Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 24: Heh ~ reader


Click, click!

It's like the sound of teeth chewing on finger bones, still sticking to saliva, and constantly returning to the bedroom with the keyboard tapping.

Eerie, weird, like a ghost house!

On the screen, dark characters are filled into the window one by one.

Title: "Suspense Author's Survival Guide", author's name—[Wolf in Sheep's Clothing]!

The work is successfully created, please upload a profile.

Chen Chao paused his fingers, took out his mobile phone, and opened the first unit "Echoes in the Corridor" on the second floor of the bookshelf.

The unit has been completely guided, and Chen Chao is only re-reading it now.

After all, text interaction *** itself is an edited text, just pick it up and even convert it directly into novel content~

ps: Copy and paste is a basic skill that every writer must have! ('?')シ┳━┳

What's more, the story itself was deduced by Chen Chao's life. In other words, it is equivalent to a manuscript written out of one character by one character, which he personally ghosted. When I think about it, the sand sculpture barrage peeking through the screen of the mobile phone is too embarrassing to ask him for the copyright without any shame. Fee.

In order to prevent the leverage from being refined, fortunately, I added an explanation: excerpting one's own manuscript, it is not called plagiarism, at best it is counted as the number of words~

Chen Chao quickly browsed the subtitles and found that the original gloomy and infiltrating narration depiction, peeping at the screen and spitting out annoying barrage, now changed his mindset to read through, there was a completely different taste!

Look at this, the rendering of the atmosphere, the control and description of the character's psychology, the reversal of the plot, and even the introduction and comment of the props...

They all show quite good writing skills!

The horror is interspersed with cold humor, and the seduction of human nature is insinuated. In the dark and secret background corridor, the woven text reveals a fresh and refined tongue.

Even the most disgusting choice topic at this moment has turned into a finishing touch, and the full of fun is almost overflowing from the text, like a majestic eruption of Yan She Chengchao's face.

I have to say that, without the immersive experience of the survivalist, Chen Chao is standing as a professional writer at this moment, and must be objectively and professionally acknowledged—

[Subtitles] It's quite interesting! ! !

Isn't this exactly in line with the main idea that he wants to open a new book, twisting a cheerful and exciting Yangko in the sound of terrifying music!


It smells so good!

"Probably inherited 80% of my writing skills." Chen Chao suddenly became pleasing to his eyes when he saw his mobile phone, quite a kind of sympathy when he met a confidant. "A mobile phone with literary literacy [Golden Finger] just saved a lot. The effort of codewords can be copied directly!"

The codeword is time-consuming and troublesome, so how can it be refreshing to copy and paste~

Can I finally evolve into a monster with more than ten thousand tentacles every day? ! ! !

Chen Chao thought of a series of thoughts that made the writer high (chao), and he slowly tapped both hands with the keyboard and mouse.

On the screen, however, the chapters were entered into large pieces of chapters in quick silver.


【—Every abandoned manuscript is buried in a gloomy and desperate world; every story that breaks abruptly involves a body that stops beating. 】

[Fear, hatred, resentment, wailing... These are all brought to us by the author, and now it should be your turn to bear it! 】

[Author, are you ready, come and relive your story! 】

Directly copied the opening cg of the mobile game entry, and visually measured the word speed of 10,000/h, Chen Chao stopped and figured it out, it seemed that he was still so lost.

Chen Chao casually added a wonderful multiple-choice question as the conclusion!

[Road to survival! 】

[A confession book by the author on the street! 】

[Yes, Chen Chao chose...]

There is an inner taste!

A few words are the missing manifestation of the two powers of success, the decisive gap!

Chen Chao was satisfied now, with a faint arc hanging from the corner of his mouth, and began to type the text.

Late at night, it was dark and rainy.

Behind the deep clouds, the sky is invisible, and the earth seems to be covered by a piece of intermittent black lines.

Nearly 4 o'clock in the morning.

On an empty street, an empty taxi with a blank license plate shuttled through the rain and drove to the entrance of a self-built building in a suburban shanty town.

Stop and turn off the fire.

Pushing the car door, a twisted cold metal crutch stepped on the rain slope, and then a short black raincoat came out.

He couldn't see his face under the covered rain cap, but his whole body exuded a gloomy breath.

The yard door of the self-built building was tied with an iron lock from the inside, the size of a baby's fist, was caught by the hand in the raincoat, and made a weird rustling sound.

With a click, the lock was picked and dropped to the ground.

The yard was filled with potholes and rusty canopies, and there were few complete glass windows.

The soles of the shoes stepped on the water, splashing raindrops, but strangely, there was no sound at all.

The doorway of the building was concealed, and cold wind and rain poured into the corridor with the raincoat's footsteps. In the sudden, all voices were silent in the corridor.

The whining wind, the dripping water from the toilet, and the snoring symphony all came to an abrupt end.

It seemed that the whole building was suddenly dead, and the sound of breathing stopped.

The raincoat climbed up the steps to the third floor, walked back and forth in the corridor several times, and then violently pried open the door leading to the rooftop.

He retreated to the middle of the corridor, walked to the other side of the corridor, and knocked on the door.

The knock on the door only led one-way into the room behind the door. The corridor was still silent, and the man lying in the room playing with his mobile phone got up to open the door.

A game is starting...

Chen Chao's eyes were excited, his hands snapped frantically on the keyboard, and the original process of the matter was conceived in his mind.

The whole perspective is first focused on the body of the raincoat. This description is to catch people's attention and set off an atmosphere of suspense.

Chen Chao knows deeply and understands the reading habits of most readers—they are full of trembling attributes in their bones.

Taking the dark raincoat as the perspective can better poke their sensory stimulation and produce an unknown sense of substitution.

And so foreshadowing, the reversal will be stronger when the subsequent raincoat unveils its true appearance. Of course, it is also to better complete the content elements involved in [Task 1] by the way.

That is, the risk of 404 has increased sharply.

Copy and paste a large section. The content of the story can be converted into perspective in the mind and a large section can be quickly arranged and output. Finally, it is modified and spliced together, and a large chapter of 6000 words is freshly released.

The keyboard is still tapping endlessly, and Chen Chao's codeword enters the hi mode. He desperately needs a reader who can communicate!


He paused and stretched his sinful paw to the phone...

Outside the yard.

A light-off police car quietly stopped at the door. Deng Bin walked down and habitually glanced at the taxi at the door. It was the license plate of Haiguang City, which seemed to be fine.

The gate of the courtyard was hidden, and a rusty old lock was hung on it.

** Pulling Jiao Kai out of the car, Jiao Kai's legs trembled, and he bit his head and walked into the building behind Deng Bin.

It doesn't feel like going home, but like stepping into the open door of hell.