Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 105: Road to survival


[The rusty rolling door rubbed the ground and made a toothy sound. Inside the door gap that closed slowly and firmly, a corner of the knocked over computer screen fell to the ground, and the glowing light hit the ground, reflecting a puddle of whiteness. Fat body. 】

[The body is lying on the ground, squeezing out folds of ripples around the belly, two arms against the ground to hold the air forward, but the head is weirdly warped and hung on the shoulders, the back of the head is on the ground, but the whole The neck was broken and turned 180 degrees, revealing a face twisted in fear. 】

[Gerson stands outside the door, his rickety body stands, looking down at the lying corpse. 】

[The narrowed door closed slowly. 】

[He is holding the pitch-black cloth tape in his hand, turning around and carrying the faint street lamp, one foot is deep and the other is shallow, like an ordinary old man with half of his foot into the coffin, humming a little song in his mouth, Under the dark night, he walked over the rotten wall with holes, and walked toward the depths of the community. 】

[In the closed computer shop. 】

[The fat and swollen corpse lay quietly, a cord hanging down and a sound played in the earphones beside the table. The sound was cold and secluded with the gloomy sound of the erhu in the background, and went back in the room. Into the ears of the dead. 】

["...Looking at the blue and white porcelain cup that was broken on the ground, the hot boiling water was sprinkled on the cold ceramic tiles, and the color was smeared like blood. That was the voice of the host’s sorrow. She was wearing a dark red cheongsam with floral patterns, elegant She squatted down to create a perfect curve. This is a beautiful woman, exuding a mature and enchanting atmosphere."]

["With slender fingers, I picked up the fragments of the fragments, placed them in the palm of my hand, and gently stroked the unfinished work of art to put it together again..."]

["The woman walked back and forth in the house, her gorgeous red high-heeled shoes stepped on the tiles, making a crisp clanging sound..."]

[The sound is suddenly far and near. When it is far away, it seems to come from the earphone, when it is close, it seems to be from... "K" the lock cylinder bounced off and fell to the ground, the shutter door was reopened, and a piece of red shoes After stepping on the tiles, the cold night breeze is blowing the black hair that is spreading out, the weird stories played in the earphones are still whispering, and they spread along the cold wind that poured in, and I don’t know what is going to be in the dark night. Where does the spreading ** go...】

"Is this the trajectory after Lu Yanfei?"

"The trajectory in the novel?"

"So... ."

Chen Chao suddenly stood up and walked behind the desk. He squatted down and fiddled with the main box. His pupils suddenly shrank and saw a layer of sticky transparent skin on the surface of the chassis, which was the same as the one on the security door of the self-built house.

The metal shell on the right side of the chassis was cracked, with a skewed crack like an animal's finger pierced in, and then pulled the torn hole.

There was dripping mucus on the edge of the hole, and the disassembled hard disk was directly facing inside.

"This story also overlaps with reality!!"

Chen Chao was frightened with palpitations,

"The trembling broadcast has come to reality, so the stories in the trembling broadcast will also be registered in reality?!!!"

Here comes the problem!

What stories have been made up on the trembling radio

As a writer of unfinished novels, Chen Chao has no knowledge of it. His book is written here. "Through Broadcasting" is still in the foreshadowing stage, that is, the legendary digging hole is not buried, then... Follow-up creation , Is the ghostwriting of the characters themselves.

This is terrible!

"In reality, Lu Yanfei is the person who contributed to Shaver Radio? This possibility accounts for 74%!"

Chen Chao thought in his mind. In short, Lu Yanfei must have a connection with Shiver Broadcasting. Well, which station is Shiver Broadcasting from

Shaking his head, Chen Chao sorted out the messy thoughts, and made a preview of the possibility of the subsequent situation. He took out the part of "lyf" from the medical record, and then turned to look at the horrible sound of "cang-dang" outside the door. Consciousness gradually fell into his mind.

Shift relay!

The man was still squatting on the ground, and the corners of his mouth grinned slowly. At first there was a low and suppressed laugh, and then it turned into a wild laugh: "It's me, but it's really a wise choice!"

Toolman, Chen·Fearless·Shadow is online!

Consciousness was immersed in the cerebral cortex, which was different from the first sudden coma. This time, Chen Chao retained his complete consciousness. He felt this state of physical failure, and it felt like replacing his body with "autonomous driving." Mode, and he himself lay comfortably in the "little black room", watching an immersive, first-vision 3D production through his eyes.

This kind of feeling seems pretty good~

Every novelist has the heart of an otaku, and the current situation is probably similar to the "ultimate experience" of an otaku!

I live in my own body, so I ask if you are afraid!

[This task is a continuous task, the first phase is activated! 】

[The first stage: the secret in the counseling room! 】

[There is a poorly-run psychological consultation room on the fourth floor of Block B, Building 2, Yuhua Tower. Among the patient files he diagnosed, there are some that are exclusively for lunatics and mental patients. Among them, there is a certain case. Come out! 】

[Reminder: Everyone wears a hypocritical mask on their face. On the contrary, they are lunatics, who are unscrupulously exposed to the world. They are so real that they are being observed by the world under a magnifying glass! 】

[The madman's babbling, and the eyes of ordinary people, the truth depends on who you are more willing to believe! 】

[Ps: 63% completion of the first stage]

[Ps: Congratulations on getting a medical record, but this is not enough. The monster outside the door blocks your way of life, and hiding in the house is a dead end! 】

[Leaving the office alive to find the prying hidden behind the scenes, this is destined to be a...road to survival! 】

The mobile phone was buzzing and vibrating, as if it was also celebrating the return of the "old partner", and lines of subtitle prompts appeared on the surface of the screen.

"The road to survival?"

Chen Ying licked her wet lips, her eyes showed a stern coldness. He didn't like this condescending vocabulary, but he didn't like hiding in a closed room and letting a puppet and a "primary school student" protect himself outside.


Chen Chao turned his head and walked to the wall, his five fingers pinched the wall clock, and suddenly cut it off from the middle. He grasped the broken stubble as if holding a sharp broken knife, strode to the door, pulled the door open, and watched. Looking at the monster who came to kill at the door, he smiled grinningly and let go of the "blade" to fall... ..