
Chapter 26


Marvin glanced in the direction where Xu Ye was passing, and sneered lightly: "Leave the master aside to accompany others, your little slave is so daring. Be spoiled for being so indulgent."

The pharaoh smiled and said: "As far as domestication is concerned, it is not good to keep the reins too tight. It is enough to tug at the right moment to give alertness."

"That's why I feel that domestication is troublesome, and I have to start from scratch to adjust it bit by bit, and work hard." The lion leaned comfortably on the back of the chair, "The finished product is so good, it is easy and convenient to interact, and it is not impossible. Gotta choose."

A so-called finished slave is a sub that has already received some training. They understand the meaning of all the commands of their masters, obey the rules and are able to obey all orders deeply. If you have a stable mental state and understand your body's ability to withstand, you can use safe words appropriately. Can actively cooperate with the dom party to do more intense sm games such as bundling and whipping, as well as some larger-scale sex, and enjoy the pleasure. Under the command of the master, the slave can even open his body to others in a state of deep obedience, allowing others to touch or use himself according to the master's request.

The training process of novice slaves is more complicated. Not only do they have to start from the most basic rules step by step, but they have more psychological instability. If the master's control is not strong enough, it will be difficult to establish a relationship of mutual trust with the slave. In this case, starting sm activities will cause the slave to resist and panic. Therefore, people in the circle call the training of newbies "domestication", which is like taming wild animals, and needs to surrender under the combination of whip and candy. This process requires more effort from the dom and takes a longer time.

Lion is a hedonist, and he rarely accepts new people. Compared to the shy and timid novice, the slaves who actively bent down for pleasure made him more sexual. In fact, he has a very good reputation in the circle, with skillful techniques, accurate whipping, fierce yet gentle in love affairs, generous and worth relying on. For an excellent dom, the choice has always been ample. In the eyes of the subs, the lion is more enthusiastic and outgoing than the cold earl, more approachable than the majestic pharaoh, easier to approach than the inseparable Tom and Jerry, and is indeed a perfect dom candidate.

However, everyone in the circle knows that the lion's training of slaves is just a simple game of desire. Whether it's his eager solicitation or gentle soothing, it's just part of his game. This gentleman-like man enjoys the submission and madness of the slaves, and gives them considerate care and protection, but he will not really be tempted by any slave. For him, BDSM is like taking what you want and what you want, and then you can part ways neatly. However, not everyone is as free and easy as he is. Many subs have admiration for him, and many of his slaves want to develop long-term fixed relationships, but they are categorically rejected by him, and they return with nothing.

Because of this, lions change slaves very quickly. Once slaves show excessive dependence and admiration for him, he will abandon them without hesitation.

Passionate yet ruthless.

"Tame also has the fun of domestication." Pharaoh took a sip of fruit wine, "Don't you think Xu Ye's eyes just now were actually very interesting?"

"Nervousness and guilt, and one more point... Concealing." The lion paused for a while, thinking of something, and turned to Chu Yu with a smile, "You chose to eat here today to warn him? It's a pity that they happily left you. Going to accompany the rumored girlfriend."

Originally, they didn't care about these gossips, because Chu Yu took Xu Ye as a slave and only kept snacks. Recalling Xu Ye's expression just now, the lion also guessed that it was Song Yueran. Chu Yu's news network is very large, I am afraid that Song Yueran has already been investigated, and the purpose of his appearance here today is not just to eat. At first, he thought that Chu Yu was here to declare to Xu Ye that he was invading and controlling his life, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

The steak on the plate was cut open by a silver knife, revealing a slightly reddish-red cut surface. Chu Yu pulled the corner of his mouth slightly: "The fun of domestication lies in the tameness itself. There are other ways besides pulling the reins and whipping the whip. Although it is a little more troublesome, it will be more interesting."

"It's really complicated." Marvin wasn't interested in domestication, so naturally he didn't bother to guess this riddle. The pharaoh smiled: "I don't know if that kid is lucky or unfortunate when you are attracted to him."

Chu Yu didn't say a word, and elegantly forked a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, the smile in his eyes glowed with a clear and dark light.

When the three of them left, Xu Ye hurriedly sent them out, bowed his head and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't serve you with all my heart today."

In front of everyone's eyes, Chu Yu leaned down slightly and whispered in a low voice beside his ear: "Pull your head up, and don't let me hear the word 'sorry' all the time." The breath made Xu Ye's ears twitch. Blushing, he bit his lip and raised his face.

"Don't wear glasses." After Chu Yu finished speaking, he turned around and entered the elevator.

Xu Ye took off the black-rimmed glasses and held them in his hands. The elevator door closed, and the silver mirror reflected him.

Young faces, nostalgic eyes.

He stared blankly at himself in the mirror, lost in thought.

Xu Ye sent Song Yueran back, and on the way she asked, "Do you actually have an important guest today?"

He froze for a moment and smiled: "No. But next time you are coming, you'd better tell me in advance."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully." Song Yueran bit her lip and her face turned a little red, "Actually, this weekend my father invited my uncle and aunt to go to the villa in Qianchuan. My uncle said that you were in a mood and would not necessarily go. So I I just wanted to invite you in person…”

Xu Ting has been really unstoppable recently.

Xu Ye felt disgusted in his heart, but couldn't anger Song Yueran, so he could only say gently: "Thank you for your invitation, I really want to go, but unfortunately I don't have time for the weekend."

"Did I cause you trouble?" Song Yueran asked. A woman's nerves are always delicate and sensitive.


"Xu Ye, I'm not the kind of woman who likes to be entangled. I didn't approach you because of the so-called marriage, but because I thought you were someone who could be a friend. There's no one around me that I can talk to, really I'm very lonely. I don't want to care about the thoughts of the elders. I just want to get along with you as a friend, so you don't have to worry about it. If you have a girlfriend and I will make her unhappy, then you can tell me clearly. " When she spoke, her eyes were very lonely and she looked a little pitiful.

Xu Ye didn't expect her to say this, and her eyes softened: "I don't have any concerns about you."

"So, can we come together on weekends? Uncle said that your weekends are all free." Song Yueran looked at him.

Xu Ye sighed helplessly: "You should have heard that my relationship with my parents is not very good, so I want to avoid getting along with them."

"Just be with me, okay?"

Xu Ye looked at her pleading expression, unable to say the word "no", hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

In the evening, he mulled over the words on the phone for a long time, and finally sent a text message.

"Master: I have a family party this weekend and can't come over. Your slave."

After a while, a reply was received.

A very short word.

"it is good."

However, what Xu Ye didn't expect was that when he arrived at the mountain villa in Qianchuan, he only saw Song Yueran alone.

"Dad said that I would be late for some business, so I asked the driver to take me here to entertain you." She asked, "How long will it take for my uncle and aunt to arrive? I asked the servants to prepare lunch."

Xu Ye made a phone call. Xu Ting said that there was a problem with a batch of ingredients that had to be dealt with, and he would come in the afternoon.

Apart from the servants, there were only the two of them in the huge villa. Song Yueran did his best to greet him for lunch, and then invited him to go for a walk in the mountains. As soon as they came, they were at peace. Xu Ye and her lingered along the mountain path, with the lush branches and leaves of the big trees covering the sky and the sun, and there was a smell of soil in the air. The two walked talking and laughing, and unknowingly reached the top of the mountain, their vision opened up, and the strong wind blew away the slight sweat on their bodies, making it cool and refreshing.

"It's a nice place," he compliments.

"My mother likes this place very much too." Song Yueran said standing beside him.

Xu Ye had heard of some of her family affairs, and knowing that her mother died of illness, she changed the topic: "It looks like it's going to rain today, let's go back."

Song Yueran nodded.

The weather in the mountains was changeable, and soon it started to rain. The wind blew dense rain on the floor-to-ceiling windows, cascading like a waterfall.

By dinner time, none of the elders showed up. Xu Ye fully understood in his heart, and went to the garage with an umbrella, only to find that his car was gone. I asked the servant and said that the driver was instructed to drive the car away and would not be back until tomorrow morning.

Seeing Song Yueran following him uneasy, Xu Ye smiled weakly: "We've been tricked."

This time, it was not only Xu Ting who calculated him, but Song Wanhua as well. These two old foxes! He scratched his teeth with hatred.

In fact, Xu Ye still underestimated his opponent's ability.

The next morning, when he found himself lying on the same bed with Song Yueran, he was completely stunned. He had no idea how he could be in her room. Song Yueran put one arm on his waist and woke up because of his movement, his eyes were confused.

"... Xu Ye?" She rubbed her eyes.

He took a deep breath and asked seriously, "Did I do anything to you last night?"

Song Yueran stared at him blankly for a long time, then shook her head: "I don't remember."

He smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, they only gave sleeping pills."

Her face flushed: "Sorry, this happened in my house."

"It's none of your business, you don't need to apologize." After saying this, what the man said in his ear suddenly flashed in his mind - "don't let me hear the word 'sorry' all the time", and he couldn't help but think for a while panic. His master had said that others were not allowed to touch his body, but now... Xu Ye looked down at his naked upper body, and immediately returned to his room to find a T-shirt to put on.

After the two finished their breakfast in silence, Xu Ye said, "Yueran, I'll talk to your dad. I need to clarify my attitude on this matter."

She hummed softly and said nothing.

It was exactly nine o'clock when Xu Ting and Song Wanhua arrived. Xu Ye was about to attack Xu Ting but Song Wanhua pressed his shoulder: "Xiao Ye, I'll talk about it later. Now I have more important things to do."

Xu Ye was stunned when he saw the four black Mercedes Benzes that appeared in his field of vision.

The bodyguard hurriedly stepped forward to open the left and right rear doors of the car parked at the main entrance. Stepping out from the car were Chu Xuan, who was wearing a Chinese-style cotton and linen shirt, and Chu Yu, who was wearing a long white coat.