
Chapter 39: Dinner


Xu Ye looked at Chu Yu ignorantly, and before he could react, he was already hugged horizontally. The change in posture caused the insertion to go deeper in his body, causing him to snort, panting, and wrapping his arms around the man's neck for attachment.

The gentle body of the man in his arms, the brows that were about to cry, and the unrestrained tameness completely ignited the suppressed desire in the man's eyes, and instantly spread into a mighty sea of fire. He carried Xu Ye all the way into the master bedroom on the second floor, and then deceived him and pressed him into the soft bed. It was as if a hungry beast had caught its first prey in a few days, impatient but reluctant to give up. The fine kisses moved down from the lips, licked and gnawed lightly, lingering in every sensitive area that caused Xu Ye to tremble, brushing over the red welts that had not yet dissipated, like marking territory on the white jade. leave his mark on his body.

"Well..." Xu Ye's whole body softened when he was emotional, and he lay on his back with no strength, letting the man take charge of everything. The inner thighs were tortured by the lips and teeth, sometimes tense and sometimes trembling. The pillow raised his lower back, his knees were grasped and pulled outward, and the back hole with the thick massage stick inserted shyly appeared in front of the other party's eyes. "Don't look..." He shuddered in shame, trying to bring his legs together, but he couldn't resist, and was pulled away to a larger angle instead.

"Don't move." The man took off his bathrobe and threw it on the ground.

A naked body.

Clean muscle lines.

A beast-like expression full of danger.

Facing such Chu Yu, Xu Ye only felt that even the air was getting warmer, and the restless desire in his body intensified. However, when his eyes fell on the murder weapon with an amazing size under the opponent's crotch, his face turned pale and he trembled uncomfortably.

The man lightly patted his buttocks soothingly, pulling the vibrator out of the back hole a little bit. His low voice was heartwarming and gentle: "Slave, I will not hurt you." He said softly, "Never ever. meeting."

Hearing these four words, Xu Ye suddenly had a sour nose. The genitals under Chu Yu's crotch have swelled to such a degree that, as a man, he knows how hard it is to endure. In order to minimize all possible injuries and pains, his master suppressed his desires in an almost perverted way, and patiently waited for him to gradually adapt with long foreplay.

- How do you know that I don't like you as much as you like me

In the trance, Xu Ye suddenly remembered the words he said, and his heart seemed to be filled with something, solid and warm.

The moment the massage stick completely left the body, the top of the hot and hard cock touched the entrance of the back hole. Xu Ye resisted his instinct to shrink back, and said tremblingly, " everything belongs to you...please..." He couldn't go on anymore, his face seemed to be on fire. Looking at the other party with watery eyes, she raised her lower body shyly to match the angle of the other party's entry. Like a tribute to the sacrifice, devoutly surrendering oneself to the gods.

The strings of reason snapped. Chu Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up and squeezed the front end into the hidden cave.

"Umm..." An ambiguous moan rippled in the huge bedroom. The genitals bigger than the vibrator stretched the sphincter to the limit, Xu Ye shivered all over, closed his eyes and tightly grasped the sheets with his hands.

The man's breathing also became heavier. The front end of the pillar body surrounded by the heat and humidity stretched the mucous membrane, and the extreme pleasure spread from there to the limbs and bones. "Open your eyes." Chu Yu spread Xu Ye's legs that were weakly hanging by his side, and lifted his hips with his palms to force him to raise his lower abdomen.

From such an angle, his slave can clearly see every detail of his master's entry. It is like a simple and rude ceremony, indicating the master's complete possession of the slave.

Under the command, Xu Ye watched tremblingly as the hideous weapon slowly but firmly penetrated inch by inch. The feeling that the corridor was stretched to the limit by the thick intruder made him breathless. Every time the cock entered, some of the lubricating fluid in the body was squeezed out, and it dripped down the buttocks, wetting the sheets.

"Be good, relax." Chu Yu's voice was a little hoarse, and he gently rubbed the acupoints patiently. At the moment when the person below him gradually softened his waist, he stood up and pushed the whole root completely in.

"Ah—" This kind of breakthrough made Xu Ye, who was caught off guard, arch his body like an electric shock, gasping for breath. The corridor shrunk under stress, tightly wrapping the scorching heat inside the body. The man grunted and smiled bitterly: "Relax, slave, you are too tight."

The giant beast dormant in the path remained motionless, giving the opponent enough time to adapt. Chu Yu leaned over and took the trouble to soothe his emotions with small kisses. The tip of the man's wet and hot tongue curled the tender sprout in his chest, holding it in his mouth and biting it lightly and hard. The subtle pain and numbness were mixed together, and the lust that was dissipated because of the discomfort was provoked again.

"Master... um..." Xu Ye's eyes were filled with damp mist, panting to relax his tense body. The feeling of soreness in his back hole made him go crazy, and he spit out two words without hesitation, "Hold me..."

There was an ambiguous low laugh from above. "You're getting more and more courageous, and you dare to order me now, eh?" With the rising nasal voice, the man slammed the column body that was slowly pulled out, and Xu Ye screamed, panting. He grabbed Chu Yu's arms on both sides of his body.

The man pressed his wrists over his head and began to move slowly. With each stroke, it was drawn out gently, and then slammed into the depths fiercely. When inserted straight to the root, the pouch slaps the buttocks with a high-five-like sound, intertwined with the sound of the lubricating fluid churning, forming a lewd and erotic concerto. Such a strong and powerful attack caused Xu Ye to collapse across the board, moaning intermittently: "Wu... Master, I was wrong... Ah, I was wrong... "

The frequency of thrusting continued to increase, Xu Ye tilted his slender neck back like a dying swan, and a moan with a cry echoed in the room. When the hot top hit a certain place, the extreme pleasure of the gland being squeezed made him dizzy, and transparent tears dripped from the delicate genitals between his legs. Xu Ye shuddered and shouted in a trembling voice, "Ah-there, don't... master..."

"Don't?" Chu Yu's erotic voice sounded like a poppy and addicting, "Let me hear these two words again, and I will stop your mouth until you can't cry." Every impact went straight to the point of extreme sensitivity. Xu Ye, who had been slapped with all kinds of things, no longer had the ability to think, the water in the corner of his eyes was dripping on his eyelashes, and he shouted in a hoarse voice: "Ah— I can't take it anymore... Master, please..." The flushing flush made him look very seductive, and his out-of-focus eyes were blurred. All the senses are lost, only the stimulation brought by the attacks one after another is superimposed, stirring up and down, and can't wait to find the exit.

"Don't shoot until I allow it." The man's orders lingered in his ears, but at this moment Xu Ye was already lost in the turbulent sea of desire, and a certain thrust made him unable to control himself, crying like a fish. Bow your body backwards. The moment the white turbid gushed out from the crotch, the tunnel behind him shrunk tightly, as if a hot and humid mouth was sucking the meat cock stuck in it.

Chu Yu's vigorous desire was almost gushing out after he twisted it so hard, panting to see the man under him trembling after his orgasm, hooked his lips: "It seems that I will teach you the rules of the bed today. "

Before Xu Ye could return to his senses, his body had already been turned over with the intercourse part, and turned into a kneeling position. The rear entry will allow the intruder to penetrate deeper, and such a kneeling position similar to animal mating will be more psychologically humiliating. Xu Ye's legs were still a little soft, and as soon as he moved, he received a heavy slap on his butt.

"Kneel down." The man ordered in a deep voice.

Xu Ye didn't dare to move any more, and rigidly maintained a posture of soft waist and hips. The feeling of not being able to see the other party at all made him a little nervous, and the moment he turned his head and looked back, Chu Yu pushed in heavily, making him almost unsteady on his knees.


"Who allowed you to look back?"

The man's violent impact made Xu Ye feel that his body was about to be pierced, and the hands tightly bound to his waist left him nowhere to hide. He grabbed the sheet tightly and begged for mercy softly: "Master... it hurts... ah... I was wrong, please... "

"Remember that I was your master?" The punitive intrusion was a bit more rude than before. Every time the meat stick that was submerged in the depths was quickly pulled out, it would turn up the tender meat in the hole, and then hit it with a dull sound of water. Chu Yu said in a deep voice, "Reflect on what you did wrong just now."

Unspeakable pain and joy mingled in one place, concentrated in the slumped honey hole behind him. The hot cock that went in and out between the two hips shook Xu Ye, who was unable to resist. He sobbed, saying his guilt intermittently: "I just didn't say anything... uh—offended you... I shouldn't have told you no... ah, it hurts... I shouldn't, um... when you didn't allow it. Cum out... I know I was wrong, master... um, I shouldn't look back... I don't dare any more... spare, spare me..."

The obediently kneeling person in front of him trembled and begged for mercy under his own control, which was more likely to arouse the desire for abuse in the heart of the man. Chu Yu had many means to punish this disobedient slave, but even those little toys that he had prepared were useless. On the one hand, because this is Xu Ye's first night, he needs to control the whole process not to be too intense. On the other hand, he hopes to enjoy a purer sex with Xu Ye. There is no other barrier, only each other.

To Chu Yu's surprise, their bodies fit very well. Except that Xu Ye's ejaculation tolerance still needs to be adjusted, the process of intercourse is almost complete. Xu Ye did not resist being inserted, and could enjoy the pleasure. Perhaps he didn't even realize that when the sensitive point was hit, he would unconsciously tighten his rear acupuncture point, as if he wanted to keep the intruding guest. This feeling made Chu Yu very happy.

Under the continuous confrontation, the jade stem between Xu Ye's legs quietly raised his head again. Chu Yu pulled out his still stiff genitals and made him roll over and lie on his back. "Want me to forgive you?"

Eyelashes were already wet with tears. Xu Ye nodded tremblingly.

"Okay." There was a playful smile on Chu Yu's lips. "Hold your knees with both hands and open your legs. Then show me your sincerity."

Xu Ye opened his body according to the order, and there was some inexplicable emptiness in the opened and abandoned corridor. This invitation-like gesture made him overwhelmed with shame, looked at the man tremblingly, and whispered: "Master..."

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes and did not move.

"Please..." Xu Ye spat out those words, "Well... Master, please come in..." Seeing that the other party still didn't respond, his face was blood red, and he cried, "Please come in..."

The man chuckled softly, and when the hot genitals entered again, he was much gentler, squeezing out the emptiness in the secret passage bit by bit. Xu Ye made a vague guttural sound, and relaxed his body obediently. When he was entered, he felt an unprecedented feeling of being filled with his soul, and he drove out the loneliness and loneliness that had been with him for so many years.

insert. pull away. All desire comes from the giving of another man. Make him want to be dependent, want to indulge in it.

In his master's hands, Xu Ye's sensitivity was so high that he could easily be shot when he squeezed the G-spot continuously. But Chu Yu's durability is equally astonishing. After Xu Ye disobediently released him for the first time, he no longer allowed him to ejaculate. The poor slave was held tightly to his genitals, and his body trembled as he endured waves of love. I was sobbing so hard when I came out.

After the climax had passed, Chu Yu took him in his arms and stroked his already sweaty hair with his fingers: "Uncomfortable?"

Xu Ye's head rested on his shoulder, and he could feel the other side's undulating breathing. He shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Just now... Did I make you happy?"

"You care more about my feelings?"

"I want to know, compared to your previous slave..." He glanced at the man's expression, dared not continue speaking, filled with regret, and apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry, master."

Chu Yu did not speak.

The originally romantic and warm atmosphere became a little stiff. Xu Ye curled up, not daring to move.

"If I say that the slaves I received before can cooperate with me to have sex on a larger scale." The man looked at him and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Xu Ye was startled.

"Some of them allow me to do all kinds of piercings on them, including the lower body, can you?"

"Owner… "

"There are a few who can completely lose themselves under my command and pretend to be animals. Do you want to try too?"

In desperation, Xu Ye's eyes turned red: "Master, I was wrong, forgive me..."

"Xu Ye." Chu Yu raised his hand and rubbed his hair, "Every dom has different criteria when choosing a sub. The reason why I choose you is not to find a random sub to relieve loneliness. , and not because you are better than all the slaves." He paused, "You are special to me. There is something very pure in your eyes that draws me to you. I like you as a It's nice to give me a feeling of trust and dependence. So don't worry about the things you can't control, just be yourself."

Xu Ye put his arms around the man's waist, put his face on his chest, and said softly, "Okay."

"Get up, take a shower." Chu Yu patted his butt.

Xu Ye's legs were already weak, and he wanted to stand up forcibly, but when he got out of bed, he was carried into the bathroom by the man.