Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 107: Tool man in action


The stairs are gloomy.

A faint smell of blood wafted from the underground parking lot.

Chen Ying, who had switched to the "tool man" mode, went downstairs fearlessly in the direction where the smell of blood floated.

Xia Nannan and the bottle cap followed. To be more precise, Xia Nannan followed. The bottle cap was hung from the cane handle, swinging a swing.

After the speed of life and death in the corridor, Ping Gai'er and Xia Nannan initially established a revolutionary friendship.

The door of the parking lot is open.

Pushing the door and walking in, walked along the place where the smell of blood floated, and quickly came to the door of the monitoring room.

An iron lock hung on the door from the outside, which was locked.


Which one is strong in unlocking technology

Xia Nunnan grabbed the iron lock, and the magnetic sand from his nails drilled into the lock core to rotate. This was an insertion that the iron lock could not bear. She immediately disarmed and surrendered, and the door opened.

There was a pool of black and coagulated blood on the floor of the monitoring room, blood stuck to the back of the tilted iron chair, and the blood stains on the ground coagulated into a pool.

Chen Ying looked down at the bloodstains on the ground. The thickness of the blood clotted in that pool of blood varies in depth, and a thinner layer of blood stains on the ground. In his mind, the artistically aesthetic cells quickly restored to be tied to a chair. While struggling, he fell to his side on the ground, curled up into a ball... What does the corpse look like? !


Where's the corpse

The figure restored in my mind is not a tall, short, fat, thin corpse upstairs. The corpse upstairs should be the security master Gesson, and the bound corpse in the basement should be another younger security guard. .

This is his judgment after "scanning" with his eyes and restoring his brain, based on the "unfinished novel" in his memory in addition to reality.

It is described in the novel-two security guards died in the office building, one is the security uncle Ge Sen, and the other is the young security guard-"Zhang Jianing". Obviously, the comparison here is to restore the fragments in the novel.

This is also the fact that Chen Ying is already familiar with urinary sex at the moment.

The problem is,

That's the end of the novel. The writer himself doesn’t know the plot afterwards, oh... it can’t be said to be completely ignorant. Isn’t it just smuggling into reality to chase the author himself? That’s right. It was the "story line" he set when he wrote that novel.

Obviously, even if he is unfinished, the story is developing along this main line, huh~

Self-inflicted, can't live

The body is gone! ! !

Chen Ying's eyes narrowed into a gap. He pulled out a piece of blood from the back of the chair. It coagulated and turned black like rust. Judging from the shape of the blood coagulation, it must have been dead for a while, but I didn't see it in the office building. Then, Where was the body hidden

Again, why was it hidden

Is it being collected and intended to be made into a puppet, or for other reasons, such as not wanting people to discover that this person is dead

Chen Ying turned to look at the monitoring screen. The screen was completely dark. Obviously, the monitoring equipment had been damaged.

"The monitoring is destroyed, but it saves me some trouble!"

Chen Ying thoughtfully, then left the monitoring room, walked out the stairs, and left the office building.

The moment he stepped out of the office building, the phone buzzed and vibrated, indicating that the first stage of the task was successfully completed. At the same time, the originally quiet and gloomy office building suddenly appeared in the sun in the isolated darkness.

In the previously empty hall, the silhouettes of people at work reappeared, and noisy words and footsteps echoed inside.


The screams of horror came from upstairs!

The screaming screams are so vivid and full of vitality in the dawn sun!

On the street in front of the office building, a taxi drove away quickly.

497 Fuhai Street.

Not far from the office building, about 330 meters away in a straight line, the facade of a second-hand intermediary seemed to echo in the distance, with sharp screams tearing through the dawn, making the splashing sunlight also smudged. It's cold... bloody.

Three circles outside were crowds of onlookers. A white-faced manager was sitting on the steps at the door. His bloodshot eyes were full of panic, his teeth trembling and bumping, as if he couldn't even say a complete sentence. .

She was the manager of a real estate agency and was the first person to open the door in the morning, and then found the deceased and reported the crime.

In the intermediary.

There are blood stains on the smooth white tile floor, which stretches inwardly from the ground.

"The deceased was attacked from here, then fell to the ground and crawled inside. The murderer was standing next to him and followed unhurriedly, watching his blood flow on the ground, and then all the way to the room inside. ... ."

Hook, who rushed to the scene of the crime, looked at the blood stains on the ground, made up for the scene at the time, said gloomily to Deng Bin: "The murderer has a very good psychological quality and is very cruel. He was not eager to kill the dead, but, Enjoying the process of the assault."

Deng Bin nodded. There was a pool of bloody handprints on the ground, which were traces of the deceased’s struggling and crawling on the ground, and the shoe prints stained with blood were followed by the shoe prints. The distance between the shoe prints was basically the same, indicating the murderer’s The mentality is calm, as if you are watching a play, and you follow step by step.

He condescendingly looked down at the deceased who was struggling, perhaps with a sickly smile on his mouth, and said this gently, watching the deceased crawling into the house inside, and then slowly followed up and killed him completely.

In the back room, the end of the blood trail.

It was a desk. There was a landline with a telephone line hanging on the desk. It was half hanging in the air. There were still some paper bags scattered on the legs of the desk. The deceased was lying on the legs of the desk. Scary and terrified of fear.

The eye sockets are sunken, the pupils are bulging outward, the nostrils are swollen and open, the corners of the mouth are even cracked, and the death is abnormally horrified and distorted. These manifestations all show the deceased's abnormal fear at the time. The expression translated, it is like saying, hell. of!

Hook had seen the facial expressions of many victims last staying, but the face in front of him was especially frightened, and it was hard to imagine what terrifying sight the deceased saw before his death.

"The cause of death was pierced by a sharp weapon!"

Deng Bin squatted next to the corpse, staring at the wound on the corpse's chest with furrowed brows. It was a triangular-shaped puncture wound, about as narrow as his little finger, and he couldn't even recognize it. It was the wound caused by some murder weapon.

Triangular, narrow little finger, thin wound!

It is not a wound caused by a common knife or sharp weapon, but no murder weapon was found at the scene of the crime.

in addition,

Another point made him feel very bad. The place where the murder happened was too close to the Yuhuazuo office building, and the time it happened was so close to the murder in Magu Lane.

"Let the forensic doctor pull the body back for an autopsy as soon as possible."

Deng Bin was uneasy, so he decided to go to the Yuhua seat to take a look.


Forgot to mention,

The name of this deceased is Guan Wang! ! !