Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 15: Modify the line of fate


[Trivial keyboard] [Universal Bandage] [Glasses + Sparkling Marbles] These three items are the items in the novice package that is delayed to be sent, so the remaining two items should be the task rewards of the Raiders dungeon unit.

I almost forgot to remind everyone of you, here is the extraordinary essence of the word "delay" application, your product, your fine product... ...

This is today’s after-class reading comprehension: Please consider the context and the amount of hidden information behind it for scrutiny and analysis, and analyze and evaluate the truth of the restoration from the perspective of critical reality.

Compared with the various items in the novice gift package, the unit task rewards are relatively shabby, and the packaging volume of the items can be clearly compared.

An old rustic ladies backpack, a bulging card bag.

From the perspective of taste and appearance, the former looks like Xia Nannan's personal belongings; the latter looks like a small gift given by scanning the QR code to register along the street, revealing a cheap and inferior atmosphere.

Chen Chao first opened the zipper of the card holder and dropped out a bunch of membership cards from the inside. He took out one at random, and the card was printed with Kangmei Shen VIP.

Kangmeishen is a high-end chain beauty club in this city. The service group is positioned for women aged 20-40. The projects include but not limited to beauty, nursing, breast enhancement, plastic surgery, etc. Chen Chao was fortunate to have posted the next door sales department at the entrance of the club. Flyer.

Chen Chao thought he had taken the wrong card, and then picked up other cards, his face suddenly darkened.

Light Vitality Gym, SOLOKTV, Dashang Bathing Club, Wante Studios, Visnew Ski Resort, Storm Recreation City,... President Lin Lin has 27 senior membership cards, which cover almost all of this city. The field of entertainment and leisure!

—Comment: The most authoritative entertainment book in the city, and it is also the magic weapon that countless single dogs dream of. With it, you will become the dream of the next 900 million girls.

Chen Chao's face was as black as ink, and his teeth were crunching. He felt that his IQ had been fooled, and his five fingers squeezed the card pack.

Wait a moment!

Another crumpled paper coupon fell out of the inner layer of the card holder.

Chen Chao's pupils contracted, and he carefully spread out the paper coupons, for fear that they would be shredded with a little effort. There are black footprints the size of fingernails all over the paper, overlapping in a mess, and the center of the paper is like a line. Was trampled into fine prints.

"A-level single lottery ticket!"

Chen Chao pieced together word by word and said silently.

The screen of the mobile phone lit up with a dim blue light, and a rudder-like roulette appeared—[You got an A-level single-entry lottery ticket, do you use it? 】

【use! 】

The roulette wheel spun into a blurry phantom, and then suddenly stopped with a chuckle.

[You have drawn a puppet that loves to hide and seek, and the prize has been delivered, please pay attention to the acceptance! 】

The phantom of the roulette collapsed, and Chen Chao frowned. He did not see the whirlpool delivering the express, let alone the express that had been delivered, but the [subtitle] prompt clearly showed [delivered].

"So, what about things?"

Chen Chao suddenly heard a slight noise from the bedroom. He got up and walked towards the bedroom. He saw a new can of Coke that was originally placed on the table was opened and knocked over. on the floor.

There was a series of weird little footprints on the ground, exactly the same as the footprints on the lottery ticket. The footprints stretched all the way from the ground, then climbed onto the sheets, stepped on a few steps in a row, leaving crooked footprints, the color gradually dimmed and disappeared beside the pillow.

Chen Chao smashed his mouth, went over to hold up the coke can, "gummoo" and drank the rest, staring thoughtfully at the small footprints on the bedsheets: "It's time to change the bedsheets~ trouble!"

Suddenly pulling the quilt and pillows open, the bed was still piled up with kneaded clothes, dirty socks scattered everywhere, and beside the bed, there were various snacks, books and sundries piled up.

"A puppet that loves peekaboo! It's really annoying~"

Chen Chao calculated the height of the puppet through the prompts of the word name and the size of the footprints, and then compared the complex terrain environment in the bedroom. It may be time-consuming and laborious to find a palm-sized puppet from here. Not weaker than catching Xia Nannan from the dark corridor.

Peekaboo = hide and seek? ! !

Peekaboo*Doing housework=(God annoying) 2

Chen Chao frowned, unplugged the socket, turned and left the bedroom, closed the door with his backhand and locked it from the outside, then sat back on the sofa and picked up the backpack, unzipped the zipper, and took out the contents.

Get raincoat*1 (black), get raincoat*1 (black), get raincoat*1 (red), get raincoat*1 (white)!

After pulling out four stacks of neat raincoats, Chen Chao immediately confirmed that this backpack must belong to Xia Nannan, "How much do I like to wear raincoats, or are they actually tools for crimes, eh..."

Chen Chao was speechless. After taking out his raincoat, his backpack collapsed, leaving only a briefcase containing a car purchase contract and a black metal card.

The car purchase contract is a contract to buy a second-hand car from two years ago, and a labor contract signed with a taxi company. It is worth noting that in the contract, the positions of other units and related seals are blank.

In addition, there are ID card*1, household registration book*1, driving license*1.

In the same way, the names and stamps of all related organizations are as clean as snowflakes.

"A bunch of fake contracts and documents, but still some semi-finished products?"

Chen Chao uncovered a black card from the fake card. The size and style are similar to those in the board game. The surface is covered with a matte film. Occupying the entire eyeball, there is only a narrow eye in the middle, which is like a black line dividing the entire eye into two.

"The world is my appearance!


For some reason, staring at this weird eye, Chen Chao recalled in his mind a philosophical saying that could be carved on the dome of the palace of idealism. He shook his head and turned the card back to the front.

On the front is drawn a Q version of the little figure, wearing a raincoat, wearing little red boots one after another, one hand back to the waist, one hand holding a cane and stabs forward, a bit like the hand-up style of Western fencing. The expression is fierce and fierce.

[Get character card*1]

[Character Card: You can choose to activate or destroy it. Activation will enable the character to obtain legal residency in the current world; Destroy will completely obliterate the character and recover the thriller points. 】

Kawaii dead!

As a street writer with 27 years of residence, Chen Chao was ashamed. Fortunately, his tyrannical reason restrained his urge to lick the picture. He looked away with difficulty and looked into the phone screen, nailed to the cross like a woodcarving. Going up, Xia Nannan was glaring at him.

[The clock counts down to 9 minutes! 】

[Whether to choose to modify the character's fate line? 】

Chen Chao pursed his mouth and let out a sigh, and gently swiped his fingertips across the phone screen. The Xuanle clock shattered, and a deep gloomy light emerged, engulfing Xia Nannan, and the cold black light showed through the screen, as if it were substantial. Enveloping Chen Chao's body.

On the wall of the living room, the truncated pendulum stopped suddenly! ! !

[Selected to modify, deduct 200 thriller points, the current remaining 172 points! 】

【Xia Nannan's Fate Line Modification... ...】