
Chapter 22


Xu Ye's body froze in embarrassment, and his face flushed as if he was about to burn. He didn't dare to move, shrank in the corner of the bathtub, lowered his head, and tried his best to calm the uncontrolled heat flow in his body. Who knew that Chu Yu didn't intend to let him go, and a "come here" made him want to cry without tears.

The bathtub was slippery, so he moved over with both hands and feet and knelt in front of the man. His eyes swept over the part of him that was sleeping peacefully again, and his depression was beyond added. No one reacted to him at all! How could he be so slutty like this? What about indifference

"Turn around and sit down with your back to me." Chu Yu leaned lazily against the wall of the bathtub, his slender legs spread freely, and the soothing water flow made him relax, and his expression became much softer. Xu Ye endured the pain in his body and sat down according to the order, when he was embraced by one hand, and his body fell straight back against his firm chest. He was startled, and just wanted to sit up straight, when he heard a man's low voice behind his ear: "Don't move."

Chu Yu let go of his waist and turned his head back, just leaning on his shoulder. Feeling the tension in his arms, he smiled and said, "Relax."

Xu Ye couldn't relax at this moment. Too close, he could even feel Chu Yu's heartbeat and breathing. Every tiny friction between his bare skin stirred his desire like a wave. What's more, those hands were still lingering on his body, smearing the shower gel on his body, rubbing against his high-spiritedness intentionally or unintentionally.

"Master..." Xu Ye couldn't help but speak out in agony. "Huh?" The man behind him responded beside his ear, breathing in his ears, causing him to tremble slightly.

"Master... I... It's so uncomfortable..." He didn't dare to touch it with his hands without permission, so he curled up his legs impatiently.

"So what?" Chu Yu asked knowingly.

"Can I... use my hands..." Before Xu Ye finished speaking, he suddenly gasped, because his lust was being pinched in his hands.

"With your hands, like this?" The man stroked his handsome-looking little brother with his fingers dipped in the body lotion, moving very gently, controlling everything to the point of not reaching the climax.

"Ugh..." This kind of action made him almost cry, Xu Ye felt that he was about to go crazy, the blurry vision in front of him was full of phantoms, his head stopped thinking at all, he just wanted to be faster, heavier, and more The forceful touch allowed him to vent those noisy desires, and he shouted in one breath, "Please, let me shoot... Please..."

"No." The lowered voice was even more ambiguous. Chu Yu deliberately bit Xu Ye's earlobe, licking and grinding slowly between his lips and teeth, feeling the trembling and gasping of the person in his arms, and kneading his chest upright even worse. "No hands, no orgasms, no words. Slave, from now on in this bathroom, you're not allowed to do anything but moan. Your body is completely mine, keep that in mind."

It's worse than punishment. If there is a choice, Xu Ye would rather let him whip a few whips, at least it hurts.

Every order of Chu Yu is a law that must be followed for him. He must do what he wants.

That man rules everything.

The poor slave at this moment had already collapsed into the arms behind him, his body seemed to be on fire, and everything was too sensitive. The man's hand touched every inch of his skin, provoking him to moan emotionally. Those voices were soft and charming, with a suppressed cry that echoed throughout the bathroom. Desires continued to accumulate, and the fiery reached the exit, but had to be suppressed because of that order.

Xu Ye endured it hard and let out a whimper of "woo woo". Just when he felt that he was about to die, Chu Yu finally stopped and let him lean on his arms.

Xu Ye gasped and forced himself to calm down. After a while, his handsome little brother bowed his head slightly. He sat quietly with his back against the man, and the surging water from the jacuzzi rushed over his body, gradually relaxing.

"Go and wash your body." After sitting for a while, Chu Yu gave the order.

Because he was not allowed to speak, Xu Ye silently climbed out of the bathtub and went to the shower to rinse. He was about to turn on the cold water to completely extinguish all desires, but Chu Yu held down the temperature control faucet, and the man looked at him and said, "If you want to catch a cold so much. , next time I'll let you soak in cold water for a night."

Xu Ye lowered his head, and suddenly saw Chu Yu's desire to raise his crotch, his eyes widened. He was ravaged into mud just now, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the movements behind him. So it seems that his master didn't have no feelings for him at all. This realization made him feel completely happy. He raised his face to look at Chu Yu, his eyes bright.

Seeing him like this, the man couldn't help laughing: "I seem to have proved to you that I'm not cold. I just don't want to use you for the time being." He paused, "You did a good job just now. As a slave, you must have certain Tolerance. Endure your own desires for the pleasure of the master. From today onwards, you cannot masturbate without my permission, neither in front nor behind, hear clearly?”

Xu Ye blushed and nodded. After rinsing, he dried Chu Yu's body, put on a nightgown, then dried himself, drained the water in the bathtub as instructed, brushed it quickly, and then sorted out the bottles.

When he came out, the man was sitting by the bed, holding a long silver chain the thickness of two fingers in his hand. One end of the chain is attached to the foot of the bed, and the other end is attached to a soft brown looped leather belt. Seeing the man pat his leg, Xu Ye immediately walked over and knelt down.

"Put it on your right foot." Chu Yu handed him the end that was attached to the holster, "It doesn't have to be too tight, it's not a binding. Originally I planned to use a collar, but since you did well just now, I made changes. . I won't lock it, you can take it off by yourself when you wake up at night and when you're preparing breakfast tomorrow morning." After that, he pointed to the floor beside the bed, "You sleep here tonight."

There was a thick carpet on the floor, and the man gave him pillows and blankets. Although it was not as good as a bed, it was not uncomfortable to lie on. The chains on his feet are not a physical burden, but they give Xu Ye a marked sense of belonging.

He belongs to that person.

The bedroom was quiet except for the sound of two people breathing.

It was getting late. Everything that happened today exhausted Xu Ye's energy, and Xu Ye soon fell asleep.

When he woke up, the room was still as dark as the sea, and the curtains in Chu Yu's bedroom had excellent light-blocking properties, so that he could not tell the time. When he saw the luminous alarm clock that he had put on hand last night, he was shocked into a cold sweat.

Seven fifty.

Chu Yu didn't allow him to put his mobile phone next to him when he was sleeping, and he couldn't set the alarm clock to wake up the master at seven o'clock. At this moment, he woke up completely by the biological clock. Xu Ye got up lightly, untied the leather case, and quickly ran downstairs to set fire to it. He grabbed eggs, bacon, and bread from the refrigerator and hurriedly started making breakfast.

The milk in the microwave is hot. He just took it out and saw that the eggs in the frying pan were about to get old. He was anxious and didn't pay attention. Half a cup of hot milk was poured on his left hand, and the skin on the back of his hand turned red in an instant. He quickly put it under the faucet and rushed for a while, and it hurt like being pricked by many needles.

At 8:10, when Chu Yu went downstairs, Xu Ye barely finished breakfast. He glanced at the overcooked eggs, and stood at the table with some trepidation, saying, "Good morning, master."

The man quickly noticed that there was something unusual today. His eyes swept across the kitchen, the dining table, and his slaves, then he sat down quietly and patted his legs.

When Xu Ye knelt down, he realized that the apron on his body had not been taken off. He reached out to untie the knot behind him, accidentally touched the burnt spot, and instinctively took a breath. He was suffocated, although the movement was very light, he was not sure if the master heard it. Xu Ye raised his eyes to see his expression, and found that Chu Yu's black eyes were staring at him, holding a piece of bread in his hand.

Xu Ye picked it up with both hands, and deliberately turned the back of his hand down, but was grabbed by his left wrist. He shuddered, and the bread fell to the ground.

Chu Yu turned his left hand over, and the back of his hand was red, which was particularly eye-catching on his fair skin. "how did you make it?"

"I accidentally made the milk hot." Xu Ye added in frustration, "I'm sorry, master, I was wrong."

"What do you think you are doing wrong?"

He hesitated for a moment, then said slowly: "My body... belongs to the master, I shouldn't have... um... injured."

The man laughed angrily at his words: "You apologize to me for hurting yourself?"

Xu Ye raised his face and looked at him blankly. Those deer-like eyes clearly asked "Isn't it right?"

Chu Yu looked at his hand and said, "If I don't find out, are you going to hide it from me like this?" After speaking, he got up and said, "Come with me."

Xu Ye tremblingly followed him up the fourth floor and came to the cage. Thinking of being whipped early in the morning, his legs were a little weak. The man rummaged through the drawer for a while, but he didn't dare to look at what he took, just bowed his head and knelt.

Chu Yu sat down on the chair in front of him and said, "Give me your hand." Xu Ye thought he was going to be beaten, so he stretched out his right hand tremblingly, but was slapped off by the other side: "Left hand."

Unexpectedly, the cool paste was pushed away on the back of the hand. Xu Ye bit his lip with embarrassment, his eyelashes flickered a few times, and whispered, "Thank you, master."

"Remember the punishment first." Chu Yu said while applying scalding ointment to him, "The slave who hurt himself but planned to hide it from the master really needs a good education."

Xu Ye's face fell, and he muttered: "Yes, master..."