
Chapter 27


How can they come

Right at this time...

Xu Ye didn't know the expression on his face at the moment, but felt that the blood in his whole body had coagulated, and he quickly lost the temperature. He stood stiffly at the door, watching Xu Ting and Song Wanhua's courteous and courteous flattery to the people who came, watching Chu Yu's polite but indifferent smile, watching him walk towards him step by step, the thought in his head It's like it's been poured into a sticky paste and it won't turn.

"What is Pestle doing here?" Xu Ting accompanied Chu Yu to the front of the building, saw him standing at the door with a bewildered expression, he scolded him, turned his face and introduced to Chu Yu, "Second Young Master, this is the dog Xu Xu. Ye."

Xu Ye shook as if he had just woken up from a dream, his eyes trembled, and he looked at the man in a panic.

The man stood under a few steps, his eyes moved towards him, light and distant. He just listened to his thin lips and said lightly: "I remember that I seemed to have met once in the hospital before, didn't I?"

Xu Ye's heart stopped suddenly, and he moved his lips but said nothing. The atmosphere was awkward for a while. Xu Ting immediately rescued the scene: "It's this kid who offended the Third Young Master because of his reckless ignorance. The Second Young Master didn't blame him and gave him a painting. His magnanimity is truly admirable."

At this moment, Chu Xuan laughed softly behind him, and asked Song Wanhua sideways, "Uncle Song, is this room yours?"

"It was built by me ten years ago, and it was renovated later. The main reason is that the environment here is good and quiet, suitable for the elderly like us to rest and recuperate." Song Wanhua replied.

"I think this place is not only suitable for old people's health care, but also for young people's rendezvous." Chu Xuan's eyes were fixed on Xu Ye, and he raised his eyebrows and smiled meaningfully, "I have heard that the two intend to marry, so it seems that the two An heir is indeed a good match."

This made both Xu Ting and Song Wanhua laugh. Song Wanhua hurriedly took the opportunity to invite each other: "If the two of them really form a couple, they must invite the two of you to a wedding wine."

Song Yueran blushed, turned to the side behind Xu Ye, and said coquettishly, "Dad, what are you talking about..."

Xu Ye's face was pale, his arms hanging by his side were taut, his eyes swayed and he didn't know where to put them, but he couldn't completely leave the man who was close at hand. He wanted to explain, but couldn't, so he could only stand silently, watching his master look at him with indifferent eyes.

The corners of Chu Yu's mouth rose slowly, but there was no smile in his eyes. He looked at him and said word by word, "I'm looking forward to that day."

These made Xu Ye's pupils shrink suddenly, and even his breathing stopped. He felt that he was being pulled back by Song Yueran, so he took a stiff step back and let the man walk past him. The white coat he was wearing brought waves of air, and the familiar scent of perfume passed by in front of him.

It was the first time Xu Ye felt so panicked.

It was as if he was kicked down from a height of ten thousand feet, and he lost all sense of security that he could cling to.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Yueran asked worriedly, "Your face is so ugly."

Xu Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Chu Yu and Chu Xuan are here to discuss business.

From some of the words they mentioned sporadically during their conversation, Xu Ye heard something. Song Wannian received a call from Chu Xuan early this morning, asking him to discuss the development of the land. And the location was also decided by Chu Xuan. "The conference room is too boring, I heard that the scenery of Asagawa is good", Song Wannian immediately attracted people here.

Xu Ye wasn't stupid. He didn't think people like Chu Xuan would be keen to talk about projects with two old foxes on their off days, and he also didn't think that Chu Xuan would happen to know that Song Wannian had such a secret villa in Qianchuan. The only answer is that someone instructed him to do so.

Someone with a flow of information that sees everything.

A person who can easily control their own movements.

Someone who can call out Chu Xuan.

Who else could it be

Sooner or later, he just appeared when he was sleeping alone for the night, with a cold and heavy sense of oppression that made him bewildered and his heart beat like a drum. At this moment, this man named Chu Yu is clearly telling him that no matter where he is, no matter what he has done, everything about him is under his control. Thinking about it carefully, the sentence "Don't let me hear the word 'sorry' all the time" is not a small talk, but a warning.

I had warned him early on, but he was foolish and ignorant to commit the taboo.

Xu Ye's eyes trembled and circled around the man, his palms sweating. But the other party didn't look at him at all, while listening to Xu Ting's project introduction, he flipped through the architectural design atlas.

In terms of psychological stalemate, Xu Ye is not Chu Yu's opponent at all. He couldn't guess the other person's mind at all, and he didn't know what he would do to himself. It's like having a bright guillotine hanging over your head and not knowing when it will fall down and snap yourself. All the emotions were pulled, dragging out a long period of unease and panic.

The painful experiences of the previous few times made Xu Ye clearly and personally feel how miserable his end would be once Chu Yu became angry. And his only thought at the moment was to explain everything before the situation worsened. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone, typed, deleted, and typed a message, briefly explained what happened yesterday, especially last night, and then sent it.

The phone on the table lights up. Chu Yu just glanced at the sender and put it aside, not even bothering to look closely. Chu Xuan, who was sitting beside him, looked at Xu Ye, and the corners of his brows and eyes were full of jokes.

Xu Ye's face was as white as frost.

Under Song Wannian's meticulous arrangement, the dishes of this Chinese meal are exquisite and not disappointing. I don't need abalone, ginseng and fin stomach, and don't make greasy and fishy mutton. I only choose seasonal fresh vegetables and make several small stir-fries. For meat dishes, I use tender bamboo shoots with bacon, steamed mullet, and stewed an old duck soup. Obviously it suits the light tastes of the two young masters. Doing what you like in a short period of time is indeed a skill.

Under such pressure, Xu Ye had no appetite at all, and after taking two bites, he stopped moving his chopsticks. But he didn't dare to leave the table, so he could only sit and accompany him.

After eating, Chu Xuan proposed to go for a walk on the mountain, so the group talked and walked along the mountain road. Xu Ye's heart was full of hesitant words, and he finally waited until the few people distanced themselves on the narrow mountain road. He quickened his pace and chased Chu Yu, and did not dare to go with him, so he had to whisper at a position slightly behind him. Called: "Master..."

Chu Yu's footsteps paused for a while, then he turned to his side, his star eyes glowing with a dim light between the swaying tree shadows.

Xu Ye only felt that the sight was almost piercing through the skin, and was stiff from head to toe, he murmured, "Can you give me a chance to explain..."

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yu's eyes became somewhat amused, and he asked with a half-smile, "What do you want to explain?"

Xu Ye didn't expect that he would actually listen, so he was stunned, and immediately explained what happened yesterday honestly.

The man has been standing under the tree and listening quietly, seeing that he no longer speaks, and asked, "Have you finished?"

Xu Ye replied in a low voice, "It's over."

"Okay. Now it's my turn to ask you the answer." Chu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, "Did anyone force you to go to Song Yueran's appointment?"

"I thought it was a family gathering at the time..." Xu Ye was in a hurry to argue, but was interrupted.

The man's voice was as cold as water: "You just need to answer yes or no, no extra explanation is needed."

Xu Ye lowered his eyes and replied, "No." He really walked in the door of this villa himself.

"Have you had a chance to leave before the two spend the night together?"

Xu Ye lowered his head and his voice was dry: "...Yes." With all the mobile phones and telephones, he could always call a taxi or an acquaintance to pick him up. If he insisted on leaving, he could have left, but he didn't.

"Raise your head and look at me!" Chu Yu's voice was low and hard, with unquestionable strength.

Xu Ye shuddered, raised his face, and his eyes were full of panic.

"I allow you to make friends, and allow you to arrange your own time." The man's eyes seemed to be full of snow, "Have I allowed you to sleep in the same bed with others if you don't go home at night?"

"...No." Xu Ye didn't dare to lower his head, but was frightened by this look again, biting his lips after forcing out two words.

"Last question. Before I got here, did you ever think about asking me for help, or taking the initiative to tell me everything?"

The last question is what Chu Yu really cares about. Xu Ye's attitude towards him seemed to be close, but he was actually distant. Don't rely on him, don't disturb him, and think about how to hide him when something goes wrong.

Sure enough, Xu Ye opened his mouth but did not make a sound, his eyes trembled violently, and he only muttered: "Master... I was wrong... "

The corners of Chu Yu's lips raised a faint smile, his voice was gentle but with a pervasive coldness: "Xu Ye, there are many ways to play the game between you and I, but you choose the most unpleasant one. kind."

During the conversation, the people walking in front had already turned back, and the group returned to the villa again and ate some fruit. Chu Xuan looked at his watch and said that he had plans to leave in the afternoon.

Xu Ting and Song Wanhua quickly sent them out, and Xu Ye and Song Yueran also followed.

Chu Yuying stood up on the steps, turned around and asked lightly, "I thought it was a partnership between the two of you, so isn't it?"

Xu Ting and Song Wanhua were both stunned. I just heard Chu Ershao continue: "This piece of land has been in my father's hands for some years. I mentioned to him about building a resort a few days ago, and he was quite interested. Although the resort industry under Golden Eagle's command is not a big one. There are few, but very few high-quality products. The idea that Xu Ye and I mentioned just now is very good, and it has been carefully considered, and it is more novel than the design idea that Uncle Song showed me before. "

After saying this, the whole place fell silent. Song Wanhua suddenly looked sideways at Xu Ting, Xu Ting stared blankly at Xu Ye, and Song Yueran stared at Xu Ye with wide eyes.

Xu Ye froze, only to feel cold sweat on his palms and foreheads. Everyone had seen the scene where he was talking to Chu Yu just now, but at this moment he couldn't refute, he could only be silent. And his silence is equivalent to the acquiescence to the Xu family starting a new business behind the Song family's back.

The Xu family secretly made other designs and wanted to skip the Song family and directly cooperate with Jinying. How could the behavior of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge be tolerated by the Song family

Song Wanhua sneered: "Brother Xu is really good at this move."

Xu Ting didn't know what was going on. He wondered if his son really had a good idea that was approved by the Second Young Master. He was very happy to be able to work directly with Jin Ying.

How could Song Wanhua believe it, because the two of the Chu family couldn't have a seizure, so he didn't speak with a dark face.

Chu Xuan's face remained calm, seeing Xu Ye's changing expression, he couldn't help laughing in his heart. He was temporarily requisitioned to be his deputy. Talking about business was just a pretense. His second brother taught the little playthings that he didn't know how to restrain. It was the real purpose of this trip. It is a pity that the alliance between the Xu and Song families is completely broken. The fate of the little doll and his rumored girlfriend has also come to an end. In just a few words, the two families who were originally close enough to form an alliance became suspicious and almost turned against each other. This poisonous hand of cutting weeds and eradicating roots is really neat.

Xu Ye looked at Chu Yu, feeling cold all over his body.

The kindness that Chu Yu gave him made him sometimes completely forget the other identity of this man - the second young master of the chaebol, who was calling the wind and calling for the rain. When Chu Yu put away his tenderness, everything would be turned upside down.

"Xu Ye, I'm very interested in your design concept and business philosophy." Chu Yu sat in the car with a faint smile on his face, "Why don't you go back in my car and talk in detail on the way?"

Xu Ting was overjoyed by the invitation of the two young masters, and he withdrew his son, while Song Wanhua was so angry that his hands were shaking, and he stood silently with his worried daughter. Chu Xuan raised the corners of his eyes and let the back seat out, and went to sit in a car behind.

Xu Ye got into the car with a pale face without saying a word, and sat next to Chu Yu.

The extended Mercedes-Benz S550 gallops on the mountain road.

Silence filled the entire carriage, depressing. Xu Ye gathered up his courage and called out tentatively, "Sir..." He changed his name when the driver was there.

The man glanced at him with the end of his eyes and said, "Do you want to talk about design with me as a collaborator, or do you want to talk about other things with other identities?"

Xu Ye was stunned and replied, "I don't understand design."

"Okay." Chu Yu pressed a button, the partition screen unfolded, separating the front seat and enclosing the back seat into a relatively airtight space. He looked at Xu Ye lightly and said, "Then show what a slave should be like. Take off your clothes, kneel down, and talk to me again."

ps: Back to HEL: Indeed, not every pair of dom and sub will have love. In bdsm there are also cases of being together because of physical fit, similar to one night stands. Because of the difference in the number of groups, it is common for a dom to have multiple subs.