in Chu Yu's hand. Cut him to eight pieces.

But power is truth. His thoughts had absolutely no way of swaying things. That black feather mask was like a mark, which neatly and thoroughly drew him into Chu Yu's sphere of influence, making him a recognized "earl's person". Besides, the ambiguous cries from inside the curtain just now, the deliberate avoidance of the Lion Pharaoh and the others, and the crumpled shirt on Xu Ye's body are easily reminiscent of what happened just now. It is estimated that even if he took the initiative to send it to the door, other dom would not even dare to touch him.

"Come with me." Chu Yu's order was still brief and direct, and he turned around and left, not caring whether the people behind him followed. He knew that there was no way for the little slave to escape.

Sure enough, Xu Ye took his phone and car keys from the locker with a dark face and went downstairs silently. There was a black Mercedes-Benz waiting outside the door. The driver saw them and immediately ran to open the door. "Get in the car." Chu Yu raised his eyebrows when he saw that he didn't move.

"My car is parked over there, I drive myself..."

"Get in the car," the man interrupted, repeating.

Xu Ye shut his mouth and got into the back seat obediently.

There was an unknown piano song in the car, a gentle and leisurely tune. Xu Ye recalled everything that happened just now in his head, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Marvin was bad. The first time was when he was brought into the ditch of Second Young Master Chu, and this time he stepped into the quagmire and couldn't get up. Xu Ye secretly glanced at Chu Yu, who was sitting beside him, just when the man caught his gaze, he hurriedly lowered his head.

He didn't even know how nervous he was. When I saw Chu Yu's face now, I remembered the words I shouted when he was pushed to the limit. Only after I woke up did I realize that those words were like some kind of... a disguised confession, and every word was sincere.

This time, not only was it embarrassing, it was simply embarrassing, and it was completely lost in a circle and returned to Chu Yu. Xu Ye thought in frustration. After a while, the person on the right didn't seem to be moving. He turned his face to look at him secretly again, his eyes met again, and he quickly turned his head to look out the window.

This time there was movement. The man's hand directly squeezed his chin and turned his face towards him, asking, "Are you seducing me, or do you have something to say?"

Xu Ye was stared at by those dark eyes, his face flushed, and he muttered in a low voice, "Who seduced you..."

Chu Yu let go of him, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes: "Really? I heard the lion say that you are very good at seducing people."

Xu Ye's face was red and white, and he wanted to chop Marvin into a lion's head and burn it. At that time, he wanted to hit the boat with a single blow, but he would never have thought that he would go around and return to Chu Yu. At this moment, if this lord wants to invite a teacher to ask for guilt, he will... be miserable, very miserable. Thinking of this, I was horrified, so I tentatively asked: "Are you angry?" The tone was very respectful.

"Hmm." The understatement of the nasal voice.

Xu Ye shook, looked at him pitifully, and whispered, "Master..."

Seeing this kind of coquettish behavior, Chu Yu's brows had a faint smile: "Now you know you're afraid?"

Xu Ye made persistent efforts, leaned closer to him, looked at the man with dark eyes that looked extremely innocent, and said, "Master, forgive me once, okay?"

There was a dim light in Chu Yu's eyes, and he asked, "That's how you seduce the lion?"

Xu Ye froze, and immediately sat back in dismay, and said embarrassingly: "I didn't... I just had the attitude of giving it a try..." He saw the cold light in the man's eyes, and realized that he was talking too much and making mistakes. , so he shut his mouth abruptly.

Just then, the car stopped. Unconsciously, Hanguan No. 8 is near.

Following Chu Yu into the house, the environment in front of him seemed a little unfamiliar because of the week's estrangement. However, the man's voice quickly evoked his memory of the place, both mentally and physically.

"Looks like it's necessary for me to give you a good review of the rules, slave."

Xu Ye quickly took off all his clothes and knelt down. There is a carpet beside the sofa in the living room, but not in the entrance. The marble floor is icy and hard, and my knees hurt a little when I kneel. Fortunately, Chu Yu did not let him kneel for a long time.

"Go and stay in the cage."

When Xu Ye entered the room on the fourth floor, he did not turn on the light. For two consecutive days of haze, not even the moonlight, the whole cage was pitch black. It was quiet, save for his slight breathing.

Xu Ye knelt alone, not daring to move. I silently counted the seconds in my heart, guessing the approximate time.

He's not afraid of the dark, but he doesn't like the feeling of being alone in the dark. It seems to be an abandoned old thing that can only be dusted in the corner alone. It reminded him of those cold nights in his childhood, when he had nightmares or got up to go to the bathroom, and he didn't want to go to the trouble of waking up the babysitter, so he had to curl up in the quilt alone, as if a certain part of his body was stretched out and it would Eaten by monsters in the dark. He fell asleep and was sweating profusely the next day.

Darkness gives people unlimited imagination. It seems that there are countless eyes prying, as if there are countless demons sneaking, and it seems that there are countless dangers approaching, which makes people terrified.

But time seemed to slow down, and every second became a torment.

About twenty minutes later, the door was pushed open, and Xu Ye unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

The lights in the cage are adjustable. Chu Yu only turned on a dim yellow light in the corner, which could protect Xu Ye's eyes, which had been adapted to the dark, from being stimulated by strong light.

The man's clothes have been changed, and he looks a bit relaxed in loose cotton home clothes. He took a whip out of the whip hanging on the wall, stood in front of Xu Ye, and said, "raise your head."

Xu Ye straightened his back, looked up at him, glanced at the braid in his hand, and pursed his lips. The black and white snake whip that had left bright marks on his chest made his breathing heavy just by looking at it.

"You asked to cut off the master-slave relationship and leave me to find another master. As usual, I need to reconfirm your wishes and establish the relationship again." Chu Yu's voice was low and firm, "But I won't do this, because From today, you are and must be my slave, and I am and must be your master. Our master-slave relationship will continue until I agree to end it, and I will never allow you to release it lightly again. He paused, stroked his right hand over the cheek of the man kneeling naked, and said word by word, "Always remember, you belong to me."

Xu Ye silently listened to him saying these words, and there was a trace of inexplicable emotion in his eyes. He quietly looked up at Chu Yu, and for a moment, he lowered his eyes and covered his eyes with butterfly-like eyelashes, and said softly, "Yes, Master."

The whip dropped from the man's hand, and the voice was the familiar Shen He: "Now, tell me your identity."

Xu Ye looked up at him with a calm expression: "I am your slave, and you are my only master."

"Tell me about your rights."

"All the rights I can have come from your giving."

"Tell me about your obligations."

"To please you, to please you."

"Very good." Chu Yu curled his lips into a smile, the whip in his hand hung down like a snake, and placed it on Xu Ye's shoulder, causing him to tremble slightly. "Then I'll give you a chance to talk about the things you've done that made me unhappy."