Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 1: Regards to the author


In the dim and simple bedroom, the sound of the old keyboard hits intermittently, and the black handwriting on the heavy display screen is continuous in a row, neatly arranged on the white background document: [... The body with the open chest is pressed against the wall, The fuzzy shadow swayed left and right in the candlelight, and the rusty doorknob was locked from the inside, with a layer of solidified and black blood sticking, turning frantically...】

[The sound of intermittent crying outside the door, and then it turned into a continuous loud and long howling, this is a wailing and a scream, half-like horror, half-like pride, only the screams of the suffering souls who have fallen into hell and the devil sees Only by mixing the cheers of the punished souls can it be comparable to this weird voice...】

The sound of the keyboard hits back in the room, and the words that jump out of the line are filled with a strange and terrifying taste, as if to outline a weird world, and a shuddering suspense that happened in that world. story.

The blue light of the display screen is icy reflected on the dull black spectacle frame. Under the eye frame is a pale and thin face, a face that has not been taken care of for several days, and his greasy, shiny hair makes him appear. Tired and sloppy.

Chen Chao


27 years old

Suspense thriller writer for physical slow-selling books/perennial writers on the Internet bashing/third-rate screenwriter of Caotai team studio/ plot planning of an unknown game company. (The legendary slash youth)


An unread email pops up in the writer background!

Chen Chao stopped typing on the keyboard, Shou Chai's hand grasped the mouse and slowly opened the email, and his whole person broke away from the state of the code word, his frowning brow furrowed, his expression tense and solemn.

[Dear writer, hello:

I’m sorry to inform you that your work "Kill the Author" failed to pass the contract review. The style of this work is slightly depressing and thrilling, and it is lightly involved in bloody violations. It is recommended that you can reapply for contract review after modification, or submit it to another website.

—Endpoint Net? Suspense Editing Group】

"Depressed, horrified, bloody?"

Chen Chao was shocked, his throat a little dry: "You can't suppress realism, don't allow horror, and even the rendering of bloody scenes will violate the rules. Can a work that is forced to be modified according to this standard be called suspense?"

Depressed, horrified, bloody!

These three elements constitute a suspenseful flesh and blood body!

It's like braised pork with boiled water, after removing the fatty soup, the remaining white strips of meat can still have a bit of flavor!

Chen Chao vigorously rubbed his stiff cheeks. It took a while to calm down his boredom. He clicked sullenly to delete the email, then clicked on the writer's backstage, staring at the extremely bleak work data, in a daze.

Title of Work: "Kill the Author" Total Words: 173457 Hits: 21384 Collection: 474

"Modification is absolutely impossible to modify!"

Chen Chao has been hanged in the category of "suspense" since his debut. For several years, he has been infatuated with his writing, and he is like a sadomasochistic love. He loyally and persistently hangs himself firmly on this tree. Air-dry to dry.

Unfinished, eunuch, 404!

There are nearly a hundred suspense books in total, and dozens of vests have been replaced unknowingly, but Chen Chao still obsessively guards the "suspense" grave and waits for the iron tree to bloom.

With a long sigh, Chen Chao coldly deleted the work, cancelled the pen name, registered and bound the new vest, and then scanned all the discarded manuscripts on the desktop into the recycle bin. A series of processes were operated in an orderly manner.

"All disgraceful history must be properly buried, and every freshly baked vest must not be stained with the stains it used to be."

This is probably the basic ethics that every writer must have, especially the pride that Chen Chao has always upheld, so... He quickly retrieved a pen name that was previously reserved for backup from the pen name database stored in his mind, and he quickly turned it into a positive. .

Enter the pen name and click to confirm—[Wolf in Sheep's Clothing], and start working with a certificate!

Learning from the experience and lessons of the previous book, Chen Chao learned from the pain. He decided that the style of the next book requires a certain degree of packaging and disguise. This can never be counted as submission, at best it is a strategic roundabout retreat.

"So, I have to step on the friction back and forth between the quasi-thriller realism and the 404 edge line, and it is best to twist a piece of Yangko."

"About, the next book will be popular!"

Chen Chao regained his confidence and threw his fist excitedly. An untightened fat mansion was standing beside him. The happy water was knocked over. The black ** splashed on the phone, and a strand of black smoke flowed out from the center of the phone screen. The light that was lit flickered and then went out abruptly.

He quickly wiped the phone dry, turned it on quickly, and a weird sound came from the inner shell of the phone~!


It seems to be a gasp that was spit out by a person's throat, depressed and low!

Not one, but hundreds of breaths of Qiruo Hairspring overlapped together, and strangely passed into Chen Chao's ears as the phone screen was re-lit.

The sound returns to the normal boot sound for only a short moment. After the fingerprint is unlocked, the icons arranged on the desktop wallpaper disappear collectively, leaving only an unfamiliar app icon occupying the center of the screen.

"Phone is broken?"

Chen Chao fiddled with the phone, and the ability to turn it on indicated that there was no problem with the hardware. However, all the originally downloaded applications were deleted and disappeared. Only a black and red icon was left hanging on the bare desktop, which looked particularly abrupt.

The black and red icon looks like an empty bookshelf, the edges of the pattern are a bit rough and fuzzy, and it looks like a wooden door recessed inward.

The crude and decayed wooden frame was crumbling, as if it would collapse and fall apart at any time.

The overall first impression is that it is the rubbish mobile games made by game studios that lack funding.

Chen Chao found that the touch screen interface was fixed and could not be dragged or moved. The only thing available for operation was the icon in the center. He subconsciously stretched out his index finger and pressed it.

The moment the finger film touches the icon!

The temperature of the phone's screen suddenly rose, and a layer of black ripples floated on the screen, as if the phone's screen was really melted into liquid, and the index finger that had touched it was burnt off a layer of skin unexpectedly.

Chen Chao's finger was painful, and he saw a layer of bloody skin sticking to the center of the screen. The smeared blood and the subtle fingerprints were printed on the app icon. Looking at the index finger, the layer of skin was actually torn off. , A strange brand is embedded on the vaguely fleshy finger belly, which is an icon-like a book shelf like a door frame, blurred in the finger belly!

2 seconds passed.

The temperature of the phone returned to normal. Chen Chao took a paper towel to wipe off the blood fingerprints stuck on the screen, and then looked down at the index finger, which means that the skin peeled off and slightly burned, so he didn't care too much. .

"Did the phone leak? It seems that the phone must be repaired tomorrow."

Chen Chao flashed in his mind the news of some cellphone explosions, and immediately took the cellphone to the corner of the table with lingering fears, and made up his mind that he would not touch the cellphone again tonight.

Without finding the bandage in the room, he simply disinfected his fingers with saliva and wiped it dry with a paper towel. Chen Chao lay back and closed his eyes slowly, but he didn’t notice, he closed his eyes. At the same time, the black screen of the phone vibrated quietly, as if an invisible finger was swiping across the screen of the phone.

The screen lights up, the fingerprint is unlocked, and the icons that resemble bookshelves and door frames appear in black.

The icon slowly dented inward, and a twisted crack was torn in the dark and deep black, countless pieces of paper gushing out, crazily scrolling and pieced together into a wrinkled paper, and then the crack collapsed and turned into black solidified blood. Weirdly crawling up the white paper covered with the screen, turning into crooked blood characters.

【—Every abandoned manuscript is buried in a gloomy and desperate world; every story that breaks abruptly involves a body that stops beating. 】

[Fear, hatred, resentment, wailing... These are all brought to us by the author, and now it should be your turn to bear it! 】

[Author, are you ready, come and relive your story! 】

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