Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 23


The needle fall can be heard + deathly silence!

With two pairs of unkindly cold eyes, Jiao Kai opened his mouth like a nest, and his heart thumped, as if stuck in his throat and would jump out in the next second.

His throat was dry, but the saliva in his mouth couldn't be swallowed, and the base of his tongue was stiff like waxing.

"I have been transferred to our police station for two years, but this is the first time I saw this. I dared to run to the police station in the middle of the night to play drunkenness. People who use alcohol to entertain the police, hey~Master, this can be directly detained. Come on!" ** sneered.

"Our Haiguang City belongs to the Dongjiuping Autonomous Prefecture of the Blue Federation. Although the scale of judicial sentencing is lighter than that of several other autonomous prefectures, it will never allow anyone to report false police, deliberately wasting police resources, or even recreational policing. Personnel." Deng Bin's face was dark, his tone paused, and he looked at Jiao Kai and said, "At the moment, this situation is enough for administrative detention for 15 days and fines. Do you have anything else to explain?"

Jiao Kai's entire face blushed, and he tried to remember where the error occurred in his mind, then got up and shouted anxiously: "By the way, what happened to me?"

"He thinks I'm courageous, saying that drinking can be courageous. In order to play games with him better, I used to pour a whole bottle of beer in my mouth..."

"Edit, then edit." ** sneered, Jiao Kai didn't believe a word of the nonsense at the moment, "Then you can explain to me, you said he wants to play a game of hunting and killing with you, along the way Have you met anyone else?"

"I just watched the surveillance video at the door of the police station, and I didn't see anyone chasing you behind me." ** Without waiting for Jiao Kai to defend, he continued to question, "So, the perverted murderer in your mouth means nothing. Did you go to the police station to call the police safely, and it was raining a little bit from beginning to end?"

The question of ** is also what Deng Bin couldn't understand. Obviously, Jiao Kai couldn't answer a single question.

How could he know what the lunatic was thinking, he felt like he was still alive now.

Or, just stay in the detention center for ten and a half days

This seems to be the safest way!

Jiao Kai's mind changed, and the expression on his face also changed along with it, gradually calming down from feeling aggrieved.

This change in expression naturally fell in Deng Bin's eyes, and he couldn't understand it immediately!

An unbelievable report + a reporter who can’t figure out what is true or false = the whole thing exudes a weird smell from the inside out

It is very strange that the informant's case is not understood. Now even the informant himself suddenly becomes strange, which makes Deng Bin's appetite awkward.

"It's evil!"

Deng Bin snatched the thermos cup, unscrewed the bottle cap, took a big mouthful, chewed up the tea and wolfberry and swallowed it into his stomach, then wiped his mouth with his cuff.

** Frozen, he knew that this was the habit of Deng Bin's quasi-police.

"Get ready, let's take a look at the place he said." Deng Bin glanced at the **, knowing what he wanted to ask, and explained, "A drunk lunatic ran to the police station and made up an incredible story to report the crime. The incident itself is as bizarre as the story he stated. If two bizarre things collide, it is very likely that one of them is true!"

At first glance, there seems to be no logic in this statement.

But the police stood in the professional thinking of a policeman to try to figure it out, but felt that the more they were, the more flavorful they were.

"And whether this guy is really drunk or fake, doesn't he look like someone with an IQ who can make up such a story?"

Deng Bin was not insulting Jiao Kai, but ascertaining the facts, and then added: "The most important thing is, **you remember, homicides involving the dead, even if it sounds absurd and impossible, even if you know it is just running in vain. One trip also gave me the temper and patience. I must go to the police to confirm the truth!"

Deng Bin straightened his loose clothes, put on his hat, rubbed the police badge on his head with his index finger, and said solemnly: "If we make a wrong judgment, it is a life. We can't afford to gamble, nor can we gamble. It is our responsibility as the police. We have to be worthy of this suit and this police badge!"

"Yes!" ** Saluted and put on his police cap.

Kai's face turned blue and red. He was ready to be detained, but now he really doesn't know whether he should be happy or upset.

As he was about to go out, Jiao Kai held another sentence: "What I said is true. There is really a perverted novelist in the self-built building where I live."

"I also don't think you are lying. When you rushed into the police station, the horror on your face and the weakness of your legs and feet did not seem to be a performance." Deng Bin replied.

"That's over, you two policemen, why don't you bring guns!" Jiao Kai's legs were a little weak, Chen Chao brought him too much fear, and the area of psychological shadow enveloped was about the size of 10 policemen lying side by side. .

"It's still dark, the police on duty at the police station are the two of us, hurry up..." The police station believed Jiao Kai's words at first, and slapped the police electric baton on his waist heavily, saying, "Ordinary policemen are not equipped with guns. This is enough!"

The red and blue patrol lights flickered, tearing through the darkness under the night.

The window at one end of the corridor was pushed open, and the torrential rain mixed with the wind, like a greasy hand stroking the walls on both sides of the corridor.

The splattered paint was beaten by the damp and cold wind, the overturned juicy trash can and the fallen paint bucket were next to each other. The sour and damp rotten smell and the pungent paint smell merged into a weird smell. Blow in the wind in the corridor~

Chen Chao was wearing a black apron with drips of paint on it. Holding a kitchen knife in his left hand, he pressed two washed strips of meat on the cutting board with his hands.

The knife is dropped and cut into finger-length sections, just like a housewife cuts the pork back into pieces and packs it.

He packed it up quickly, put it in a plastic bag, went back to the house and put it on the bottom of the refrigerator in the corner of the living room, and mixed it with the frozen pork.

-It is like a comrade who has penetrated into the enemy's army perfectly.

Chen Chao untied his apron and threw it outside the door.

When I looked closely, I discovered that it was not an apron at all, but a contaminated plastic tablecloth.

He glanced at the time on the phone, and then, facing the hole in the wooden door, he gently patched his feet. He didn't rush to the water room for a simple wash, went back to the room, locked the security door, entered the bedroom and turned on the computer.

Another bottle of Coke was opened on the table, with a few small footprints...

Chen Chao ignored it. He took down the original keyboard, replaced it with the "sly keyboard", turned on the computer, and started the computer. On the new book upload page of the terminal network, "dangdangdang" entered the name of the new book:

-"Suspense Author Survival Guide"! ! !