
Chapter 40: Got a slap


Xu Ye didn't wake up until after ten o'clock the next day. The big bed in the master bedroom was empty, and Chu Yu was not there.

He moved, only to feel as if he had been dismantled and put back together again, and his whole body was sore. Especially the thighs and waist, it seems to be falling apart. There is still a feeling of being invaded by a foreign body in the back hole. There was a hint of coolness in the corridor, which should have been smeared with ointment or something. The traces left by the man on his body were vivid in his mind, remembering the scene where he was made to cry and beg for mercy yesterday, and then fell asleep in the bathtub when he was exhausted, Xu Ye suddenly turned red into a ripe shrimp.

However, there was a solid feeling in my heart. He is not a particularly confident person, so he is always used to putting a lot of pressure on himself at work, trying to do everything meticulously and perfectly. He has always had doubts in his dealings with Chu Yu. The question "why did he choose me" often swirled in his head unconsciously. Last night, Chu Yu gave him a clear answer for the first time, completely dispelling his messy thoughts.

With great difficulty, he mustered up the courage to climb out of bed with a sore body. Xiao Xun was talking to Uncle Ye in the dining room, and when he saw him coming downstairs, he smiled and said, "Xu Shao, do you have breakfast now?"

"Okay, sorry for the trouble." Xu Ye walked to the dining table, and the butler naturally pulled out a chair for him. Seeing the thick cushion that suddenly appeared on the leather seat, Xu Ye's face suddenly became hot, and he sat down absentmindedly and flipped through the Financial Morning News by his hand.

"Fish sliced porridge was prepared for you by Second Young Master's orders." Xiao Xun put the white porcelain bowl upright in front of him, and placed a few plates of light dishes, "Second Young Master asked me to tell you that he will be back before five o'clock in the evening. . If you're going out, let the leopard accompany you. He doesn't want you to dine outside for your health. I've prepared several different outfits for you to put in your room."

"I see, thanks."

It was only when Xu Ye saw those clothes that he understood Xiao Xun's meticulousness. The styles of the clothes are different, but one thing is the same, they are all stand-up collars. He raised his neckline in front of the mirror blushing, hiding the strawberry-colored hickeys on his neck. Then let the leopard drive to the company. In the email from Lily, the sales of several branches have declined, and he wants to check the specific situation.

As soon as he arrived at the office, Xu Ting stepped forward and said to Lily who was reporting, "Get out!"

The female secretary was frightened by his gloomy face, and immediately backed out and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Xu Ting looked at his son and asked, "How did you and the second child of the Chu family get together? Did he force you to..."

"No." Xu Ye cut off his words, "The relationship between me and him is my private matter, and I don't need to explain it to you."

"Your personal affairs?" Xu Ting laughed angrily, "Do you know what others will say behind your back when you get together with him? Said that the son I taught by Xu Ting climbed onto the bed of the second young master of the Chu family for a piece of land, Send it to the door and let the man sleep!"

Xu Ye's eyes turned cold, as if he was looking at a stranger. He smiled slightly, full of sarcasm. "It turned out to be because you were afraid that others would gossip. When you wooed Song Wannian for that land, when you tried so hard to match me and Song Yueran, and when you brought those women home to sleep in a different way, why weren't you afraid of gossip from others..."

The sound stopped abruptly with a screeching sound.

Xu Ye's face that was beaten to one side gradually turned red.

"You..." Xu Ting trembled with anger, "how did I give birth to a son like you..."

"It's a pity." Xu Ye's dark eyes glowed with a strange and cold light, "You can't erase this failed work of mine from your life."

Xu Ting gritted his teeth: "Do you think the people of the Chu family are kind? Do you know what methods they use to get rid of black and white? If you upset them, let alone this company, even your life is not guaranteed. You can keep it. You shut yourself up with the beast and think you can get away with it?"

"I didn't think about retreating." Xu Ye lowered his eyes and said calmly, "If he wants, I will always be by his side."

Xu Ting was completely stunned. After a long while, he shook his head with a pale face and said, "You are... hopeless!" After speaking, he slammed out the door.

That slap used real strength, and the red marks on his face went away for a long time. When Xu Ye finished his work and came out of the office, Leopard stared at his face, and his whole body suddenly exuded anger, and asked in a low voice, "Who hit him?"

Xu Ye smiled helplessly: "My dad."

Leopard frowned, his expression relaxed a little, and drove away.

Back at Hanguan No. 8, Xu Ye put on an ice pack for a long time and his face was still a little red. He muttered angrily to the mirror: "Is this old fox reaching menopause, so angry..."

In the afternoon, Xu Ye had been lying on the reclining chair by the floor-to-ceiling window to read the performance report. The sunlight was warm and warm, and he fell asleep unconsciously. Half-dream and half-awake, he only felt a slight itch on the side of his face. He opened his eyes and saw the man sitting beside him looking at him quietly, with warm fingers rubbing his cheeks with blurred red marks.

"'re back." He sat up.

"Xu Ting beat him?" Chu Yu asked very directly, and it seemed that he had already received the news from Leopard.

"When I went to the company this morning, I contradicted him a few words and got a slap in the face."

"What topic, to the point of being angry to the point of doing it?" The man gently pinched his chin to adjust the angle, and took a closer look at the marks on his face.

Xu Ye pursed his lips, his expression a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Don't want to talk?" Chu Yu smiled, "Okay. I won't ask again."

"Master..." Xu Ye felt a little flustered in his heart.

"Don't be nervous, I won't be angry about this." The man raised his hand and put the small ice pack on the table against his cheek, with a gentle expression, "Xu Ye, I respect your privacy and believe that you have the ability to deal with problems. But when you encounter difficulties and cannot solve it with your own strength, I hope to be the person you want to ask for help first. No matter when, I am willing to stand behind you and be your support. "

Xu Ye's eyes trembled, and there was silent gratitude in his black and white eyes. He leaned forward, resting his head on the other's shoulder.

Chu Yu's voice was close to his ear, and the deliberately lowered voice was a bit more ambiguous: "I knew that if I let you go out, I would come back with such traces. I should have done it last night until you couldn't get out of bed." The palm of his hand touched the back of his waist and pressed slightly harder, causing Xu Ye to tremble unconsciously. The tip of the tongue licked the earlobe with a hot and humid breath, making the trembling even more intense, "You know that dom is very controlling, and when he sees a mark on sub that doesn't belong to him, he will want to tie him up, ruthless. Punish him severely and let him use his body to remember who he belongs to." The fingers that penetrated into his pants penetrated deep into the buttocks, teasing the pitiful hole he entered yesterday. "How do you think I should punish you, eh?"

"Umm... Master..." Xu Ye panted and lowered his body, leaning completely on the other side's arms.

This kind of reaction was formed under Chu Yu's training, from the initial tense and stiff to the present, naturally, without a trace of resistance and estrangement.

"Give you a chance." The man's dark eyes were like stars that never fell, "Kiss me now, and this time I'll pretend I didn't see anything."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ye raised his chin, closed his eyes and put it on his smiling lips.