Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 103: I have heard the trembling radio


During the morning rush hour, a series of rear-end collisions occurred on the viaduct, and the traffic jam was like a long winding dragon.

The police car, also trapped on the highway, crawled forward like a snail.

The air conditioner in the police car seemed to be a bit full. Deng Bin suddenly felt a chill in his back, he unscrewed the thermos cup and took a mouthful.

"Turn down the air conditioner!"

Wang Yan looked down at the updated novel chapters on her mobile phone, and happened to talk about the scene where the novelist murdered Xia Nannan in a dark corridor. I don’t know if she was too fascinated by it. She also shivered in her neck. A layer of goose bumps surfaced behind.


**Turn off the air conditioner.

Hook also downloaded the terminal app next to it, registered users, collected the "Suspense Author Survival Guide", and clicked to read it.

He really can't see where the plot of this novel can be linked to reality, it's pure nonsense!

From the novel to reality, the "primary school student" who hunted down the novelist-Xia Nannan, also possessed weird abilities.

The unfinished novelist activated the system plug-in and killed the characters in the novel with a blast hammer

What the hell is the system plug-in

When Chen Chao wrote the new chapter, out of caution and confidentiality, he replaced the elements of the mobile phone with the system, which can be regarded as the mainstream cheat sheet for web writing.

The only thing that can be related to reality is that Jiao Kai, a painter who was innocently involved, played the role of an unlucky ghost from beginning to end. In addition, the novelist and the characters in the novel have corresponding "prototypes" in reality. ".

It is obviously a prototype castrated by reality after the "unscientific elements" have been castrated.

The novelist corresponds to Chen Chao!

The characters in the novel correspond to Xia Nannan!

"There are only three people in this novel. The hidden corpse did not appear!" Hu Ke frowned. He believed that Deng Bin was not the one who made up stories. Therefore, there may indeed be one in the self-built building. The corpse, but, I'm afraid I won't get any clues in this novel.

In a supernatural story novel, no word in it can be used as "factual evidence" to investigate.


Deng Bin frowned, he could only come up with such an explanation.

"Most of the links described by Jiao Kai in this novel should be true, but when they fall back to Chen Chao and Xia Nannan, most of them become fake again. They should not be arbitrarily considered fake, but Said... Chen Chao changed the real events into novels by adding elements of psychic falsifications!"

"The truth is hidden in false stories!"

"The problem is that after removing the false and supernatural elements, the remaining reality cannot be piled up into a scientific logical chain."

At least for Deng Bin, he couldn't use the remaining elements to restore the truth of the incident. He habitually touched his head, only to find that the bald patch was dead.

"The real and the fake are mixed together. It should be said that it is a novelist!"

Deng Bin sighed. The clues he had in his hand could not piece together a complete picture. Even if there were more suspicions in his heart towards Chen Chao, he could not bring Chen Chao back to the bureau for interrogation based on these "nonsense".

Wang Yan was holding the urn and her heart was extremely heavy.

"Novelist, lunatic, criminal?!!!"

Labels dangled in her mind, sticking to the weird smiling face that emerged in her mind. She couldn't write Chen Chao's mentality at all. It was like a shattered and terrifying face. The face of the monster pieced together by pieces.

Hook didn't say a word, but he was obviously interested in Chen Chao who hadn't met.


phone vibration!

**Connecting to the mobile phone is a call from the laboratory.

After hearing a few words and hung up, he turned his head and looked at Deng Bin with a weird expression, and said: "The call from the inspection department, the footprints in the self-built house have been tested. The black paint is a kind of sugar water**, the inspection department Inferred it may be Coke soda!"

Deng Bin was stunned.


He had the impression that he had seen some empty bottles of drinks in his self-built house.

"So, is it dipped in Coke juice to paint footprints all over the house?"

This provable fact is a bit strange, and Deng Bin's heart is inexplicably chilly.

Without waiting for him to think deeply, the walkie-talkie on the police car rang.

"There was a murder case at No. 497 Fuhai Street. Please go to the scene quickly by the police car patrolling nearby..."

The emergency announcement was repeated three times.

"Fuhai Street, isn't that the place we are going to go!"

Deng Bin's scalp was numb. Although he didn't know where 497 was, his instinct was to remind him that this murder case probably won't be a single case.

Rolling the window of the car, Deng Bin took a look outside. There was still a long distance from the exit of the viaduct, and the speed of the vehicle said that the tortoise was crawling and insulting the tortoise.

"Get off, let's run over!"

at the same time.

Chen Chao, who was still sorting out clues, continued to scrutinize the "books" in his mind.

【Building B, Yuhua Block 2, Fuhai Avenue, a black private car slowly stopped by the roadside. 】

[The sky is still dark, the gloomy moon disk is covered by black clouds, the windows washed by the rain curtain are wiped back and forth by the windshield wipers, the glass is covered with ripples for a moment, but it is bright as washing, and a picture is exposed behind it. The face that was flickering and flickering. 】

[The lights are not turned on inside the car, and the darkness seems to blend with the sky outside, only the sparks of the cigarette butts are slowly burning. 】

[At yesterday's funeral, Chen Chao made an appointment to see him in the counseling room today. Zhang Shouli couldn't sleep on either side, so he came here to wait in advance. 】

[The radio in the car is on, and the channel is set to the 312 frequency band. It is a late-night broadcast in Haiguang City, called "Thriller Radio". Just listen to the name and you will know that it is a column dedicated to horror stories. The listening rate is bleak. However, there are also a group of iron fans who watch this column late at night every day. Xu Nanyi used to listen to this radio to refresh himself when he was on duty at night in the hospital. 】

"... In this hospital where a group of lunatics are being held, weird noises are always heard from the dean's office in the middle of the night, and the strange thing is that every time the door is opened, the sound disappears, and there is no one in the office. No… "

"The older head nurse will tell the new nurse in the middle of the night, don’t just shake it in the corridor, even if you hear some strange noises, don’t pay attention to it. It may be something like cockroaches and rats entering the house. Just leave it alone... But Wang Lan, a nurse assigned just after graduation, didn’t think so. She could hear the voice. It was the sound of someone taking a pencil and a tape. There was an old radio at home when she was young. I like it very much. I can always play the favorite song on a tape over and over again. However, the rewind button of the recorder is broken, so she always sits aside and spins the tape with a pencil. This is the voice that came out of the chief’s office, but it’s now in 2012, who still listens to the tape..."

"In the gloomy corridor, the old head nurse was dozing off in a chair, while Wang Lan quietly put his entire head on the door, and the voice from inside became clearer..."

The voice on the radio is a "soft" female voice, but she is hosting a program that tells the late-night horror. I don’t know how the director of the radio station arranged it. Zhang Shouli and Xu Nanyi have heard it several times before, and they are frightening to these fabrications. He was not interested in the ghost story of Xu Nanyi, but after Xu Nanyi left, he started listening to this column as a ghost, as if he could still feel the breath coming from Xu Nanyi lying on his back while listening.

This is a late-night story that is broadcast on a certain radio station in the novel.


"This radio story, I have heard it!"

Chen Chao recalled that he had heard this radio broadcast in the taxi, and the radio program was called "Terror Radio", and the radio broadcast on the taxi at that time happened to be the one described in the novel...