Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 109: The major suspect Chen Chao


A simple standard lease contract.

The signed name on the bottom line is impressively-Chen Chao!

"Your judgment is correct!"

"Guan Wang and Chen Chao did have contact!"

Hook said coldly.

"I will sort out your speculation about the case again. At first, a drunk man broke into the police station to report the crime, claiming to have witnessed a murder case in the self-built building where he lived, so you received the report. Immediately afterwards, I rushed to the self-built building in Magu Lane, and it was the first time I met the novelist Chen Chao at that time."

"No body was found in the self-built building, and then you brought Chen Chao back to the police station for questioning."

"During this period, Chen Chao voluntarily asked to be detained in the detention room, and deliberately left a note. The clues on the note pointed to the psychological consultation room in the Yuhua Tower office building."

"From this, it can be judged that the corpse in this consultation room must have an inseparable relationship with Chen Chao."

Deng Bin nodded. No matter what purpose Chen Chao led them to the Yuhua Seat, it proved that Chen Chao was very suspicious in this murder case.

"Then, the corpse of the Ventilation Station in Magu Lane, and the residents who seem to have disappeared in the second self-built building, this happened again in Magu Lane, living in the same community as the novelist Chen Chao. This is your judgment. These two things are related to Chen Chao."

Deng Bin nodded. The two cases seem to have nothing to do with Chen Chao, but both in terms of time and location, they are too coincidental. It seems that these two events happened to be next to the "Chen Chao". .

The police do not believe in coincidences.

Behind all the coincidences, there must be a more assertive logic.

Deng Bin believes that this logic falls on "Chen Chao".

"Finally, the deceased Guanwang of the intermediary office also had contact with Chen Chao, and the location was close to Yuhuazao." Hu Ke frowned, "And the sign at the entrance of Yuhuazao's psychological consultation room is obviously People sewed up the word for a month, also to guide Chen Chao."

"So far, everything has been directed towards the novelist Chen Chao, both overt and secretly!"

The self-built building's "Disappearing Corpse"-the novelist Chen Chaochu debuts, and about Mo is the real murderer (direct contact).

Ventilation Station Accidents-Didn't see Chen Chao's shadow, but the neighbor's neighbors, is it a coincidence? (Indirect connection).

Self-built Buildings "Does Residents Exist" Chapter-Chen Zhuoyue = Chen Chao? ? (Weird connection).

Housing intermediary contract-lease contract + homicide scene straight-line distance is about 200 meters. (Direct + indirect connections are available).

Yuhuazao Carrion Chapter—Weird signboards, paper clues, which one does not point to Chen Chao? (Contact? TM's is weird... It's just an identification!)

Looking at each analysis, it seems that five line segments are intersecting, and the center of the intersection is marked with the name "Chen Chao" with a red pen.

It's justified and well-founded~ That is, there is no evidence! ! !

Hook agrees with Deng Bin's inference. For the time being, he believes that there are five murders. Since they can all be directed to the same person, it is natural that this person has a major suspicion, and it is very likely that he is the real murderer behind the scenes, a serial perverted murderer.

Although I haven't met Chen Chao himself.

However, Hook has already labeled "Chen Chao" in his heart as a [murderer].

So here comes the problem.

"What's the matter with the sign at the entrance of the counseling room? Did Chen Chao sew it on himself?" Hu Ke frowned. He really couldn't figure it out. "If Chen Chao sews it, why did he do this? No murderer. Hiding the traces, he blew a clue to the police instead. Is his brain cramping?"

"If it's not Chen Chao?"

Hook's eyebrows are tightly furrowed into a knot, which is the most unexplainable part of the inference.

"The psychiatrist may have stitched it himself, but the reason is not clear!"

Deng Bin could not give an explanation. The so-called logical inference is for normal people, and Chen Chao's brain circuits are obviously in another dimension, different from ordinary people.

You can guess the logic of a normal person's behavior, can you still guess the logic of a madman

If you guess it clearly!

There are only two explanations: first, he is not a lunatic at all; second, you are mad!

Deng Bin is very sure that he is not crazy, so the answer can only be that Chen Chao is a lunatic.

"The purpose is the same as asking Jiao Kai to go to the police station to report the crime. He is provoking the police. He is inviting us to play games with him. The directional clue he deliberately left is his invitation to stay at the scene of the crime! "

Deng Bin gritted his teeth and replied.

"In short, these cases must have nothing to do with Chen Chao, we must find him first!"

Hook nodded, he had already sent the police underneath to Chen Chao's residence.

With the lease contract left by Guan Wang, they could easily know where Chen Chao was renting. Coincidentally, it was just across the street from Yuhua Tower, and they could see the opposite house through the windows.

This deepened Chen Chao's suspicion!

Unfortunately, when the police went, they did not catch Chen Chao.

There was no one in the house, which did not surprise the police.

"Can the identity of the deceased be determined?" Hook asked.

"No identification document was found on the deceased, and the deceased's face should have been ripped off and then rotted away." Deng Bin replied, because the face was ripped off by teeth, this kind of sensational reasoning Did not say.

In other words, it is impossible to confirm whether this corpse belongs to a psychologist.

Intuitively, Deng Bin didn't think it was. They didn't smell the smell of corpses when they came to Yuhuaza yesterday. Moreover, the dog corpse in the self-built building in Magu Lane also showed that it happened at the psychiatrist's residence. The story.

He didn't think that the residents who disappeared in the self-built building would die in the counseling room, which would make another "story" too much.

"I have an idea!"

Standing aside, Wang Yan, with a pale face, suddenly interjected.

"Assuming that the novelist and the psychologist know each other, has Chen Chao consulted the psychologist for psychological problems? After all, he may be aware that his psychology is a little sick and abnormal!"

Deng Bin and Hook were stunned at the same time, Wang Yan's reasoning was very reasonable.

In other words,

Chen Chao might have consulted with a psychologist in this counseling room. Then, there may be...

Deng Bin and Hook glanced at each other, and immediately ordered the police officers to search the medical records in the room to see if there were any medical records related to "Chen Chao", and found that the hard disk in the computer had been removed.

At the same time,

The police officer returning from the monitoring room reported: "The monitoring has been damaged and deleted. Moreover, a lot of blood was found in the monitoring room in the parking lot, but no dead bodies were found."

"Where is the security in the building?" Deng Bin asked.

"We have contacted the property just now. There are 3 security guards in the office building on shifts, one during the day and two at night. The one who asked for leave during the day will arrive after a while, and the two at night haven't contacted yet." Replied.