Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 108: The serial man behind the murder


In the white dawn bath, the world still has no temperature.

Behind the icy hue, the bright red bursting corpse's smudged color is closer to the color of the sun.

The corpse covered with white cloth was moved out. Passing pedestrians took pictures with their mobile phones. Obviously there was an extra amount of chatting after dinner. You see, people are probably the meaning of life. Sometimes, a person’s most glorious moment , Maybe it was his time, especially when he died abnormally.

The corpse will be sent to the forensic identification center for a meticulous bath and massage. Every inch from the internal organs to the epidermis will be combed. This is a treatment that most living people cannot enjoy. Even the cells that have been peeled off will be released. Under the microscope, it was observed in detail.

"The identity of the deceased has been determined!"

"Guan Wang, male, 37 years old."

"The liver is enlarged and there is a past history of cirrhosis."

"Food scraps were found in the stomach, and the ones that haven't been digested can be seen as crayfish."

Xia Yunxi, a well-dressed forensic doctor, coldly commented on the corpse, and the assistant next to him recorded in the notebook "sands and sands":

"The toxicology report has come out. It is non-toxic."

"It can be determined that the death was caused by physical injury. There are four exposed wounds on the whole body. The fatal injury is the space between the fifth and sixth ribs of the left chest. The oblique triangular incision is directly penetrated through the heart valve."

Xia Yunxi said that he held a fist-sized heart in his hand, and the heart remained almost intact, except for the penetration hole pierced at the valve, which was as precise as a scalpel.

Weigh, identify, and record the heart.

Then take a picture and refill the corpse for stitching.

The corpse on the dissection table was quiet.

The dead will not give answers, and the interpretation of death is the responsibility of forensic doctors.

"The triangular incision has a length of about 11 cm. What kind of weapon can cause this incision?"

Xia Yunxi glanced at his assistant, his expression suddenly stiff, and his eyes looked strangely at the pen that was recording.


The sound of the pen sharp and the paper rubbing in the quiet morgue.

The air-conditioning in the house is a bit cold!


Xia Yunxi drew the pen and looked in his eyes, his assistant was stunned, and then his face showed a sudden enlightenment, but his back climbed into a deep chill inexplicably.

The deceased was stabbed to death by a pen!

This is really artistic!

Xia Yunxi took off his gloves, took out his mobile phone from his white coat, and moved his slender fingers on the screen, quickly sending a message to Hook.

the other side.

Leaving the intermediary and moving to the crime scene on the other side of the street, Hook's face was as black as a piece of carbon.

Psychological consultation room on the 4th floor of Yuhua Tower.

There was a carrion corpse lying horizontally, and the stench of sour rot was floating throughout the corridor. It was disgusting. The corpse on the ground had been dead for an unknown period of time. The muscles on the body surface were covered with maggots everywhere. There are flies nesting in the empty eye sockets.

Moved to three crime scenes in one day, and all of them were homicides!

This also broke Hook's record since he was a police officer. When did the murder case become so worthless

And the most frightening thing is that these three murders are probably related. No, it's far more than three murders. Hook looked at Deng Bin with a gloomy expression. If Deng Bin's speculation is not wrong, it is very There may also be missing bodies that have not been found.

And all the homicide related items seem to vaguely point to the same person, that is, the name on the "signboard" at the entrance of this consultation room-Chen Chao! !

"The skin is torn off!"

Deng Bin turned over the front of the corpse. The face with one missing eye had rotted a long time ago. However, Deng Bin was still able to judge that the corpse's face ceased to exist before it rotted. He reached out and touched the edge of his cheek. The outline can faintly find an extended crack in the decay.

The edges are smooth and tight, but the lines appear jagged and sharp, as if they were....

"The whole face seems to have been torn off by a person's teeth."

Deng Bin was taken aback by his own thoughts. He stretched out his fingers and stroked the edge of his cheeks. He was able to feel the pits and depressions that formed an arc. It was not the kind of casual bite, but he used his teeth to bite off the flesh, even Even the lines are deliberately aligned.

If you don't look carefully, you might even think it was cut along the line with a blade.

Can the teeth be so neat

Do not,

It should be said, is it possible to tear off a human face with teeth

To do this, first the teeth must be very neat and sharp, and you have to carefully bite the incision inch by inch, until you have the entire face out of the outline, and don't mention what kind of abnormality it is. This kind of thing, in theory, can human beings do it

Deng Bin touched his head.

I want to pull my hair, but I have no hair to pull.

And the most tragic thing is that he is bald but not stronger. He is still deeply trapped in an unsolved case, and seems to be sinking deeper and deeper. His thinking is like a mess, and the more unsolvable mysteries are. More and more, a deep sense of powerlessness surged into my heart.

What followed was the ultimate anger.

He clearly knew that behind the lives of these people might all point to the same person, but there was no evidence. Everything was limited to his guess, and it was a guess that couldn't justify it.

Motivation for killing

Killing tactics

The process of committing the crime

From the first self-built building, disappeared corpses

The dead man in the ventilation station!

In the second self-built building, the monitoring and confession are contradictory, and it is impossible to judge whether there are residents!

The dead in the intermediary about 200 meters away.

There is also the corpse in this counseling room, still the strange sign at the door.

From the intuition of the police, Deng Bin could perceive that these cases are not isolated, but there must be a line connecting all of them, just like the gates of a horror game. Every level has hidden puzzles, which seem to be nothing. Association, in fact, there must be a main line hidden behind.

And the problem is,

He can't solve any puzzle now!

It can only be like a headless fly, fiddled with it casually, exhausted to find the murders one by one, and only acts as the discoverer, because he can't solve the riddle.


Hook took out his phone and turned it off.

"The information from the forensic doctor, the penetrating injury to the heart of the corpse in the agency, is probably caused by a pen!"

While Hook said, he took an intermediary list from the police officer next to him. This was checked in accordance with Deng Bin’s request. He continued: "Your guess is accurate. The dead Guanwang and Chen Chao knew each other. Yes, he and Chen Chao signed a lease contract in the last two days!"

Ps: A new book is being prepared recently, and the new double-open book will be released at the starting point at the end of this month.