Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 28: suspicious? Elementary school students


In the bedroom, with big eyes and small eyes.

Xia Nannan withdrew the pitch-black cane, did not move under her feet, tilted her upper body, her pure black and cold eyes turned her head and swept the froze in the same place.

The cheap and inferior curtains fell in half and were blown by the wind, like a diagonally split silhouette.

The cracked and cracked glass panes were wrapped in rain along the curtains and splashed on the bed sheets. There seemed to be the sound of other heavy objects falling into the bed.

The voice was slight, like someone concealed a dumb fart.

**All my attention was on Xia Nannan. I didn't notice the two small black footprints on the bed sheet, and was soon wetted by the rain, spreading all the way along the bedside gap!

The heavy rain wet the bed and room, Xia Yannan put down her walking stick and lifted the hood of her raincoat to cover her hair. She turned around indifferently, staring at the seam of the black bed, her eyes moving in the direction that the black water smudged away.

In the house, as in a rainstorm!

As for hide-and-seek, Xia Nannan probably has a very paranoid desire to win.

** Frozen, he couldn't understand the scene in the room.

A man wearing a raincoat in the house and smashing the windows to get in the rain... Elementary school student

Obviously it is not like a criminal accomplice, so is it the victim or the kidnapped hostage

But it didn't seem to be the same. The other party had good mobility, and when the police broke in, the cold face was full of unwelcome!

**Being dumbfounded, he scratched his hair and looked back at Deng Bin with a silly look.

The bedroom door shook as expected, the old door shaft broke, and it slammed against the wall with a bang.

Outside, Jiao Kai's legs trembled, and he shivered very cooperatively.

"I didn't break this door. You can't add it to my rent in the future." Chen Chao reminded the landlord with a smile.

"A broken door can be used again after repairing it later." The landlord's aunt rarely has to compare it.

"The cost of repairing the door will be reimbursed by the police station afterwards." Deng Bin interrupted the landlord's sneer and observed the scene in the house a little bit.

From the position of Deng Bin station, the living room and bedroom can be seen in the eye.

It's no different from a normal low-cost rental house. The painted walls are filled with all kinds of debris, the ground is crowded with dilapidated second-hand furniture, and all kinds of things are randomly placed in a mess. Looking at it, they are all ruined. Son, there are few places where you can get off your feet.

"Allow me to go in and take a look?" Deng Bin asked Chen Chao's eyes straight and tried every word.

"I don't want to, you won't go in?" Chen smirked, with playful eyes.

Deng Bin's eyes fell cold, and he read from Chen Chao's eyes that he was confident and frantic.

"Just kidding, not so stingy, just come in." Chen Chao replied earnestly: "In exchange, you also invite me to go back to the office for a cup of hot tea, just spend the night."

Deng Bin couldn't figure out Chen Chao's brain circuit. He couldn't figure out what Chen Chao wanted to go to the police station, and what he was thinking about.

But he didn't have any reason to refuse, so he nodded: "It just happens to bother you to go back to the game and record a confession. It would be best if you volunteer to cooperate."

"I'm a novelist, and storytelling is my favorite thing!" Chen Chaoxi smiled.

In his mind, recording a confession is equivalent to telling a story, but the object of the story has been upgraded from a sand sculpture netizen to a policeman.


How many steps have you advanced? It's exciting to think about it! !

"You are waiting outside, you go in with me."

You are referring to the landlady and Jiao Kai, and you are referring to Chen Chao.

Deng Bin's eyes signaled Chen Chao to enter the house, and then he followed and closed the anti-theft door with his backhand.

Chen Chao knew what Deng Bin was guarding against, but he didn't care about it. He was a logical ghost with no fear.

Don't do anything wrong in your life, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night! !

Chen Chao smiled and walked to the bedroom, and then stood at the door of the bedroom, leaning on the door panel that was smashed, and didn't take the initiative to say a word, just silently glanced at Xia Nannan and the series of small black feet on the ceiling.

Deng Bin shook in the living room for a while. He was not very interested in places that were visible at a glance.

For example, the fruit knives on the coffee table, a bundle of white tape, and some scattered manuals and the like, he ignored them.

On the contrary, I am interested in the corners of some debris, such as under the coffee table and sofa, or behind a pile of debris on the wall, especially the refrigerator.

He opened every floor of the refrigerator. Except for two pieces of tenderloin that looked like freshly cut, the others were duck legs and chicken legs that had been frozen for a long time, or raw meat such as chicken wings.

And Deng Bin didn't think much about the two tenderloins. After all, the portion was too small, and it was too much different from the amount of meat after assuming a person's corpse.

Closed the refrigerator and moved his attention to the pile of empty paper shells next to the coffee table, he frowned and kicked away the pile of sticky toilet paper on the ground.

The paper towels on the floor of a young man's home are nothing more than two uses. One is to blow his nose and the other is to solve physical hygiene. In short, they are not in the scope of Deng Bin's interest.

Deng Bin checked the paper boxes and identified that they were all the paper shells of the courier, and the courier slips were pasted on them. The strange thing was that the courier slips only contained the recipient's information, and the name of the sender and even the courier company were blank.

"What's the matter with these express orders?" Deng Bin asked in surprise.

"Probably unscrupulous merchants and unscrupulous couriers. They are afraid that there will be problems with the items they send, and they will be held accountable." Chen Chao explained in a serious manner, "In the era of Internet +, chaos is frequent, even shoes. Only half of them are sent here."

Chen Chao showed Deng Bin his shoes, and complained: "Single shoes are expensive, but they are second-hand. The smell of the former owner's feet still remains in the shoes, can you believe it?!"

I believe in your big head.

Deng Bin didn't find any useful information from the express tracking number, but found that the star reviews under each express tracking number were painted with a bad review?.

He didn't know if Chen Chao was out of anger or boredom, or his simple and bad habits.

"Yes, the sense of responsibility to supervise and supervise!" Chen Chao understood the meaning in Deng Bin's eyes, and responded silently in his heart.

In short, the express boxes were very clean, and there was no clue that Deng Bin wanted.

He walked into the bedroom and first scanned the stormy bed, which was narrower and cramped than in the living room and bedroom, and there was no storage space to hide the body.

Deng Bin shifted his gaze to stare at Xia Nannan.

Judging from the appearance and height, he looks like a primary school student.

Wearing a raincoat in the house and smashing the windows, which play is this singing again

Also, what is the relationship between her and Chen Chao

Deng Bin had a few questions in his mind, and then he didn't know what plot he had made up by himself, so he stared at Chen Chao viciously: "Pedophile? But the sentence is to be measured!"

"Don't talk nonsense, as an author, I will never step on the 404." Chen Chao's expression changed for the first time, and he explained very seriously.