
Chapter 38: foreplay


The single-seat sofa is not narrow, and when the knees are hooked on both sides of the leather armrest, the angle of opening is enough to fully expose the fragile part between the legs. The legs are raised, and the hip seam is also slightly separated. Xu Ye's fair body was flushed from shame. He turned his face in embarrassment, showing his body unreservedly to his master in a humiliating gesture.

The pointer slid across the body slowly, leaving a cool trail behind. When it came unscrupulously between his legs and fiddled with the semi-soft jade stem, Xu Ye instinctively shrank back. In just a split second, he knew that he had made a mistake. Before he could say "Master...", he had already received a heavy blow on the inner thigh.

"Since you like to move so much, I will let you go." Chu Yu's eyes drooped slightly, and he pressed the cold tip of the pointer against the entrance of the back hole, and said solemnly, "Show me with your fingers."

Hearing this, Xu Ye opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Give you ten minutes, I'll put the toys on the table in ten minutes. If your expansion is not enough..." The man slowly raised the corners of his lips, revealing a playful but oppressive smile, "You Just imagine the result."

Chu Yu has always kept his word, and there is absolutely no room for change after he has issued an order. Xu Ye turned his head and glanced at the huge rubber massage stick with the thickness of an arm on the small side table, his face was pale. Even if the size is expanded, it will be very difficult to insert, and if you are not prepared... just by imagining, you will feel pain all over your body.

From the previous man's manipulation, Xu Ye had a rough idea of what the expansion process was like. But knowing is one thing, actually doing it is another. At this moment, he has to spread his legs wide in front of the man and play with his back hole with his fingers, which really makes him ashamed and doesn't know what to do.

Xu Ye looked at his master at a loss, and there was a hint of pleading in his eyes. The man, on the other hand, just folded his arms and leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window facing the sofa and looked at him. He glanced up at the wall clock on the wall, and said the time expressionlessly: "You still have nine minutes."

Anxiety and embarrassment intertwined, Xu Ye, who had no way out, closed his eyes resignedly, and pushed the middle finger of his right hand into the claustrophobic back hole. In an instant, the sunk knuckles were surrounded by warm and tight tunnels, and the rear acupuncture points stretched out instinctively because of the intrusion of foreign objects, squeezing the fingers. The feeling of his fingers flexing in his body was indescribably embarrassing, Xu Ye's face was so hot that he was burning, and he never dared to look at each other. He slowly withdrew his middle finger, which was submerged at the root, and tried to add his index finger.

A pointer hit on the inner thigh. Xu Ye raised his head in a hurry, followed the owner's line of sight blankly and saw a few bottles of lubricant that had been prepared on the side table, only then did he understand why he interrupted himself.

The rectum does not secrete body fluids to lubricate, and it is easy to be injured by friction and collision in a dry condition. Under Chu Yu's training, Xu Ye habitually did simple lubrication after cleaning. The level of one finger was not difficult, but it was not moist enough to complete the entire expansion work. And he, who has been nervous and shy since just now, forgot this step at all, and hurriedly added it with a blushing face.

The two fingers slowly opened the annular sphincter, and the cool lubricating fluid entered the hot body, causing a shudder. The wheezing increased, Xu Ye tried to relax the tense muscles in his abdomen, and adapted to the feeling of the mucous membrane being stretched. "Hmm..." His fingers twisted and squeezed to a certain place, and he shivered, let out a low moan, and then bit his lip in shame.

On the black leather sofa, the white skin glowed reddishly under the lamp. Between his wide open legs, there were fingers that were ordered to play with his back hole. The heavier and heavier breathing followed the ups and downs of the chest, rendering an ambiguous breath in the silent night, occasionally interspersed with short and suppressed nasal sounds.

"Does it feel good to stick your fingers in?" The cold and smooth pointer deliberately rubbed the top of the jade stalk he raised. The man looked at him playfully and said, "It's so hard."

"Master..." Such a straightforward erotic provocation made Xu Ye feel ashamed and wished he could find a crack to burrow in. There was a hint of crying in his voice, which was unexpectedly soft and sweet. At this moment, the intestinal wall that already contained three fingers contracted violently because of shame, and the whole body trembled. On the undulating chest, the red tender nipples had already stood up.

"There is one more minute." Chu Yu announced the cruel reality that was getting closer and closer with a low tone.

Xu Ye hurriedly added another finger, but his body resisted instinctively. The rear acupoint repelled the intruding thick foreign body, and the lower abdomen was fully tense. He panted uncomfortably, tilted his neck back, and there were wet marks at the corners of his eyes. "Master... woo..."

"Relax." The man's hand went up along the inner thigh, gently rubbing around his acupoint. The other hand slowly pulled out the four fingers that were trapped in it, and then took over all the territory logically. "Spread your legs out."

"Umm..." Xu Ye felt the fingers with lubricating fluid enter his body, stirring the lubricating fluid to make a sticky sound of water. When the fingers gradually spread out and pressed to a certain place, a strong stimulus exploded and shot straight to the brain. "Ah—" he cried and straightened up, but the moment he was about to ejaculate, he was tightly pinched by the roots, blocking all desires. "Master... ah... please, let me cum..."

"Shh." Chu Yu leaned over to his ear and whispered, "Look at me, slave."

Xu Ye's eyes were misty, and he looked at him sadly, "Master... it's so uncomfortable..."

"Good, bear with me for a while. The night is still long, let's take it slow." The man kissed his forehead comfortably, his fingers gradually retreated, and then the thick massage stick touched the expanded acupoint. . Before Xu Ye could react, he pushed in.

Xu Ye took a sharp breath, and his body shrunk back desperately. However, the most vulnerable part was still held in Chu Yu's hand, and the pulling back hurt so much that he almost burst into tears. Immediately, he didn't dare to move, he just kept begging incoherently: "Master, it's too rough... Please... I don't want to... "

"One more time, and I'll change to a thicker one." Chu Yu's deep warning sounded like an ultimatum, destroying Xu Ye's luck.

There is no escape.

The slowly entering foreign body completely opened Xu Ye's sphincter, rubbing against every inch of the intestinal wall. His eyes were full of water, and he leaned weakly on the sofa, forcing himself to relax, enduring such a deep and clear violation.

Even being treated so rudely, there is still pleasure. Every time he came across that place, the lust flowing in his body made him lost uncontrollably. The nasal moan was like the whimper of a small beast, and the expression of resisting the tide could not tell whether it was pain or happiness. The wetness in the corners of his eyes became more and more intense, and the white body stained with dark red was lying on the sofa, trembling, like a seductive dessert exuding lust.

At this moment, he couldn't notice that the dark streamers in the eyes of the man who had been watching him gradually converged in one place, forming a deep and boundless sea.

A low to slightly hoarse voice sounded in my ears.

"Slave, I want to use you."