
Chapter 32


Xu Ye called Xu Ting, wanting to ask around to find out how Chu Yu asked him for leave. However, Xu Ting on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "Xu Ye, I will turn a blind eye when you are making a fool of yourself outside. Men and women will do as long as you don't hurt your body. It’s a little tighter, but I will leave these properties for you in the end. If you don’t want to marry the Song family, I can take it easy. It doesn’t matter if you can’t eat the land in the east for a while, but how can you go? Provoking him? How dare you provoke him? Do you know the consequences?"

Xu Ye smiled bitterly. Xu Ting has always been shrewd, and he looked stiff and embarrassed that day, he must have seen the clue. He thought that he was unwilling to marry Song Yueran, so he went to Chu Yu for a piece of land. Although the motive was wrong, the result was right. I really can't get out of my cocoon now. He didn't want to be resigned and didn't bother to explain, so he hurriedly hung up after saying "I don't care about you".

Spreading himself out on the bed like a pancake, he let out a long sigh.

All morning, Xu Ye didn't leave the guest room for half a step. For the first time, he calmly and seriously thought about such a tall thing as life and the future.

Chu Yu's intrusion was irresistible. From seeing you every Monday and seeing every day the following week, this man completely turned his life upside down in such a tough way. Xu Ye knew very well that he had no ability to compete with him, so he had no choice but to obey.

What he wanted to figure out now was the man's purpose.

A person like Chu Yu who stands at the top of the food chain always has a strong purpose in doing things, not to mention that he is a top dom, and it is his nature to control everything. What he did before touched the boundaries he set, and the current ban is probably part of the training. Yesterday, he added a bystander to the original two-player game, and he almost pointed out his affiliation as a slave in this room with a high profile. In a blink of an eye, it began to unilaterally extend the game time.

If the former is to force oneself to recognize the status and deepen the compliance. Then the latter is to give yourself a long-term environment and establish a habit. From the collar on the neck to the nipple ring on the chest, he was almost completely marked as a possession. Such a strong and fast advance made Xu Ye scared, especially when he found himself gradually being changed by this terrifying force.

Chu Yu once said that in the process of BDSM, both parties should be happy, not just the abuse of one party and the humiliation of the other party. But the current situation made Xu Ye start to feel fear. His original intention was to gain happiness through this game, but he found himself locked in a gorgeous cage and truly became a pet. Thinking of the slaves kneeling silently in the club wearing harnesses, his heart completely panicked.

But what can he do

Resist? The consequences of disobeying Chu Yu are very serious, and he never wants to be tied to that massage table again.

run away? It is absolutely impossible. Once he does this, the days when he is captured will be ten thousand times more difficult than it is now.

Hunger strike? Xu Ye touched his shriveled stomach. I didn't eat much last night, and I was tossed for so long. I didn't eat breakfast today. It was noon now, and I was so hungry. Considering that this protest method was too torturous, Xu Ye gave up after three seconds.

He decided to wait for Chu Yu to come back and have a good talk with him, after all, he is not an unreasonable person. As for how to convince him to give him freedom, he still needs careful consideration. There was still time in the afternoon, and he needed something to eat now to soothe his protesting stomach.

Xu Ye got up and opened the closet. The man had prepared a lot of clothes for him, all of which had been washed and ironed. He casually took a loose T-shirt and put it on, opened the door and went downstairs.

After yesterday's high-intensity stimulation, he already had some immunity today, but he was inevitably embarrassed when he saw Xiao Xun.

"Xu Shao, you're up." The supervisor explained with a smile, "Young master told you not to disturb your rest before leaving, so he didn't ask you to get up for breakfast. Do you have lunch now?"

Xu Ye stood on the stairs, glanced at the two bodyguards in black at the door, and then looked at Uncle Ye in the kitchen. The slight pain in his left chest stimulated his shame, his face flushed, and he asked, "Can you bring it to my room?"

Xiao Xun responded almost immediately: "Of course."

He breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and asked, "...Does the guest room have a regular cleaning time?"

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, you can make adjustments if you need to."

"No need to clean today, I'll be in the room all day."

"Okay. Need afternoon tea for you?"

"No, thank you." Xu Ye went back to the guest room like a snail.

After dinner, he sat in front of the computer and opened the documents to sort out his thoughts and speeches one by one, but he didn't have the confidence to convince the man at all. I searched the Internet for "negotiation skills" for a long time, but found that I had no cards at all. A mess in my head. He was afraid that he would be blocked by a "no" before he finished speaking. Thinking that he might be imprisoned in this house in the future, he was really distressed, staring at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window in a daze.

At about 4:30 in the afternoon, Xiao Xun knocked on the door and asked him to go downstairs to the study.

Want to know, Chu Yu is back.

Xu Ye dawdled down, walked up to the man, and called softly, "Master."

Chu Yu sat on the sofa in the study, flipped through the stack of documents in his hand, looked up at him, and said, "Sit down."

Xu Ye was stunned.

Seeing that he didn't move, the man said with a little playfulness, "Do you want to stand and talk to me? Or, kneel?"

Xu Ye immediately sat down on the single sofa beside him.

Today, Chu Yu wore a plaid shirt with a light blue background and white lines. It was refreshing and refreshing. The color tone was much brighter than the usual monotonous black, white and gray. The white trousers wrap the narrow hips and long legs, and the cut is just right.

It always feels a little different than usual.

Hearing the man's chuckle, Xu Ye realized that he stared at them for a long time, and was immediately embarrassed, blushing and looking away.

Chu Yu put down the documents in his hand, took the black tea prepared on the table, and leaned on the back of the sofa leisurely, "What did you do today?"

Xu Ye was always a little nervous when facing him, and said, "I've been in the room, um... rest."

"I've seen your medical report. Yesterday's intensity was higher, but it wasn't enough to make you lie down for a day." The man looked at his face with oppressive eyes as if he was patrolling his territory. Sweeping slowly, "Speak, you should have prepared a lot of things to tell me, right?"

He knew very well what would happen today, and knew exactly what Xu Ye might be doing. This marshmallow never dared to fight him head-on, and could only secretly use those little brains to figure out how to regain a little autonomy from him. When I got home and listened to Xiao Xun's report, that man really stayed in the room all day.

Thinking of him hiding in a snail shell and thinking about how to convince himself with a frown, the man laughed in his heart.

Xu Ye swallowed, as if beating a drum in his heart. Being in a study room is ten thousand times more tense than sitting at the negotiating table. It took me a long time to say with a blushing face: "The reason why I got involved in bdsm is because I once thought that I had become asexual. Hmm... You have given me a lot of happiness, and I am very grateful to you. I agree that you are my master. , and willing to exist as your slave for the rest of your life until you terminate this relationship. As you can see I am not a good enough slave, sometimes I lose my self-consciousness as a slave, make you worry, and make you angry. I am willing to accept the punishment and lessons you have given me, and will try my best to make myself better." He pursed his lips and looked at the other party's face nervously.

"Continue." Chu Yu listened while drinking tea, but there was no emotion on his face.

Xu Ye bit his head and said: "I have thought a lot about my life and future, about your relationship with me, and your thoughts... This is very difficult for me, I can't guess what you're thinking, what you're going to do, why you decided to keep me here for a week, or if you're going to agree to let me go a week from now. In fact, I'm going I tried to convince you a lot, but..." He lowered his eyelids slightly, his expression tragic as if he was about to break the boat, "but now I don't want to go around again. You are my master, you control my everything, and I should give it to you. Trust... No matter what I want, I should tell you without reservation, it's up to you to decide." He raised his face, looked at the man in front of him with black and white eyes, and said very seriously, "Master, can I? Allow me to go to work?"

Thin lips curved into a beautiful arc, Chu Yu's eyes swept across his fingers curled up because of nervousness, his tensed body and earnest and uneasy expression, raised his eyebrows: "What if I'm not allowed?"

Xu Ye's eyes trembled, like a puppy without flesh and bones, and his disappointed expression looked a bit pitiful. His head drooped again, his bangs covered his eyes in the shadows, and he responded in a low voice, "It's up to you to decide."

"Take off your clothes." The man put down the teacup and said, "Come here."

Xu Ye did as he suppressed the frustration in his heart, and stripped himself away in a short while.

Chu Yu pulled him into his arms and let him sit on his lap. He took off the protective cover on his chest, and then applied some cooling medicine to him. When his fingers touched the protrusion, Xu Ye shuddered. The man stopped and asked, "It hurts?"

He pursed his lips strangely. In fact, apart from a little pain, the place where the fingers lightly rubbed was numb and itchy. This made him admit it, so he had to answer: "A little..."

"Did you feel unwell today? For example, fever." Chu Yu reached out and touched his forehead.


After carefully applying the ointment, Chu Yu put on a new protective cover, which looked smaller and slightly flatter than the previous one. The man looked at him and said, "Think I'm limiting your freedom, don't you?"

Xu Ye was startled and said nothing.

"As the master, in addition to making demands on you, I am also responsible to you." Chu Yu put his hand on his waist and said, "If the wound is not treated properly, it will easily become infected. The reason for restricting your movement area is because I You need to keep an eye on your status, including your diet, medication and mental state. After seven days I will assess your health and if everything is normal, you can go back to live."

Xu Ye widened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Really?"

Chu Yu smiled: "Otherwise, what do you think I'm going to do to you? Lock you in this house as a prisoner? Abuse you day and night?"

Xu Ye's fair face was dyed red, and he said uncomfortably, "No..."

"Xu Ye, I'm not interested in banning you. If I want to do this, I can do it in a more violent way. But you're not a masochist, and I'm not a masochist either. As I said, between master and slave The way I get along should be a two-way way of getting happiness. Although on the surface I give orders and force you to obey, in essence, your obedience to me should be voluntary. Do you agree with this statement?”

"Yes." Xu Ye nodded, he felt a little guilty now. He misinterpreted the meaning of the other party, and has been thinking about how to break free.

"In fact, today is a test I put on you." Chu Yu smiled, "I didn't untie your collar, I deliberately left a vague prohibition of going out, to give you the illusion of being locked up because I wanted to see Your reaction. Everything was what I expected, the only surprise was that you didn't try to convince me, but asked me directly. That's fine." The man stroked his back, "You're finally trying to trust me. I am."

"Master..." he called in a low voice.

"You can call me by my name in the future when we have equal conversations."

Xu Ye was stunned, and after a moment he tentatively said, "...Chu Yu."


"Chu Yu." He called again.

Qing Jun's brows and eyes widened and he smiled: "Are you addicted?"

"Chu Yu, can I..." Before the request was finished, Xu Ye, who was blushing, moved his mouth directly to the man's lips. The man gladly accepted this warm and active kiss with some shyness. The smell of black tea spreads between the mouth and nose. This kiss is soft and sweet, like the feathers falling on the water, whirling and stirring the gentle waves. For a long time, it makes people want to indulge like this. It was not until the air in his lungs was almost used up that he reluctantly left.

"I haven't learned the rules well, but I'm getting more and more courageous." Chu Yu patted his bare buttocks, "Go down and kneel."

Xu Ye immediately knelt beside his legs.

"You live here this week. If you want to go out, you must tell Xiao Xun, and he will arrange for someone to send you. There are many things you need to avoid in your recent diet, so you are not allowed to eat outside. During the day, you are free to do so. , you must be back by five o'clock in the afternoon. I ask you to go into slavery after dinner. Do you hear me?"

"Yes Master."

"Very well, get along well for the next six days, my slave."

PS: It's too late, if there are typos or typos, I will correct it tomorrow when I have time. Forcing office workers, the update time is uncertain, sorry.