Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 30: Everyone in the hallway


The flashlight patrolled the gloomy corridor inch by inch, stopping at the place where the paint and garbage were splashed for investigation.

Deng Bin walked very slowly, observing every corner very carefully.

He didn't even dislike the stench of the garbage swill at all, squatting down and reaching out to check the contents of the garbage bag one by one.

Jiao Kai followed at the same time. He picked up the paint bucket stubbornly. On the one hand, he admired Deng Bin's behavior, and on the other hand, he was worried about not being able to find a corpse, and this concern had a clear tendency to become a reality.

The landlord’s aunt’s whistling and crooked voice behind him, Jiao Kai didn’t even hear a word. His mind was full of the horrifying death of the female corpse, and Chen Chao’s smiley face, like a stuck video in his mind. Play back and forth.

"He looked at me with a smile at last, telling me that this game is not over yet." Jiao Kai kept scaring himself, he was not afraid to overinterpret Chen Chao's expression with the utmost malice.

"If I can't find the body, I can't catch Chen Chao, then I' danger again." Jiao Kai realized that he had to plan for his own life. "Sure enough, I should have died just now. It's not coming out at the police station!!!"

"Perhaps, it can be remedied?" Jiao Kai racked his brains desperately. At this moment, he seemed to have an undesirable idea about the bed in the police station.

The aunt of the landlord, who was walking at the back, looked at a messy corridor, her face turned pale and her mental activity reached its peak.

"This policeman is still digging through the trash. He believes what Jiao Kai said. He still thinks that Chen Chao killed someone. This is looking for a corpse!" Aunt Grande couldn't help being flustered.

She was really worried for Chen Chao, and at the same time squeezed a cold sweat for herself.

In case, a corpse suddenly falls out of a corner later, or a pile of minced meat drips out of a plastic bag.

If this were the case, the residents in the building would have to shout to check out at dawn.

Fortunately, it was still a place of rubbish, and Deng Bin didn't even find any strands of his hair.

The landlord's aunt relaxed with the rolling pin in her hand, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Only now did she begin to think about the question Deng Bin had just raised in her mind.

"He asked what, oh yes, when was the lock on the courtyard door broken."

The landlord aunt quietly recalled everything tonight.

First of all, Jiao Kai ran out of the building like a ghost crying and howling. She went upstairs to look and stayed for a while. Oh, yes, she didn't see any corpses at the time, and there was nothing in the corridor that was so inaccessible as it is now.

Then, she went downstairs out of the yard and saw the yard door opened and locked in the rain.

She picked up the lock and found that the lock core had been broken, so she hung it on the door.

She thought that the lock was broken by Jiao Kai, and now listening to what the police said, the object of suspicion was not Jiao Kai, it was Chen Chao! ! !

Deng Bin checked the last piece of rubbish. While washing his hands in the water intake room, he watched the landlord’s urge and said, “I have checked all the rubbish. You haven’t recalled yet. When did the lock break?”

"This must have been broken by Jiao Kai. He ran out in the middle of the night without sleeping. I thought something was going on, so I followed it out to have a look." The landlord said with a scorn and frankly said. I saw the lock fell to the ground at that time, then he ran out at that time, and that was him."

"So you admit that you heard the movement in the middle of the night, come out and watch it, right?" Deng Bin shook off the water stain on his hands, walked up to the landlord's aunt, and asked, "Since you are out of the yard and watched it, it makes no sense to go upstairs and take a look. At a glance, right?"

"At the time, what was going on here, it was filled with paint and garbage, I am afraid it was not, otherwise you would not be so angry when you went upstairs for the second time!" Deng Holmes Bin keenly grasped the whole thing. The breakthrough point, whether Jiao Kai is drunk and talking drunk, only needs to figure out whose handwriting the tragedy in the corridor is from.

The landlord’s aunt’s answer has basically admitted that she has witnessed part of the matter.

The landlord swallowed and spit, feeling she was tempted into a condom.

A novelist, a policeman, not a fuel-efficient lamp, will bully her elderly aunt, the landlord feels very heartbroken!

"You roared when you went upstairs. I heard you right. Your name is Chen Chao's name. So... your first reaction when you see the corridor, you already know from your heart that this is what Chen Chao did, right? "Deng Bin's eyes became more severe, and he asked, "Hiding the facts is equivalent to shielding the criminal. Serious cases can be convicted of conspiracy. You'd better think clearly before answering my questions."

The landlady’s face dripped with cold sweat.

In the room.

Chen Chao used express paper shells and scotch tape to barely confuse the holes in the windows.

The wet curtains and bedding were rolled into a ball and thrown on the ground. The only pity was the magazine that accompanied him through the countless long nights.

The originally gorgeous girl on the cover has her face puffed up and wrinkled, her beautiful face turned into a wrinkled face, which makes people lose interest.

Chen Chao sighed, then turned his head and looked at the same peeling and painted wall next to him, but his eyes behind the lenses seemed to be able to penetrate the wall directly and reach the other side of the corridor.

"Haha, you really underestimated the degree of hardness of middle-aged women. If you want the landlord to admit that someone may have died in this building, then you might as well just kill her and be more straightforward!" Chen Chaosi did not worry about the landlord’s meeting. Crime, in this building, when it comes to the fighting power of Sapo quarrels, the landlord has been firmly at the top of the list.

Deng Bin’s set of reasoning logic may be effective for real criminals, but in the face of the stubborn middle-aged women, there is only hehe!

"Besides, there were no corpses in the first place. Some were just a novelist who deliberately wanted to enter the game and tell stories." Old God Chen Chao took out a few more glass beads from the glasses case and stuffed it into his pocket. The real headache is the glass bead lying in the pocket of my pants.

How could this person just stuff it into his pocket after picking it up

I know, this thing is valuable, how to drop it? ! !

"How do you get it back from his pocket?"

Even with ghostly thinking logic, Chen Chao couldn't think of a reasonable way for a while.

Standing at the entrance of the anti-theft door, he suddenly felt a bit cold at the base of his thigh, and he stretched out his hand and scratched it.

In the corridor.

The landlord’s aunt wiped off the cold sweat on her head, and said viciously, “I came up here, but I walked halfway down the stairs.”

"I didn't see the situation in the corridor very clearly at that time, but smelled a sour smell. It just so happened that Chen Chao upstairs told me that Jiao Kai was drunk crazy. I didn't take it seriously, so I didn't bother to go up. Ask Chen Chao to clean up the corridor."

"Chen Chao promised that I would clean the corridor, so I went back downstairs. I have to pay for the breakfast shop in the morning. How can I have the time to clean the corridor!" The landlord said more and more.

She said that she almost believed that this was the whole process at the time, "Isn’t this paint bucket belonged to Jiao Kai? It must have been spilled by Jiao Kai, but since Jiao Kai ran out of drunkenness, I didn’t catch it. Looking for him, then I will come up later, the evil fire in this stomach can only be angered by Chen Chao, who told him that he didn't clean the corridor!"

Deng Bin knew that the landlord was lying, but for a moment, he couldn't find any loopholes in the words.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and went to Jiao Kai's room with a straight face and took a look. As soon as he entered the room, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

The overturned dining table, the liquid beer sprinkled on the floor, and the sloppy wine bottles, anyone who looks at it can clearly restore the fact that Jiao Kai had a big drink tonight.

There is also a cell phone lying on the ground!

Deng Bin walked over and used it to unlock Jiao Kai, and a scream came from the phone!

It's a horror movie half-played. In the picture, a woman grinned sharply and opened her mouth. An ugly snake spurted out of her wriggling throat, spreading her sharp fangs, and crushing the head of the man standing opposite in one bite. Swallow...

How do the scenes in this movie feel surprisingly similar to some fragments in Jiao Kai's report? ! !